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Posts posted by Lunker777

  1. If you are getting into flipping and pitching, chances are you are getting into bass fishing for real. Once you figure it out and and start pounding dukers out of cover and docks, you will be transformed!


    IMO, you should do yourself a favor and spend the extra cash now on a decent flipping combo.....you will upgrade eventually to a burner bait caster (6.2 or 7.1:1 gearing) and a heavy stick, so you may as well spend the extra $$ now.....do yourself another favor and get yourself some cheep mono, 12-17lb and practice flipping in your yard. My neighbors used to think I was a nut job but now on a nice night we will all sit out front having drinks and the flipping stick becomes the main entertainment.......they set up beer cans and cups to see if I can put the jig in the cup, or hit the can ect. It's fun and will help you build confidence to fish the jig.....it's all about confidence and sticking with it.




    To tell ya the truth... Im actually fishing some tourneys this year and flippin is going to be one of our main techniques on some of the water we are fishing. Im a ROOOOOOKIE forsure so it will be good to get into flippin ! It also seems like a relaxin way to fish since your not huckin lures all day long ya know ?


    Hhahaha yea with the way the American dollar is right now, I think a trip over to BPS is in order and Ill be able to pick up a nice combo ! Do you have any suggestiongs on a decent reel with a flippin switch ?


    That would be a goood summer night.... a little holy board, maybe some horse shoes, a flippin stick and some cups hahah Can't get any better then that! WAIT... I forgot the POPS :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Lunker... the chances are that your back was already in a state when you were playing frisbee and playing simply activated your body's response system to the injury already in place. The body does many funny things to protect it's self.


    Well, with my job, I am constantly sitting... if Im at the computer, driving a piece of equipment, or driving my pick up to a customer or delivery.

    So thats one thing I have against me, the other is I wear work boats all day long. So that doesn't help either.

    I had sciatic problems a while back, like, 3-4 years ago. It was so bad it litterally took me 5 minutes to get out of the car !

    I got over that eventually.... but now this, and being only 23 years old, it SUCKS ! :(


    Like I said, I'm affraid I guess you could say to go to my doctor because like everything else ( Im not the only one of his patients to say this ) He just put you off like your a wimp and will give you some pills and say "see how these work, if it doesnt help, come back and see me"

    One example.... I have a peice of bone chip in my elbow AND a small peice of rock ( Best friends birthday in february, got a little deep in the beers and slipped on some ice landing on my elbow.... I think :oops::whistling::whistling::whistling: ) any how, went to see the doctor, tells me its just calased skin and if the dump doesn't go away in a couple weeks, come back and see him... well in that couple weeks the scab came off and I got to playing with the hole that was left and could SEE and FEEL the stone in there, but I didn't want to get it infected so I stopped playing with it and I left it till the next day to see the doctor.


    Next day comes, he walks in the room and asks me whats up, and I said well the rock has to come out... after about 5 minutes of him squeezing and rubbing and poking, he says

    "well I think the dump was a little bit of puss is all" I looked at him with confusion and say... "what about the piece of rock ????" and he asks... " What rock ??" :wallbash::wallbash:


    From that point on I lost ALL faith in him... he just doesnt give a crap about his patients. Again, Im not the first to say this.


    So here I am, coming up on 4 months later, still with 2 nice size chunks of SOMETHING stuck in my elbow. I cant go to the hospital because its not an IMEDIATE injury. And I can't go see him because it might interfere with his cross word puzzle or lack of being a doctor !

  3. Evidently playing frisbee is a way to mess your back up. We were bombin the frisbee for the first time this season... maybe 30-40 yards. I felt my back kind of tense up after one throw, but thought nothing of it and just kind walked around a bit. Frisbee came back to me, only this time when I tossed it, I was put to my knees in pain. Had to take a week off of work because I litterally couldnt walk. I spent the days on muscle relaxers watchin TV from the floor.

    That was about 2 months ago now, and I would say im only 70% better. I have to walk all the time and I cant sit for more than 30 mins-45 mins .

    It feels like someone has my lower back by the spine and is pullin the disks out.

    Chiro said I just "pinched a nerve" but I think its worse... and my doctor is an idiot so I dont know wether I should go see him about it. or just try and walk it off... any suggestions on what I should do ?

  4. Hey everyone

    Just want to hear some suggestions on a good combo for flippin n pitchin for around $150 ?

    Ive done a search, and I know that I can spend like $200 on a reel for flippin but I dont want to spend that hahah

    I know I need a long rod, 7'6". I just want a suggestion of maybe a brand thats a little better/cheaper than your average stick ya know ?


    Im also wondering if I can use my spinning combo I have... its a 7' HEAVY action with a shimano sahara 3000 reel.


    Thanks for any help !

