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About ball9320

  • Birthday 05/17/1988

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  1. You can email me if you like [email protected] about snare thanks Jeff

  2. Spoke with the guys at the show and they have a great family deal. Told them we wanted to focus on good pike with enough walleye to eat, and per there availability we ended up with Snare Lake for June 4th for 5 days this spring. I'm sure we are in for some decent fishing but I was wondering if anyone has had experience with this lake, or the air service and their lakes in general. Any advice would be great! Cheers, Andrew
  3. I'm just about steelheaded out until the spring and looking forward to the ice season, Ive fished bass in Eugenia in the summer with a bit of luck (bass) but was wondering if its worth a shot through the ice. This lake is close to me (orangeville)and if anyone has any experience on the ice there I'd like to know more about it, thanks!
  4. Thanks all, very helpful info. As far as the slinky weights, are they not fished in a similar way to a pencil lead on the bottom of a three way swivel rig? If not then it is a totally new concept to me.
  5. I've been fishing steelies in the rivers now for four years yet have never taken my boat out on the river. I'm thinking about launching at Queenston sometime next week. I've read up on basics of the three way rig and watched some helpful episodes of Aaron and Barry's show yet would still like some advice for the current conditions. I'm mostly concerned with weather or not to get a NY state licence or weather the Ontario side is productive enough, and also which sections to focus on primarily keeping fast currents in mind. I have a 35hp lowe with a bowmount, any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  6. Thanks, Satellite maps are great! Just another question, on an american site it advises not to fish upstream of the Lewiston bridge without a guide if you have limited experience on the river due to fast current. I know the fishing is still pretty good up to and past the hydro dam just wondering how dangerous the water is, I'm in a 16.5 foot 35hp boat with trolling motor and such, just don't want to get into something nasty unexpectedly.
  7. Looks like an awesome day, I've yet to fish steelhead by boat but am thinking about heading down to the Niagara sometime next week. If you don't mind me asking where is the most convenient place to launch?
  8. I just learned how to fly last year, and an only a few hours away from having my full licence, and i gotta say i couldnt have picked a scarier time to decide to be a pilot. How many planes have crashed this/last year now? Its getting ridiculous. Recession making airlines/flight schools, etc.. cut maintenence costs or something? I really hope this trend doesnt continue.
  9. Hey, I live there and pretty much same as u said. lots of small pike a few maybe 5 pounds at the biggest. Some decent bass tho, most were gone after pike were introduced into the lake but this winter tons were caught through the ice oddly so that will probably be decent again this summer.
  10. Nottawasaga for sure any anything else you see running into georgian bay!
  11. Hey, I really have no clue about smelt fishing other than my moms Romanian and told me stories I always thought were gross of cookin them and eating them whole. Ha anyways for new info's sake i searched smelting spots, its an old thread but this should help you. http://ontariosportfishing.com/view_topic....id=6&id=177
  12. I dont know if its steelhead or salmon your after, but if your gonna be using artificial bait I would reccomend Berkley Gulp 2.5 inch floating worms in bubble gum colour. There no secret, but when the bite is off on roe, and around this time of year, they can be dynamite. Just make sure you rig your splitshot properly as you would with anything floating, Mike's Mallows included.
  13. Hey, not to discredit rock bass and perch and the like, but the time for bucketloads of them is coming soon. Trust me I totally understand you frustration with steelhead fishing around this time of year. But for the simplicity of goin by the river and even tossing out a live worm and float on a conventional spinning rod, and hooking into large,beautiful and fresh rainbows, it really can't be beat. I've only really got into steelheading in the last couple of years, but before id just take my 6,6 60 dollar spinning combo and follow my avid steelheader friend around for fun, net his fish and toss worms when he didnt have enough roe to share and caught quite a few of nice fish. For someone who appreciates resident trout fishing, I think given that given the right circumstances, and a nice peice of river, you would fall in love with stealheading like many others on these fourms. P.S. I could however go for nice pan fried perch right now tho, didn't get out for many this ice fishin season....
  14. Thanks guys looks like i have more options than I thought! And yeah if I head to Port Hope id imagine asking someone with a net before starting to fish would be the best idea, thanks.
  15. Hey everyone, headin to the GFs in Bowmanville on the weekend so obviously some fishing is going down. Problem is im at school in waterloo and not sure where to find roe in this area and will probably be goin straight to fishing friday morning. Also in the short two years ive been fishing tribs out east Ive still never bought a long net so I've stayed away from the Ganny in town. Is it decent fishing etiquette to ask to borrow a net if I hook a fish down there? I figure there will probably never be a time on fri-sunday where there wont be a ton of people down there anyways. Thanks.
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