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Big Cliff

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Posts posted by Big Cliff

  1. terry, that is one of the best reports I think I have ever seen! As you know (or might remember) I bought one of those Aquaview cameras last year, still haven't had a chance to really try it out but after watching that video I am going to get it all rigged up to go very first chance I get.


    Thanks again for the report!


    Big Cliff

  2. I have the 'fishermans solution from Cutco as well". Now, I have had problems with the blade lock on it but it has a life time warrenty and I am on my sixth knife in about 15 years. Super knife, and I really love it but there isn't anything wrong with the Rapalas either and they are a lot less money!

  3. I know how much you care for all around you and how hard you try to take care of everyone! He was your friend and he loved and trusted you to do the best thing for him. You didn't let him down!


    Bury him in your heart forever because it is the very best place to bury a good dog!

  4. Well, I have known Roy for years and I have never known him to laugh AT anyone. Clampet, I have met you, I have watched a number of your posts, I respect you, but I think you don't know Roy like I know Roy! Unitil I hear it from Roy himself I choose to believe that a person that I know asked for help and the only thing that bothers me at this point is that I wasn't there when he needed me. I'll hold that thought until I know differently!

  5. When I first moved into this place I wanted to install central air because of Sue's health problems. DE had a special advertised so I contacted them and a sales person came out to see us.


    He quoted us on a system and as a bonus, we were going to get Airmiles too and we didn't even have to pay for a year (no additional cost). (Oh ya, and after we signed up , we found out that the air miles program had expired so we didn't qualify)


    The system was installed in July and it worked fine. In the fall, we had an inspection done by the company that supplied our propane, turned out the central air system was installed within 5' of the propane tanks (apparantly a real no no). So I tried to contact DE. I went to their office on no less than 5 occasions ( it was about 200' from my office) the service manager was never available, and he never did return any of my phone calle.


    I called their customer service on numerous occasions, couldn't get anywhere there either.


    Finally called their billling Dept.. It was by then almost time to pay the bill. I explained the situation and told them I wouldn't be paying until the situation was corrected. I got a very polite letter from a young lady there telling me that "they were sorry for the inconvenience and would give me one free maintainance inspection for my trouble".


    By then I was really unhappy (ticked off) and told them to come and get the system, they declined but sent me a letter offering their "solution", no return address! so I called them back and explained to the lady on the phone that I had received a very nice letter from[wahtever her name was] and wanted to send a letter of thanks and copy here supervisor because she had been so helpful. I got a return address :thumbsup_anim: To which I promptly forwarded a notice to remove their equipment or I would have it removed at their expense and notify (can't remember the name of the regulatory board) of their infraction.


    Their equipment got removed two days before the deadline and I had the exact same model installed by a local contractor the next day for $700.00 less and done to code.


    me and DE= :angry:

  6. Yesterday morning about this time the same long range forcast showed way below normal temps for most of March.


    Yesterday afternoon, 680 news was saying temperatures for March should be about normal.


    This morning, the long range forcast looks like someone just flipped it upside down!


    Why am I so confused? :dunno:

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