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About RsX

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    cars,racing,fishing :)

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Jesus it’s been a long time good times on this board OFC some good people
  2. i caught a snakehead at the islands and damn the teeth on those things crazy
  3. Yea i drove down there sunday to check things out with the dog, 2 cop cars in the hotel parking lot and 3 guys fishing right at the damn kinda pissed me off, talked to police they tolled me they will contact the CO's then they left what the hell is up with that. and there are still sign's there
  4. sorry the transducer would move once i start to paddle and
  5. how do u guys mount the sonar on your canoe if anyone does on here??? I mounted mind last year and never got it quite right cause as i gained speed it would move. so was just wondering how the pros do it i remember seeing a pic one nicely done in a magazine not looking to buy a 200$ humming bird mount
  6. dsn

    Time to go carping !!

  7. is it cheaper???? like does it really make 100 plastics??
  8. nice one fidel
  9. well said dan only thing that gets me is the way these people do to the females cut,egg, on the ground than people walk by see this and they hate fisherman i heard people walking by and cursing fisherman cause the dead females. it's a conversation that can go both ways as we can see in this thread but as in hunting you make your catch presentable so why don't salmon get the same respect at least hide them in the bush so how long do the salmon spawn for i seen them at the humber 2 weeks ago so iam guessing they spawn for 3 weeks than the males die do the females to?? or they go back to the lake?
  10. yea that is very werid i seen lots of males to they can't tell the difference??
  11. another place is old mill / humber river when i went there last week to walk the dog on the trail wow that place is jammed packed there is a sign no fishing at dam and people are fishing there
  12. hey nothing wrong with keeping her as long as u eat her up to
  13. iam going to try braided line with my bait caster and been researching and see that u gotta use a differernt kind of knot with braid so what knots do u guys use with braid and what do u think of braided with a bait caster??
  14. so this doesn;t smell up your house when they are in the oven?? and how much do u need to buy from the online store?? i see the they come in 50 g bottles how many bottles for 30 spoons
  15. has anyone ever fished this lake what's in it?? any luck
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