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Everything posted by dizzidevil

  1. On my way there in about an hour. Hoping to land my first musky. Nice fish!
  2. does any one have a map of the lake that they can upload of the lake with good muskie spots to go to?
  3. very nice guys! I'm on my way up there on thursday! Any advice? like good spot to go and use?
  4. I went to natural sports today and they were telling me that the water level was low. Congrats on the win!
  5. I would do a drive to Port Albert.
  6. Now i'm really excited to go! Only two more days of work and i'm off to get me a musky
  7. all i'm going to do that this weekend is cast bucktails. I'm there for 3 days, somethings got to go for it!
  8. I to am new to the board, and can say i love this site. So welcome and hope you land that huge salmon.
  9. Hey everyone, has anybody been to port Albert lately? Going muskie fishing this week, but when i return I'm in the hunt for the silver bullet!
  10. Been talking with Joonmoon at work and I'm hoping to beat that 49 incher. Like i said hoping, but more then likely i'm going to get scunked since i'm going to the same place to stay.
  12. I too got a bait caster this year. It takes some practice to use, but once you get the hang of it you will be happy. I got a shimano. I too am a fan of shimano.
  13. Hey everyone! I'm a first time user on this site and must say WoW, I'm impressed with the way this site works! I've used other fishing forums, but this one is my first choice now. Well I'm going to Pigeon Lake this week and wondering if any one can give some hints, or even upload a map that i could go by? I'm searching for my first muskie, so than i can change my profile picture. LOL! Some help would be great!
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