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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. Thanks for the report and all the details of your shore fishing Mike. Nice pics too.


    Even though your son didn't manage to hook into anything this time out, I'll be he got excited when that first bass exploded out of the water and when Dad brought one in.


    Nice fish BTW!

  2. Although I've never fished the lake you mentioned, I did fish a lake close to Bracebridge called Three Mile Lake which also had Bass( Smallmouth and Largemouth )and walleye.


    The most productive technique by far was a jig and grub combo. White seemed to produce best for us on most days, and when we could get live minnows, tipping the jig/grubs with minnows was killer. Simple.


    Good luck. And if you do keep a few for the frying pan, you'll enjoy 'em. They taste good out of those lakes.

  3. I think part of the problem with most fishing shows produced today is that fishing, by its definition, doesn't fit with a modern day Television Show Producer's criteria for a television show.


    The Producer wants action, excitment, cause and effect, problem and solution, etc.


    Fishing( the way most of us do it and enjoy it )kinda just happens.


    Personally, I feel the best shows( or the one's I enjoy the most )are ones like Urban Outdoor Adventures and Getting Hooked. Not just because the Hosts are members here, but I feel these shows are done by fishermen who have maintained creative control over their programs. They're in touch with their audience( actual fishermen )and are doing their best to appeal to them.


    The Television Producer always feels the need to generate a program that 'fits' today's audience( not neccessarily actual fishermen )by including in-your-face music, action, I-win-you-lose conflict, etc.



  4. Thanks everyone. And Buck, I think we have some board members who can take a bow for the improving walleye fishery in the river.


    And I will shoot ya a PM next time Nauti. We'll run into each other one of these times cuz I love fishing down your way in Dover too.



  5. Ok, so now that I figured out how to post full-size pics, I have a bit of catchin' up to do. Here is are some pics of a day out with my niece and nephew.


    My cousin and his family came to visit from Pittsburg and the kids wanted their Uncle Mike( Pike )to take 'em fishing.


    The morning started on the pier in Port Dover but there wasn't a perch to be found anywhere so I introduced the kids to 'runnin' and gunnin'! lol We packed up and hit some area ponds where I hoped we'd find the fish to be a little more cooperative.


    My cousin helps his son scout out a good spot.



    We were rewarded pretty quickly. Here's my nephew proudly displaying his first Sunfish.



    His sister concentrating on her line...



    ...and then gets into the act with a Sunny of her own.



    After the kids had caught a bunch of Sunfish and Rockbass, my newphew had surprised us all with his first Largemouth. Check out the excited look!



    The family's newest Bassmasters!



    A great day out introducing the kids to fishing. Oh, and nature! This big ol' Leopard Frog was pretty happy to sit around and pose for as many pictures as we wanted to take!


  6. Ok, I haven't posted in a while 'cuz I couldn't quite figure out how to post full-size pics since the board was upgraded. Anyhoo, thanks Rick! So, now I got a little catching up to do.


    A couple of weeks ago, I went off to the Grand River downstream of Caledonia to wade the river for some Bass. The morning was pretty warm and the skies blue.



    I threw on the waders and rigged up my rod with a small slip foat and stared to drift the pools and runs with crawlers. Although I didn't manage to catch any giants that morning, I did hook into a bunch of 10 to 12 inch Smallies which the river is famous for.



    Standing waist deep in a pool with a Smallmouth on the end or your line jumping at eye level gives you a feeling of hand-to-hand combat. lol They use the current to their advantage and I can't imagine a more fun way to spend a morning.



    I was joined by another couple of anglers who took their place on the river near me. I watched one of the fellows catch a release a nice 4lb (?) Catfish and I was a bit envious.



    Plenty of fish to keep it interesting including Smallmouth, one Sucker and, of course, plenty of 'The World's Greatest Sportfish!'



    I think the best part of the outing was when I hooked into the walleye, though. It only measured a foot but it was the first walleye I had caught in several years on the Grand, so it was a welcomed sight on the end of my line.



    Well, certainly no bruisers on this day but a good morning on the river, none the less.



  7. I fish for them in the Grand River in area of Caledonia and downstream. A terrific fish and fun to catch on light tackle. Pretty co-operative when other fish aren't. Almost remind me of a small Jack, if anyone's done any pier fishing in Florida.


    Some flyfishers enjoy hooking into 'em as well, cuz they're pretty fun on flygear. Mooneye can be quite willing combatants when other fish aren't so they're popular for flyfishing casting practice.

  8. Not good news there.


    I don't eat many trout and salmon from Lake Ontario because I don't like the way they taste compared to other fish from other waters. So, not eating fish from Lake Ontario won't put much of a burden on me.


    Although it seems like most of our waters are improving in quality, it sounds like some still aren't.

  9. Any Company who hires representatives to go door-to-door using deceptive marketing practices is NOT a company I want anything to do with!


    Last year one of their Reps went to my elderly Mom's house and my Mom told her that she didn't want to sign up until her Son could look things over. The Rep asked her to sign just so that her Boss would know that she was there. Guess what, yup, she signed a contract. And it was a real hassle for me to get it cancelled!


    I wouldn't trust a company like that as far as I could throw it!!!!!!!!


    They should be ashamed of themselves.

  10. My absolute and all time favourite is "Creature From The Black Lagoon." I have all three movies at home and watch 'em over and over again.


    In fact, when I found out that most of it was filmed at Crystal River and Rainbow River in Florida, I took a vacation there a few times just to go snorkeling in the same waters.


    To this day, when I watch all the neat underwater scenes, with the schooling mullet and bluegill, I think back to my vacations there.


    This area of Florida was choosen for the filming because it resembles the jungles of the Amazon( where most of the movies takes place )and the water is crystal clear because it's spring fed from limestone aquafers. The visability is 'forever' and much better for filming than the murky Amazon!

  11. Number 3 for me.


    When I plan a fishing trip, I've usually decided whether it's gonna be a catch and release day or a catch and keep day. In other words, I either pack a cooler in the trunk or I leave it at home.


    The catch and keep trips are usually to Erie for perch or to a trib for resident brookies, bows or browns. My favourite fishing is done on the tribs where I usually hope to catch a couple of trout for the pan. If I DO manage a fish or two, I usually stop fishing because I don't wanna deep hook a fish accidentaly and have to keep more than I had planned on. It cuts my fishing day short sometime, but I'm ok with that.


    It's just too darn fun coming home with a couple of fish for the frypan and cleaning 'em whilst enjoying a cold one!

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