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Posts posted by 4x4bassin

  1. If I remember there was a guy on this board back in the spring talking about his resort/campground on that lake but the thread was shot down (spam)

    Sorry , can't remember the name of it !

    From what I have been told , Weslemkoon is a great bass lake , good luck

  2. Was up at the trailer again last week to see if my lake trout "sweet spot" was going to produce again like it did the previous week , I was thinking I maybe got lucky that week but sure enough they were there and more than ever . The spot I found is a large deep bay just off the main lake that has a deep flat in it around 60' , I have fished this flat for a couple years now picking off the odd trout here and there that I see on the finder but just last week I came across the "spot" It is a small rock point way in the back of the bay that comes offshore in about 10' of water for about 40' then just drops off to 55'-60' of water in a matter of a boat length. On the one side of this dropoff there seems to be a "horseshoe contour" to the drop and thats where they are stacked like cord wood !

    I have been getting out to the spot for about 7:00 am but found out that the best time is between 8:30-11:00am so no need to get up early !

    In two mornings I managed to boat 11 lakers and had alot of followers/swipes , the average size was probably around 27" with two being over 30"

    Here are some pictures








    Over the last couple years I have really got into jigging for these guys and through alot of trial and error I think I have figured them out, I have found out to watch the finder screen for any arcs that are high in the water column 10-15' off bottom and ignore the ones right on bottom , the ones that are cruising high are feeding and the ones near bottom are no where near as aggressive.The perfect screen to see is one that has more than one arc 10' off bottom , from past experience when you drop a jig on these guys they always hit and hit fast ,it is almost like which one can get there first !

    Here are a couple screen shots I took of this exact situation. I hope you don't mind these screen shots I post but I find them very interesting and telling especially at the time !






    This is the big one of the day and my personal best , it was just under 32" I don't know what it weighed but I would guess between 12-15 lbs. Not bad for a medium sized inland lake. This laker was eating well because it had a huge body compared to its head, almost had a humpback and was fat !

    This guy was caught at 11:00 am , bright sun , bluebird sky and no wind just on that dropoff in 35' of water. Not what I was expecting for sure but I do now.






    Hope you enjoyed

  3. Ya , they are stockers. You can't really see it but the adipose fin (upper back) is clipped.

    The lakers in this lake are usually dark but this batch I got into were more silver.

    The moose looked like a calf and was definitely on a mission to get to the other side of the lake , literly swam 30 feet from us in the middle of the lake . It is amazing how good those guys can swim !

  4. Was up at the trailer in the Parry Sound area for the long weekend and enjoyed some great weather and fishing. Did a little bass and pike fishing

    with some success but I really enjoy getting up early and chasing deepwater lake trout . I have really got into this pattern of deepwater jigging

    for lakers and have been quite successful at it compared to trolling around , there is no comparison in my opinion .

    The lakers were really active last weekend and I had alot of chasers and hits but only 3 in the boat which isn't to bad, it was a real blast having

    these guys shoot up off the bottom and swipe at the jig and I do mean swipe , for some reason there was alot of action but they were not smacking

    the jig .

    Here is a screen shot of a chasing laker hitting my jig .




    This is a pic of the biggest one I boated




    This is my fishing partner with a early morning visitor




    Jig of the weekend




    Back up this week to try again and have some fun

  5. I have seen this many times at a few remote areas as well. These :asshat: go through the effort of putting there garbage in a bag but when they leave the camp they leave all the bags behind thinking that the garbage man is going to fly in on his magic helicopter and pick up the bags and of course the local critters/varment rip the bags apart as well making it even worse !!!

    I was just at a remote camp a couple weeks ago and someone threw a garbage bag full of about 100 beer cans in the fire pit and lit it up , well the bag melted away but the 100 beer cans were left in the fire pit for the next guy (me) to pick up . WAKE UP children , pick up your garbage !!!

    Sorry for the rant but these acts of lazy,disrespectful littering is ruining some of the most beautiful parts of this great province.

  6. Just got back from that area and I can tell you that the blackflies are done , the mosquitos were surprisingly not bad compared to previous years but the horse/deer flies were bad !

    Grab one of those thermacell's , they work and if you have the mrs. with ya it will be the best 30 bucks you spend on the trip !

  7. Our annual laker trip has come and gone , so I decided to post a small report. Myself and a couple friends have been going on this atv/fishing

    adventure for a couple years now every May and it's a blast to say the least !

    We drive a couple hours north of Barrie through some tough roads untill we come to the trail head and park the trucks and start unloading our bikes

    and gear just to load it all back on to the atv's for the remainder of our journey. As you can see space on the bikes is at a premium so basicly only the essentials go !




    The trail to the lake from this point is roughly 14 km and takes around 1 1/2-2 hours to travel , it is a long , slow rocky trail for most of the way

    and as well takes us through some very scenic hemlock stands as we get closer to the lake.







    You may be asking where are the boats , we have them stashed in the bush lakeside . We finally make it to our camp site and start setting up and gathering wood for the next couple days.

    This is our fire pit/sitting area of our camp , doesn't get much better then this !




    I started having camera problems at this point of the trip so the pics. are limited.

    We use to troll around with the usual spoons and rapalas with some good success but found that the lakers in this lake were suckers for jigs . I take the finder in with us and we basicly go to the deep holes and deep flats and when I see them on the finder I stop the boat and drop the jigs down on top of them , boat control is very important with this pattern so you can keep your jigs vertical !

    Here is a couple screen shots I took , the first one shows how far a laker will actually travel to hit your bait (30 feet) and chase !




    This is a screen shot of a frenzy of activity as soon as the jigs went down , we caught lots in this spot !




    In total our boat caught around 35 lake trout in two days and the other boat got a little less and all were released except for these three that we kept for our Saturday fish fry.




    The fish in this lake are all natural , no stockers and there diet mostly consists of bugs and freshwater shrimp making there meat very orange/red and tasty unlike the greasers you get in the south that feed on smelt there whole lives.

    These were the jigs of choice for the weekend and the bottom one being there favorite (It's pretty beat up) They range from 1-2 oz




    We made it out and are now planning another trip to the same spot in September , Hope you enjoyed !



  8. I have used it several times in the past and it works for me , as a matter of fact it is still holding strong on my tinny after 10 years.

    What I do is make sure area is clean and dry and put boat in the sun to heat up the aluminum , this makes the weld flow nice . Make sure you

    let it dry/cure for a good 24 hours before using.

    Good luck !

  9. I use to troll around my favorite lake trout lake untill my arms fell off with some sucess , now I jig for them 90% of the time with great sucess. I don't know if you have tried this technique but it sure works !

    I use big bucktails around 3/4-2 oz depending on depth and watch the finder for hooks down below and drop the jig on top of there heads and get them chasing , if you have access to a good finder and some big bucktails where you are going try this pattern , you won't be disapointed.


    Good Luck !

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