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Everything posted by 007

  1. Thanks for the info Baby Herc - may be I'll see if I catch one of those white bass from shore next spring :-)
  2. Great show - wish I could live off the grid sometimes - get away from the city. 007
  3. Way to go! - you'll do anything not to get skunked - first gobies now minnows!! Sounds like you had a nice time out there anyhow - I really like it out there at this time of year - it's as peaceful as T.O. can get. Thanks for the report. 007
  4. Great photos of the deer there Dan. Thanks for sharing. Like the last one of your dog too - she looks like she had fun too. 007
  5. You're probably right GCD
  6. Hi everyone. Had another fishless trip to the Toronto Islands today and it go me thinking. Where do all the fish go?? The Islands is full of fish - bass, carp, pumpkinseedfish, perch, pike, bullhead, etc during spring, summer and fall but at this time of the year they all disappear . Now I understand that they look for warmer deeper water but does that mean deeper water in and around the islands or do they all move out of the islands completely and head really deep into Lake Ontario? Oh and what do they do down there? Do warm water fish like bass and carp keep eating down in the depths or do they just 'chill out' till spring?? 007
  7. Nanook - out of curiosity where in the UK did you catch your 3 pounder? I'm from the UK and always wanted to catch a big one like that but never got anything above a pound :-(
  8. Just imagine how big they could grow in Lake Simcoe if they weren't all caught and fried before they had chance to mature?? Would be great to catch a few that size - bet they fight well ?
  9. Great looking fish. Congrats. Have never seen a White Bass before - thanks for sharing. Do they live in deep water in Lake O. or can you catch them from shore? 007
  10. Look forward to seeing the real report! I was actually down at the islands today. Cycled over to the Hanlan's side and tried a few spots but no bites or follows with lures. Did see a bass of about 3lbs, catching him would have been a nice way to finish the year but no luck. Didn't see any carp dsn - what will you fish for if you go this week? 007
  11. Sorry to hear about the finger. I know what that feels like - got a treble deep in my finger when unhooking a pike at the T.O Islands on Pike opener this year and had to go to hospital. I'm sure it won't be long before you're out there again - bet you're planning your next trip already to make things even with those toothy critters! :-) All the best 007
  12. There were a few salmon around the islands a few weeks ago but can't say I've seen a Steelhead there.... But like Mepps says at the right place and right time I think any fish can turn up at the Islands - though I won't hold my breath for a Musky to turn up anytime soon! Though it would be nice :-) 007
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