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About Lungelarry

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Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. 2 years to get a shot like this...............
  2. Lots of snowies around this year..............
  3. http://www.smokemeatpete.com/ This is the BEST smokemeat on the planet............
  4. Time to get a real camera,Lew. I got a DSLR and 400mm, and after 30 years fishin,I,m taking more pics than fishing. Change bof pace is good for us old guys.
  5. I would personally like to thank the Toronto Maple Leafs (especially Phaneuf) for waking up my Boston Bruins..................Don,t poke the BEAR..........Not bad bad for a bunch of goons..................lol
  6. And so..GAR WARS 2013..is on.................
  7. eagle and vulture food............
  8. I didn,t know Harper was on OFC...???????
  9. Locked -in on a mouse,which he,she caught........
  10. Thats how I can eat pizza.......
  11. Gavin said you were the guide that day............lol
  12. If you decide to get greedy(more fish for you to reel in),http://getbit.ca/ Capt. Gavin will take up to 3 guys in his 21ft. Ranger,which he trailers to the best hotspots.
  13. A Great Gray Owl caught in flight........
  14. 2013 starting off great........
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