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Posts posted by 4x4bassin

  1. I dont know if mice would be a major problem if you are storing the boat completely outdoors.Usually they are seeking a warm spot in a building or underground.Someplace where the snow will keep them insulated from the cold.A boat hull, on a trailer 2 feet above ground, would be a cold place to spend the winter.

    I would think storing it inside would be more of an attraction to mice, than keeping it in a backyard.

    just remove the seats and cushions and life jackets etc. But put some moth balls in anyways, just to be sure.


    You are some what right Paul but from my experience it is the shoulder seasons you have to worry about (late fall/spring)

    At those times the mice will be looking for some where to live and the damage can be done at this time .

    Once the cold of winter rolls around they will move on to a warmer spot , hopefully not your house/garage :angry:

  2. One thing that no one has mentioned is mice , these little critters will get into everything ,so be carefull

    if you have mice around your storage area !

    I had a friend of mine get mice into his engine and they made a nest and stored all kinds of crap in there as

    well as chewing up all his wiring.If I remember right it cost him several hundred bucks to fix !!

  3. I have seen some fishing pictures from this area a couple of years ago when the group was fishing in a burnt out area

    and I mean burnt out not a single tree for miles just blackened stumps and trees with the odd bit of green grass.

    It sure looked strange with a guy holding a beautiful lake trout in his canoe with the blackened moonlike landscape behind


    I guess we can consider ourselves lucky that Algonquin has not suffered this fate in a very,very long time but i'm sure

    her day will come, just hope it's not in our life time !

  4. I live just north/west of Alliston and I smelled it as well (burning plastic) had to close all the windows , and you know what

    I can smell it again tonight in the last half hour , more of a wood smell this time. Maybe someone is having a bonfire but I don't

    know because it is raining out !

  5. A couple months ago I was driving to work through Hockley Valley and I was following a cadilac suv when all of

    a sudden out the window comes coffee cups and paper bags with who knows what's in them , I see it is 4 teenagers

    and I would assume they were heading home from Wasaga.I was able to get along side of them at the next light and I proceded

    to explain to them that the roadside is not a garbage dump , well to my shock the kid driving the suv told me off

    and the passengers all flipped me the bird !

    Well that didn't go to well with me so I got there plate # and phoned the cops. The dispatcher took down the info and

    said thanks. About 5 minutes later to my surprise an OPP officer called me back and said that she was disgusted with

    the litering of roadsides in our area (Caledon/Dufferin) and was going to pay the owner of the truck a visit (it was

    in her district) and remind them that the roads are not garbage dumps or she was going to catch them on the road and possibly issue a ticket !

    I guess this punk won't be going to the beach in daddys caddy any time soon !!!!!

  6. This is pretty funny because I had the same Bob Izumi rod you guys are talking about and just broke it on my last trip, this thing was tough as nails

    but it couldn't handle an atv roll over (tough trail) I have looked for the same rod at a couple CT stores in the area with no luck !


  7. I'm looking for a good/decent 2 piece casting rod that I can take on my atv trips , I have one piece rods but they are too awkward

    to travel with on the atv . I don't want to spend to much since it is going to be traveling around on the atv getting beat up, say around

    $75.00 .

    Any suggestions

  8. Nice report and yes some good eyes for that area ! I fished in that area a couple years ago , we caught the train out of

    Foleyte and traveled north toward the game reserve.Alot of small stuff but nothing as big as these ones.

    Did you see any of the "white moose"that the Foleyte area is famous for ?

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