  5. Hey everyone

    Just want to hear some suggestions on a good combo for flippin n pitchin for around $150 ?

    Ive done a search, and I know that I can spend like $200 on a reel for flippin but I dont want to spend that hahah

    I know I need a long rod, 7'6". I just want a suggestion of maybe a brand thats a little better/cheaper than your average stick ya know ?


    Im also wondering if I can use my spinning combo I have... its a 7' HEAVY action with a shimano sahara 3000 reel.


    Thanks for any help !

  6. One thing I have noticed lots with Kijiji is that if the add is bogus, usually its taken off with in a day !

    Also, I live in Chatham, when I check the "Chatham-Kent" kijiji site, I get lots of adds from London, Sarnia, Windsor, etc.

    I think they take a radius around the area you are looking and include all the adds in that area.


    One thing I question is.... Why would a person go out and spend ALLL that money on extras for the boat... plus spend a whack load on the boat.... and never use them/install them ??? hmmm


    There are to many ???? with this add.... to good to be true ? usually is !

  7. that is all I used before they were good I used mine today with the new 70lbs minn kota and it worked great should be no problems at all.


    Out fishin today were ya ???? Thanks for the phone call ! hahah jk jk

    Im stuck at work on this beautiful day !

    So you used the Energizers eh ? they worked good ? sweet !

    Thanks Mike

  8. Hey all you well knowing people out there.


    I just got an Energizer deep cycle 850 amp given to me for a gift from my uncle. I was curious if anyone has used them before ? I was checkin them out and I was going to come here and ask only a couple days before he got it for me. But I never got the chance. I think he paid $80 on sale... Reg. $119

    I plan on using it for my trolling motor only... should be good eh ?

  9. Hey everyone...


    I have a couple of questions regarding my motor.

    The coweling is a little lose on the bottom end... When I have the top piece off, I can see a gasket or seal or something, (a rubber ring) thats out of place. I guess the best way to describe it would be to show you !





    Here is an example of the amount of play in the piece





    Does anyone know why there is a rubber seal there ? Is this a big problem or no ?

    I know that when I go to snap down the top piece, its a little lose aswell !


    Thanks !

  10. Good game and i was for Detroit but that 4th goal where buddy was shoving the goalies pad into the net...come on that should of been a call, shoving the goalie into the net, should of been interference.


    You may be right.... But you gotta remember, I believe it was game 3 or 4..... When the Wings CLEARLY scored a goal in regulation time with about 2 seconds left... and they disaloud it, because time "ran out" hmmm... whats the excuse for that one Ducks fans ?


    Im pretty sure Hiller wasn't pouting then.... more like grimising because there was a MASSIVE horse shoe in his :asshat: !!!!


    The kids a great goalie. But to quote one of my fav movies ( Happy Gilmour ) " Better luck next year "

  11. i triple that............they equate to my hatred for the Cowboys of the NFL. I say give it to someone new and make it exciting.........Chicago being the best to fit that description. Theyve been out of it for a long time, it'd be good to see. Instead of detroit fans going......ohhhhh, another stanley cup, uh, yeah , thats pretty cool. errrrr awesome.


    Is that what all the Montreal fans said when they won so many cups ??? :dunno:


    I love watchin Detroit win the cup year after year.... its gives all the HATERS something to talk about :blahblah1::blahblah1:


    The team is good... thats the point. So they win ! I mean, it will EVENTUALLY run out, but Im enjoyin it while it lasts.


    By the way... Osgoods still got it !

  12. you can get the rivets at Maple City marine I dont know what they charge to install them we did our own like you said just use a hammer and another metal object I used a small anvil "METAL ON METAL" LOL sorry flash back. hold the one side very firmly and softly tap the rivet from the other until it smushes down tight. Check and see if Merrit marine will do the work or Chatham Marine these two I would recomend or do you have one at work? I would think one of the guys could help you out.


    Hey Mike..


    I was told that Fentons would be a good spot to go to. My grandpa went to maple city and they didn't really give him any answers.


    I never thought to try Merritt marine.. GOOD THINKING hahah I guess as a last resort ill have to go with the " METAL ON METAL" as you would say hahah


    Oh by the way.... My uncle surprised me with a brand new deep cycle battery today when I stopped in for lunch !!! looks like I'm all powered up for the trolling motor ! aha thanks again !

  13. I think more info is needed first. Like how big is this boat. What HP motor are you intending on using. What bodies of water will this vessel be used on. If all the answers are on the small side I would go fishing in it...... but if your thinking on a high horse power outboard and you will be fishing Lake Erie I will stay on shore and fish if you don't mind... :)


    wells its a 14.5 aluminum with an 18HP merc on the back... I plan on using it in rondeau bay and small lakes up north when we go to the cottage.

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