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Posts posted by Paully

  1. I have a spot picked out on Lower Chemong. It meets the profile I researched in some europeon carp articles. I have 30lbs of corn that I plan on using for chum. I am going to start chumming the area next week every couple of day using thre holes 10 feet apart in a triangle. I think this should bring the fish in to feed. The plan is to set up inside the triangle. I don't think my 6 inch auger will work but hey I'll try anything once. I am going to use my portable hut so I may be able to see fish moving around.

    My set rod will be ballanced with the bail open to allow smooth line flow when the fish takes the bait and then...well I guess I will hold on and probably do a lot of yelling.


    I love a challenge.


    I found this picture posted by Beans a while back. It is one of my coolest photos I have seen in a while. Insert me in the photo hopefully next week.


    Let us know how you do..

    Sounds like you got a good plan.

  2. I am with you on this one Dirk. I find blurring backgrounds to be ridiculous and as a general rule won`t even bother to look at the pictures if they have been ruined, seems to me that when people do this it is more about looking for praise and a pat on the back.

    I am sure people have been catching fish out of that lake long before you were born young fella and will continue to do so. I would hazard a guess that you probably did not find this lake on your own more than likely someone told you about it and more than likely that someone who told you was told by someone else and so on.

    Mike I am sure your a nice young man but I find it a little curious that someone who asks a gazzilion questions on this form would bother to do that.

    I might invite you out Bass fishing next year if you don`t mind wearing a blindfold.LOL


    I totally disagree with you.. Next time you post a successful report please PM me and the rest of the people on this site where you were fishin and what was working.. Im sure i'll be hearing from you :wallbash:


    If you dont like blurred backgorunds quit lookin at these reports. Simple as that.

  3. If I can remember correctly your last post said you were on Simcoe. Last time I checked it is a large body of water. More people that go ice fishing on Simcoe are targeting Lakers, Whitefish and Perch and occasionally they will hook into a Pike by accident, I am also sure there are some targetting Pike like yourself.


    So my question is this, why blur the background? Thought this was a board to encourage fishing and help others. What is the purpose of hiding a location? You will probably say you don't want 50 others there next time your out, which makes sense, but I just don't get it. It's kind of arrogant if you ask me.



    Its not arrogant... its blurred so ppl like yourself are left guessing.. B)
  4. lol yup! had a 3-01 lead with 3 minutes left... lost 4-3!! cant really fault gustavsson for that. the defence kinda left him out to dry there.



    It does not matter what the score was.... My condolences go out to the Burke family.

  5. TJ, there's a huge ad on there from Nairobi Kenya for flies. Not sure if it's THE one I've heard about on other boards, but if it is it's got scam plastered all over it!



    ... Its legit.. the guys a Prince from kenya and all you have to do is send 5000.00 to him first and he'll send them right to you. :whistling:

  6. I get one or two every year.... the trick to eating them i to let them sit in the fridge for a couple of days... I quarter mine. and marinate in Italian dressing... Do the quarters right on the grill. The back is delicious!!


    Not a big fan of cleaning them however...





    Here's an easy way to clean a rabbit... is a snow she hare different?

  7. At the Spring fishing show you can get polarized shades for 20 bucks...I purchase from the same place each year... usually buy 2 or 3 pairs for the season.


    If your like me with shades they always get scratched, bent, sat on, lost, twisted, stepped on, cracked, thrown in the fire, dropped in the lake, misplaced ... and so on. :wacko:


    I find buying a few cheaper pairs is better than buying one pair thats 100 dollars.

  8. Please be aware that if you go in the "black bear county",

    chances for a bear encounter are quite high on a stream/river

    during the sucker run. In particular, avoid the shallows.



    ... I dont think he'll be encountering any bears fishing for suckers in Etobicoke. ;)


    Suckers will form big schools in deep areas of rivers..

    Worms and sometimes corn seem to work for me in past years...

    They are in most of the eastern tribs, if not all of them.

    There are a few different kinds to catch, but all of them are real ugly :w00t:

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