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Posts posted by Bondar

  1. Sorry if someone went over this. But I'm closing on my first home March 3rd with my GF, we both had an idea of what we wanted, and I avoided a reno home to a well keep home, I ended up with a house that was at our high end of budget but move in /liveable. There's room to upgrade but liveable, if I had to do a full reno debating over. Paint, counter space......etc..... I'd be a bachelor and fishing the salt all winter , Dang......... I'd only flip or build my forever home if I could afford a second home I don't want to live in a construction site

  2. If any of you folks with Facebook would be so kind, I'm enter in a contest on The New Fly Fisher Facebook page If you could take a second and give my fish Fumble picture a like it would be appreciated! Plus it's good for a laugh

  3. Check sierra trading post.com

    The have great deals

    Redington sonic pros for just over $200 and Patagonias also some simms if you catch the right day they have promo codes for up to or more than another 30% off worth a shot. I've bought from there without issues,

    I had bare blackwater II for 4 years and they just started to leak so I aqua sealed them for back ups and bought simms g4s time will tell on those though

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