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Posts posted by Bondar

  1. My dog gets Acana as well , he doesnt need near as much as when he was on the kirkland brand and he looks better than ever since hes started eating it !! like said before its pricey but well worth it IMO!

  2. Regarding the story of the dingy that attempted to climb the class 5 rapids on the lower Niagara River, a reliable source sent me this, but asked not to be named:


    Here is what the two people on the Zodiac were doing or at least what they told Lewiston, NY Police. “This couple set out from Quebec driving to Oshawa, ON. Because the traffic was so bad, they decided to take this small zodiac from Oshawa across Lake Ontario to the Niagara River. Once there, they set on their way to the base of Niagara Falls (THAT’S RIGHT, the base of the falls) so they could take some photos.”


    I’m not sure if they knew the rapids were there or not, but they clearly had no appreciation for them based on the route they took, let alone any white water knowledge…


    Even if they some how managed to navigate those class 5 rapids at Devils Hole, they still would have had to deal with the whirlpool, and the class 6 rapids too! The Whirlpool Jet Boats aren’t even equipped to deal with those rapids!

  3. Saturday my Dad and myself were fishing the lower river for Bass in a tourny that was going on ! sometime around noon we decided to take a run up river to Devils hole. So we started to make our run up the river and i look behind the boat and see a small Zodiak coming up right behind us , maybe had a 25 hp honda 4 stroke on it ! So we get to the spot were most normal people stop when you get up past the power dams , and this little Dingy keeps going Full bore up the rapids and from what we saw no life jackets on , they continue up river until we couldnt see them anymore ! not thinking much of it thinking maybe they had done that before , so we cracked a couple jokes and started fishing

    , about 20 min later we see the little boat coming back down river Prop side up followed closely by a jet boat ! so seeing the jet boat there we figured that they had pulled the people on the Big boat and were just keeping an eye on the dingy, but as it got closer we could see 2 people floating in the water now with life jackets on , so we figure either they put them on at one point before they got any further or jet boat somehow got the jackets to them both, they were floating on their backs not doing much paddling , by then another Empty jet boat had shown up and picked up the first person , we motored over to the second person and pulled her to our boat and then took her over to the jet boat ! after that the Jet boat guys recovered the Dingy and dragged it to the US marina .

    Both people seemed shookin up but doing well ! i still cant figure out what was going through these peoples heads to where they both thought it was a good Idea, both people were near 40 years old i would say and in quite a bit of Shock


    Lesson of the day ; When going to the whirlpool USE THE STAIRS!







    these next 4 photos are courtesy of the Niagara Jet Boat Tours





  4. Friday after work Ed(Niagarasteelheader) and myself headed up to Perth for a long weekend camping trip

    Eds brother and friends had arrived up there on the thursday night so all and all i think there were 10 of us or so it was a great time lots of fishing , fires, food and one or two pops


    i didnt get to many pictures , well cause most of the time i just forgot , and none of the fish were really huge but i think in all 3 trips fishing in my boat Ed and I landed 16 pickeral or so , a bunch of bass some catfish and sunfish and a snapping turtle :D

    Ed tried his hand at fly fishing for the first time ever and ended up getting the only pickeral on the fly rod (DAMN YOU) , plus him and i got a bunch of sun fish and bass on it as well












  5. my 07 ranger 4x4 auto 4.0l sport has a 60 l tank , and i get like 470-500 km on a tank a fuel on a good trip , less in cold weather , i find the truck useless in 2 wheel drive in any kind of snow , it also has a leer fibreglass cap on it

    i've towed a 16' lund rebel with a 40 on it without problem cant even tell its there

  6. Watch out Mike, one turns into many...





    That picture is worth more than most peoples cars LOL!!!! LOVE IT



    I just bought that exact reel but in a lefty, got it sunday, by monday at 2 pm it had 4 eyes on it a 20lb carp and a wack of sheap head LOL i like it way more than the revos i've had

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