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About osmondrs

  • Birthday 04/28/1956

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario
  • Interests
    Basically, anything to do with the outdoors! Favourite among outdoor activities are fishing, canoeing, hiking, photography, amateur astronomy, climbing (a thing of the past, though). Wildlife is of special interest to me, bears being my top favourite.<br /><br />I hope to connect with some interesting folks with similar interests and learn a lot about fishing. I'LL CATCH A MUSKIE ONE DAY!!

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  1. I stand corrected, iC... thanks for letting me know. I may even go out & give carping a try this week.
  2. Good going, Jeff... have fun!
  3. Nice catch!! But ummm... doesn't the carp season open in May? Or did I read it wrong?
  4. Congrats & best wishes to you & your daughter . If I were you, I wouldn't worry about fishing on such a day. One day of horsing around is not likely to affect your fishing around career... Os
  5. Good work. The second & 3rd in this post are good compositions. I see that in order to compensate for the strong ligting, you had to reduce the exposure, which turned out to be a good thing, in my mind. While the shots capture the motion of water, it's not clouded, and thus a more natural exposure. It would be a good idea to try the same exposures in early morning or late afternoon/evening light. Thanks for sharing your work.
  6. The chain-link pic is a brilliant composition. As Brandon said, good eye!
  7. Awesome action shots, Brandon. The ducks surely knew what they were about! They were telling you water action shots will be as good - if not better - than flying shots. Great job! It's hard to pick a favourite out of these, but I think I'll go with #11.
  8. Nice, Brandon... the hummingbird is definitely my pick today. Nice capture!
  9. BPS should be conveniently on your way. Get hooks, lines, sinkers & the works... and oh, yes don't forget the kitchen sink! Have fun on the Niagara.
  10. Will touch base Friday. Forecast for Saturday look good.
  11. Geoff, for the weekend, I'm thinking more in terms of getting out late Saturday afternoon & fishing in the evening (have to start putting in some work on the backyard!!). Wonder what the forecast is like... I'll look it up.
  12. Taking a detour to Brantford & trying the Holland might be worth the effort as well. BTW, a post or an e-mail on what conditions you find will be much appreciated. I'm planning on getting out that way this weekend. If you're up to it, do let me know. Os
  13. I've never towed a boat, but I would tend to think the OD is designed to cruise the vehicle's original weight & a reasonable load IN the vehicle, and does not factor in the extra load it has to bear while towing another object. Even if you're driving on a level road, you need to consider the drag caused by the load being towed & even if the difference is not huge, it will ultimately have its effect on the transmission if subjected to it repeatedly.
  14. I think the Home Depot 'wallet stealing' thread did pretty well recently
  15. While I have no information on the Credit, just want to let you know that you're not alone in this 'boat'. Have carried my camera on each & every one of the skunk trips - and will continue to do so all spring/summer/fall long... LOL
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