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Big Cliff

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Posts posted by Big Cliff

  1. Dylan, thank you for taking the time to post, it sure sounds like you have been given more than your share to deal with. That you would take the time to try to help others in the midst of all the things going on in your life right now speaks volumes about your character!


    Sorry to hear about your Grandma, prayers for your son and your dad, may you all get through this and share many more years together!


    Please keep us posted and remember OFNr's are a family!

  2. Oh, I forgot to mention: I duct tape a 3 1/2" # 4, 12 gauge to the front of my mechanical broad head bolts. I use a butter fly net to collect the feathers! Sometimes I get enough to make a "royal coachman"! fly .


    The most important thing about geting out turkey hunting, is to get out! :thumbsup_anim:

  3. Had a lab and a canoe many years ago. he loved to hunt and we would often head back into the bull rushes to do a litle jump shooting.


    He would go right over the bow when he saw a duck fall, it was awesom! Only problem was he would always come back to the side of the canoe to try to get back in so it went like this: Duck would fly, I would shoot, dog would exit over the bow, I would head for the closest shore and hope I got there before the dog got back with the duck.


    Actually though, Lew's advice would probably work well in your case. Just give it a few trys in warm water with no other gear in the canoe.

  4. Well, you are right about one thing, anything but a "cottage" on a small lot in the Kawarthas is going to cost you more that $125,000.00. The lot next door to us which is about 70' X 300' deep is valued at about $160,000.00 and the cottage on it is ready to be "rebuilt". There are smaller lots available with "cottages" on them that might be in your price range.


    We spent 4.5 years looking at everything from French River to Peterborough before deciding on this place.


    Good luck in your search!

  5. Love or hate them, mechanical broadheads are custom-made for turkey hunting. There's no better way to get such impressive cutting diameters and accurate flight. It's no secret gobblers present small vital areas, complicated by their fidgety nature. They require pin-point shooting, and that's what mechanical heads are all about. If you do miss your mark slightly, wide cutting diameters give you an edge, swinging to cut something vital or creating such a devastating hole that a quick kill is assured. The average mechanical also transfers energy while opening, providing added shock to bowl over your target.

  6. Unless the house had a player involved Terry.


    I made over $10,000.00 playing Black Jack on line for real money (and got paid). I have played in tournments for nearly 25 years and would say I am an above average player, I've won my share. All of a sudden, I couldn't win a hand or at least nothing that mattered. Every time there was any real money on the line I would get excellent hands against dealer's bust hands but the dealer would always make the hand and I would loose. I quit playing before I lost it all back.


    If you want to play, go to a casino. Play against real people with real dealers, your odds will at least be real!

  7. There are lots of good spots to fish in the Kawarthas and only an hour and a half to two hours from Brampton. There is always the Bronte Creek etc. down at the lake shore. It is really going to depend on what you want to fish for and what you hope to catch.


    For some nice pan fishing type excursions though I would suggest the Kawarthas. I can probably point you in the right direction for a few shore fishing spots. Send me a PM, tell me a bit more about what you are looking for and I'll see what I can do.

  8. Give me a call, I live on Sturgeon Lake, fishing is good, there are a number of cottages for sale in the area. I don't know what the prices are but once I know more about what you want, I may be able to help you and NO, I am not a realestate agent but would suggest you eventually hook up with one in the area you decide to look.




    big cliff

  9. Well, I did make a set once and they worked quite well but by the time I figured out my cost for materials I probably could have bought a set on special for about the same money and spent a lot more hours fishing.


    As for release clips, I used a small alagator clip (available at any electronics shop, and a piece of heavy gauge heat shrink tube on each of the two jaws. I then used a shower curtin loop (the one shaped like an old style key hole) and attached the alagator clip to that to slide them down the line .


    For masts I went to an electrical supply shop and bought two pieces of metal conduit, I attached an eye bolt near the top and two simple clothing hooks further down facing in opposite directions to spool my line on.


    I may still have a bag of about 50/100 of the clips kicking around, PM me yopur mailing address and I'll send them to you if I can find them.


    One hint, use threaded rods to join your planer boards together so that you can adjust the angle if you need to for fine tuning and a piece of the bars that they use for tightening chain link fence is perfect for weight on your outside board, even has holes already in it for screws.

  10. hey Sinker, I won't be around during the day, going to help a friend frame in some windows and stuff but I should get home around 5, if you are in the area drop in. Coffee is always hot and sometimes if you are lucky there might even be a cold one in the fridge (might be a few weeks old LOL, just depends on who was here last)! Anyway, Hope to meet you one of these days!



  11. Not sure how they will handle it Roy, there is still a lot of ice out here and if the wind shifts before most of it breaks up there could be a lot more damage. Keeping my fingers crossed cause it has to just be heart wrenching to see your boat in that sort of a situation and not be able to do anything but wait and see.


    Yes Lew, that is the one.

  12. You are so right Lew, it is sad! Living where we are, I see it almost every day, garbage tossed at the side of the road, tires, computers old boats, the one that bothers me the most though is the old drums of god knows what dumped where it can leach into our water systems.


    There is a beautiful little section of gravel road not too far from our house that runs through a bit of bush. The sides of the road are littered with old furnature, tires, you name it. Every year it gets cleaned up, within a week there is more stuff thrown in there. I am thinking of donating a game camera to the city of Kawartha Lakes so that they can catch some of the abusers. Not that they would ever do anything about it but....


    Why do people have to be like that, there is a dump just a few miles down the road and most of the stuff there wouldn't even be a charge for. Just too lazy I guess!

  13. gallery_415_187_14438.jpg


    Well, I couldn't get inside to see how much damage has been done to the boats but if you look at the wall on the right and several of the supports you can see that the ice has done a number on them. At least three of the boats are now in the water and I am sure they will have suffered a fair amount of damage as the roof seems to be resting on them and at least one of them is partly submurged. I sure hope they have a good insurance policy. not sure whow's insurance would have to cover it, the boat owners or the marina's.


    And you think you had a bad day? :dunno:

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