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Everything posted by jrego7

  1. lol. damn if that was my truck I think i'd cry... I take it not 4x4? Maybe that would've helped the situation. nice eyes.
  2. I want to invest some money into some waders. I am willing to spend $500 or even a bit more. Any links or advice from experience would be appreciated. Thanks
  3. Thanks guys. The fish was in fact kept. I'm sure there are lots more in there. Right place at the right time lol. After a certain size they are no longer preyed upon. Can't wait to get out again this week or weekend
  4. Got off work early on friday. Decided to go fishing. So I went out and spent some time catching a dozen minnows. Headed out to the Grand. Within a few seconds I was getting hits like crazy and also getting robbed. So I switched it up to a larger hook and Bamn started hooking into some fish. Landed a 2 lb walleye and a few smallies. One at about 1.5 lbs. I saved 2 minnows for a spot. Within minutes I get slammed in the rapid's, I'm like omg! What a BEAST! Within 20 seconds the fish was sucked dry of energy lol. It weighed 6.5 lbs and measured in at 26 1/4 inches. http://img403.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img1118bd8.jpg http://img122.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img1117cz1.jpg
  5. make sure you buy a premium brand. I bought a 8 GB off ebay it worked fine until I wrote a certain amount of data to it. I guess some sectors are corrupt. What a waste of money and a lesson learned.
  6. Okuma VS reel. Very nice. Ebay.
  7. At first I was looking into buying the stradic then I saw the Okuma VS and I bought that instead. 5 year warranty. Then the line lay guide broke on me and I had it sent back for repair which I should've done myself considering it would've probably been cheaper. Cost me roughly $40 to ship it to California since I couldn't get a hold of Rockies Tackle in Orillia. $150 for the reel + $40, it's becoming an expensive reel lol. I guess from not flipping the guide back over and letting it clunk weakened it :| Ya live and ya learn. the 2500 and 3000 differences are in size weight and sometimes ball bearings depending on the models you compare
  8. Thanks! That's where I was headed but wasn't sure where the path was.
  9. I bought an Okuma VS45 for roughly $160 back in may and it busted on me last month. I chose it because of the 5 year warranty it holds. It cost me roughly $40 to ship it to Ontario, Ca(with return shipping). I couldn't get a hold of Rockey's Tackle(authorized repairman). Tried numerous times. All in all it's a pretty descent reel just the service from Okuma is horrible. Just thought you should know that if you were looking into Okuma.
  10. I've been reading here for a few days now and decided to join the community here at OFC. I'm thinking about fishing Niagara tomorrow offshore. So far I hear the whirlpool produces good fishing. I'm not to familiar with the area or where the exact path is that leads you to the whirlpool. My gps will take me there! I would appreciate any input anyone has to give like other good spots or the path entrance.
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