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Posts posted by Bondar

  1. i'm going to a friends cottage the first week of July its on Clear lake , and runs into Little Whitefish and Big Whitefish lake the cottage is just a bit south of perry sound i believe , township of humphrey



    just wondering what i could expect to fish for in there , i know its a real deep lake in parts just not sure whats in there



    Any help would be great !



  2. Way to go Bondar. It's a goal of mine to catch a carp on my fly rod. Been trying for a couple years now but none yet. I haven't tried a corn fly yet tho'. Maybe I should give them a try. :canadian:




    thank you !! this is only my second one on the fly rod , and im hooked its a riot , if it wasn't for the fly rod i dont think youd see me fishing for these things, haha but they fight hard and its a good way to kill time in the summer

  3. Nicely done Bondar...Carp on the fly is mad fun...I haven't done it for a few years but I had some of the most fun I ever had doing it. One of my most successful patterns for carp was a 2 inch black or olive rabbit strip with dumbbell eyes tied to a hook.






    i've heard that now from a couple people! i just havent gotten around to tying any yet , its pretty much a weighted woolley bugger kind of idea no?

  4. drove home from the Girlfriends house in mississauga today and grabbed the fishing gear cause i couldnt get out all weekend and headed down to the local pond for an hour , pratice some roll casting and try and hook a carp on my last stop out on the way to the car i tricked this one into biting some where 6-7 pounds !!! was so nice out a shame to go to work !



    hooked on a corn imitation !!!

  5. Ok guys i have a problem with my truck !

    its a

    2007 Ford Ranger Sport 4x4 with 65,000



    Heres my problem believe it or not lol ,



    when i start my truck the stereo works fine no problems soon as i put the truck in drive the stereo shuts off , put it in nuetral it will turn back on , switch it back in drive or reverse it turns off so i'm stumped all the lights and controls work on the stereo still but there is no sound unless in Park or neutral


    i dont get it !!!!


    can someone help please lol

  6. > New York has become the first state to require life jackets for everyone in all small pleasure craft during the six coldest months of the year, when capsized boaters drown faster in chilly water.


    >ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- New York has become the first state to require life jackets for everyone in all small pleasure craft during the six coldest months of the year, when capsized boaters drown faster in chilly water.


    >Starting Nov. 1, kayakers, canoeists and all those aboard motorboats under 21 feet must wear Coast Guard-approved personal flotation devices while on lakes, the ocean or other waterways.


    >The rule remains in effect through May 1. Violators will face fines ranging from $100 to $250.


    >Similar measures apply to canoes and kayaks in Massachusetts and to all manually propelled vessels, including rowboats, in Connecticut.


    >Falling into cold water can trigger shock, disorientation or gasping and inhaling water. Immersion can lead to hypothermia and passing out.








    Dont forget this to , not needed now but some people havent heard of it

  7. I just got a pin recently and didn't get much steel action so I decided to try my luck with carp but realized I have no idea how to rig it. Also how to I stop the pin from freely spinning if I put the rod on a rod holder?








    no idea how to rig but as for the spinning freely does the reel not have a clicker?

  8. i would just pressure wash it , (if you dont have one go to your local coin wash )

    sand the seats smooth or recover to avoid slivers if your gonna have the little one in there

    like mentioned painting the inside is just a waste its gonna look the same as it does now in a month

    other than that i would just use it if it doesnt leak , or if it does use that money to fix the leaks



    if you were planing on putting a motor on it i would replace the transom wood

  9. The one that I got is the10ft 8-17 now I just need to find a half decent spinning reel for it...




    isnt there a rebate on right now for that rod ? 15 bucks off?



    if your model number ends with an A like so CVCL106M2A you should have gotten a rebate card with it rebate goes till the 30th of this month just a heads up worth a try

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