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About hogman3006

  • Birthday 02/27/1968

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  1. DO NOT BUY ONE OF THESE RODS. I have two of them, or rather did, and was very happy with them until I had i guide break on me last May. I contacted Dan Sturges by telephone and he said to send it in. So I did, and I ordered a third rod. Now, I am a Top 50 member and fish tournaments all the time, so I asked him to try and expedite the repair, but I had no issue waiting for the new rod. No problem, he said, you will have it back by mid June. I still don't have the darned thing back and I guess I have written it off. Customer service my butt. I also had him lined up with North Bay outfitters to carry his rods and they backed out because of this issue. Every time I emailed or called, he had an excuse. So, mister Pro staff and mister rod builder, pass this on to him. DO NOT BUY ONE OF THESE RODS. Buyer beware. Stay away. Go buy a St-Croix. I sent one back to them and I had a replacement within two weeks.
  2. I personally think that it is nothing more than a cash grab. If they were really serious about safety on the water, they would require some type of license that actually meant something. Perhaps a two day course on how to read charts, recognize markers, dock a boat without smashing into the dock. Maybe some etiquette for some of the PWC riders out there in regards to safe and respectable distance from recreational pontoon boats, kids swimming and fishermen. I would have no issue paying for a course that might teach me something, instead of dealing with unskilled and reckless boaters that have no clue they are such. And maybe, just maybe, they should add a small blurb about boat launch protocol, so everyone could get out there asap.
  3. Two years this past February 23rd. Best thing I ever did as well. If I can do it, anybody can. (Darned hard though.)
  4. Salmo Chubby darter in size 3
  5. I have spent the winter getting my website up and running. It is now ready and waiting for the spring to get here. www.ottawavalleytackle.com 5% discount for OFC Member. Just enter the code "OFC member" at the checkout. Paypal and credit cards accepted. I will add a banner to this site soon. Thanks Ken
  6. Hey seen you are from rutherglen lol used to live on grand desert but now near bonfield :D Happy Fishing

  7. I stopped buying Shimano quite as few years ago. broke a brand new Sensilite rod on a hook set and they said it was from abuse. I took it from the store to the water and used it for about two hours. I also had way too many problems with some of their reels. If it says Shimano on it, walk away.
  8. thank you so much for the plug Tom. I appreciate it. I am glad your experience was a good one. And just to correct, I am up near Mattawa, still in the Ottawa Valley though. Ken
  9. Off of Hwy 17, turn south on HWY 531. Go to the end of this road and hang a left, then a right just after you cross the railroad tracks. The public boat launch is located just past the closed down Bonfield Hotel. Turn right at the stop sign and go to the end of the road.
  10. My partner backed out on me for the Tournament on Nosbonsing this coming weekend. It is on Sunday June 14. Cost is $220 per team + $20 for big fish. Total $120 per person. I will cover the gas this time. I have a 17' with a 115HP Opti and I am totally set up for this thing. Let me know ASAP. I am in a bad spot here. I live in the area and know the lake fairly well. So if anybody is interested, I may consider a more formal partnership for more tourneys.
  11. Does anybody know where they went to. I want a couple of cherry twists.
  12. I am going to buy a new unit this year. I have been looking at the side imaging stuff from Humminbird. My questions are, can these units be used as regular sonar as well? I can't find any information anywhere. How well do they perform at locating fish? Would anybody recommend them? Just to start an discussion, what is the best bang for your buck out there?
  13. I am looking to have a couple of drift socks made. Anybody have any patterns?
  14. I was out with my dad yesterday and the lake trout were biting like crazy. We caught seventeen trout in five hours. My question is, when should you decide to keep a fish knowing it has been wounded. I don't like to keep too many fish and especially try and throw back the big ones. We had a 7 1/2 pounder that was bleeding from the gills. Not profusely, but significantly. We let her go. A side question, is there any way to differentiate between males and females? I have no pics folks, the batteries were dead when we took the camera out and my dad heard about it. I have never had a day of fishing trout like that.
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