im wondering if the steelhead would be in the Ganaraska river by the mouth right now. I see people are catching them in other places right now but not sure about the "Ganny".
I have a Rapala magnum musky series rod it's 6'9 and i can throw anything with it it's rated for 2-6 oz lure and it's very inexpensive. I've caught some muskies on it and it handled them well.
Thanks everyone for there replys.
I was thinking about getting the Compre but i only have 110 to spend and i think it's like 140 at the store i usally go to. So i think I'll grab the convergence and see how it works.
Just wondering if any one has had any experience with the shimano convergence musky rods. Thinking of buying one but want to hear some of your opinions before I go buy it.
Thanks, Josh
Hello, I'm wondering if any of you have had any success fishing Little Lake in Peterborough, I have heard it's good but have only caught a handfull of small ones.