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Everything posted by hurraylien

  1. i am renting a cottage in port albert this weekend its a crap shoot for there water is still low but i was at the saugeen monday and saw a fair number of rainbows caught and didnt see one salmon at dennys dam so might have to go there saw one guy nail about 6 fish in a row he said he was on 20.have to break this skunk run
  2. went to port albert today was pretty slow the water was pretty clear only saw 2 fish caught but both nice and fresh one bow and one coho oh yeah and one small chinny bout 3 pds it was green bow was caught on single egg and the coho on a worm need a little more rain
  3. iam off this week and iam looking for ride from the kw area to go trout salmon fishing of course i,ll chip in for gas.alll my friends are working and i dont drive and iam getting the itch.also like to meet some of you from the board.i know quite a few good spots some that arent too far so just msg me if anyone is interested in hooking up.
  4. not good high and dirty at the saugeen.probably be a few days yet but there were some fish being caught at the damn.hit owen sound as well lots of jumpers but no biters for me the water level was a little low and pretty clear.also hit kincardine slow there too at the pier.iam skunked again but it was great weather.heard thornbury and meaford were doing well do your research before listening to me though.
  5. yeah the sot went 2 for 2 on my little 6ft light action with 6 pd test hehe iam jealeous
  6. went to petro park action was a little slow,but there were a few being caught .water is still up but clearing i got skunked but my friend got into 2 decent fish one was pretty fresh for rebbeca st.Iam on my way to the saugeen for the weekend and should have a report on sunday for the ppl wanting to go that way
  7. is there a law against keeping roe from a dead fish on shore?
  8. while fishing dirty water is definatley tougher super dave is right fish slower water and usually closer to shore i have had some great times fishing the choclate also use lighter colours for roe bags like white and bigger size. fish have acute sniffers and can smell bait from a fair distance i still caught fish today on worms and visibility wasnt to great mind you they werent trout but if the shiners smelt it iam sure the trout could too
  9. so i went to bronte today the rivers is high and dirty.with lots of fish heading up river no stopping today maybe 6 inch of visiblity. a few ppl manged to catch a few by basically stocking them in the rapids where they slow down a bit so id say tommorow and the next day should be good and once the water drops should be able to fish the holes i caught nothing cept a rock bass and a few shiners using worms.fish on hoping to go wed evening possibly if anyone else is give a shout
  10. heres a tip that works on occasion if a fish is going for a run i bang on the top of the rod which gives slack for a sec and they sometimes turn around try and make them run against the current as well i dont go as heavy as you guys for line iam using six pd andes for main and four pd leaders and a 11 ft shimano power mesh with a whisker 1300 and have landed one 30 + and dont care to much if they break off cause iam not keeping them anyways i get alot of eggs from dead fish on shore and actually get more hooks bending than line breaking on 4pd raven line strong stuff
  11. i,caught a few with both hard shell and soft the carp also love them.all the trout i,ve kept from this one creek i fish all had crayfish in them
  12. just wondering if anybody else does this
  13. ok figured it out in my own question sorry
  14. iam having trouble uploading to my album is there a size limit? i just get msg and error has ocured
  15. i also hear washing your hands with toothpaste gets out the smell
  16. looks like a hen no hook in the jaw http://www.usgs.gov/features/lewisandclark...nook_Salmon.jpg
  17. just a vid from about a mnth ago
  18. ok got there about 8 checked rebecca st lots of fisherman and only a few fish got word from afew ppl there had been some fish around on the weekend and a bunch go up last night supposedly no bites for me didnt see any caught one fella said he lost five above the soccer hole iam sure the next few days will bring some action and mayhem iam thinking owen sound for the weekend
  19. fresh skein can be key.about 15 yr ago one of my first outings to bronte at rebecca st bridge 1st week of sept a few guys had caught a salmon and gutted it and used the fresh skein almost golf ball size chunks but used some spider wire to keep it on the hook.anyways they banged off 5 bows in a row.also in the river i,ll use a worm off the bottom non floating dont get as many bites as everybody thats floating off bottom but ninety percent of the time i get one its a female in the mouth and they do peck at it.also in the river i stay pretty close to the bank instead of the middle of the river the fish will circle and alot hold close to the banks they have a path that the majority of fish will follow.hope this is helpful
  20. ok i,ve been lurking here for a while.used to go to floatfishing.net till they got sticky about e-mail adresses.anyways.i,ve been fishing seriousley for about 15 yrs mainly trout and salmon.I like the smaller creeks and rivers.put in alot of time on the maitland,syndenham,nine mile,bronte and credit and recently whitemans creek.I mainly use a spinning reel but i float using that and a 11ft rod.i like to be able to switch to bottom bouncing or lures if necessary.real name is tony i dont drive so i dont get out as much as i like thats about it for now but was hoping to go to bronte tonight but not sure if its fishable any info would be appreciated.peace and tightlines
  21. hi new to the board anyone no if bronte is fishable today
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