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Everything posted by bassnass

  1. boats, planes... no engines...
  2. L/M
  3. What's perfect Vu's #????
  4. Randy - I think there'd be room for ya somewhere in a cabin. If my two buds are in and we get the four man, we'll have room for one. Ok - so do I need to get on this a book a fourman at Perfect Vu or is it still be held. I don't know what's goin on.
  5. How much the four person cost>?
  6. Why am I still just bait?!? :P

  7. "We have the 6 person cabin now. I'm sure you can find a spot on the _____ to crash. Thos is need, there is now a 4 person cabin left at Perfect Vue Resort (cause we just switched). Maybe the father/son-in-law want the other room for a good night sleep? " (obviously don't know how to quote like the cool kids) Ok, I'll admit to being a touch confused. (TMR) (I don't know what "Thos is need" means.lol) I'll be a party of 3 partiers (inclusive) and we will have our own boat. So no boat worries there. Now, as for lodgings - what's available - at what cost, and what do I need to do here? lol Many thanks -the newb.
  8. Well - I think, as of right now, I've filled a spot in my buddy's boat - comin down Next weekend and the week after...week after being the GTG, if I'm I've not had TMR. We were thinkin' about squatting at a no-tell motel, but the cabin thing would be way better - cause we could whistle and drink with y'all. (Prol. more drinkin'...). But there would be three of us. Don't know how that would work and don't wanna be a PITA. But would DEF. like to get in on the comradarie. So, if three of us could be accomodated, I think that would be AWESOME. I'm not fussy...I can pass out drunk anywhere! There other two guys (one older in spirit, one just older) are good dudes - father/son in law team - they'd prolly want a bed. So...thoughts??
  9. And PS! I could teach you a thing or two about using 'tool'...but i'm afraid you'd take me up on the offer!! (Damn...I need to read everything!)
  10. Grasshopper - ha! I read the emails, not the posts - so much lost in translations! I thought grasshopper was referring to learning to avoid Merland! lol
  11. Yes! Open Water Kawarthas! And Ken! And fish whistles! Holy shniekies - I remember that hangover - but if I've got the opportunity, I'm not passin' up on fishin'!! Yep - rip jigged for eyes, floated for crappies...I believe it was Balsam? Dunno. Doesn't matter. IT'S QUINTE, NOW! - Like hearing about Merland Parks' disorganization - good to avoid places like that. Imagine showin' up and being told "Who are you?" *queit little twig snaps* It's called a computer folks. Get one. Sorry to hear about someone visiting sick kids - hopefully none too serious. Whatever the case - they're the best in the world!
  12. Really, HH? ShEoot...I only remember one outing with Will on Simk for W&L...and it was just a romantic outing w me n him. But I have been know to drink. And drink has been known to erase memory. Did I take a butt-load of pix and vidy (my motto: "Capture the moment. All of them."), cuz that would have been me. Was I unbelievably handsome? Cuz that wouldn't have been me. Either way...I'll remember the next time. Because the next time, *ALL* of us are going to pull PB's outta that bay! Dammit! We'll talk Sunday about stuff'n'things! I'm 'kid-in-a-topless-candy-store' excited!
  13. Fish whistle? Is that the same as a queef? Topless Gals?! Irishfield, I rish that's what it did stand for. Girls who fish are HAWT! Topless girls who fish?! Well, let's just say I'd be fishing with an extra long rod! I'm going to watch HeadHunter and Will sift up big chunks of Quinte gold on Sunday. I'll see about all this then....
  14. Can't sleep. Haunted by Walter.

  15. K, I'm obviously not really in tune with how the boards work - scrolled up after I posted and saw a lot of posts I didn't see before. Now I REALLY don't know if I'm making any sense. Too. Much. Rye. (TMR)
  16. I just read all that. lol What IS GTG? Good to go? So many damn acronyms! At any rate - I love where GBW's (ANOTHER acronym) head is at! I don't have a boat, but I may have weaseled into a friends boat for that weekend. I don't know ANY of you, but y'all seem alright. Lied. I know FNS (FishNSled) - Will - if you wind up drinkin' down there, let me know. Actually, let me know ahead of time, and I'll try and stay near where you're crashin' and then CRASH THIS PARTY!!! (I don't make my own beer. crap, I don't even LIKE beer. But I love, love, LOVE Rye!!) Yeah, so, here's more to read for the next clueless noob.
  17. Thanks dude - MONSTER Perch btw - noice! Interesting how the spoon pulled such a mixed bag. You think that running snap wts instead of leadcore would rock that presentation as well?
  18. Question: In with the other fish - is that a pic of a cisco? Or what...
  19. Woo. I'm a minnow, now.

  20. Just checked out Protackle - nifty stuff. Thanks for the 411.
  21. Cheers, boys - give me a couple of starting points. I would guess that Belleville is a better springtime spot?
  22. Yeah man - I'd have to say, on-line is the way to go. There's always a better selection and you can almost always find exactly what you want. Yeah, there's shipping, and a wait. But I think it's the way to go, a lot of the time.
  23. Pure awesome. Cannot get over that sheephead! Unreal!
  24. If I know one thing, it's that you can never say never when it comes to nature. Identification can't be made based on what a fish hit nor how it was hooked. Want to confirm? Get a hold of a Scott & Crossman and key it out. Usually, you need fish in hand, or at least detailed photographs. That's my 2 cents.
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