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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. so let's take a look see here. you said you were looking for info as to could you have a beer in your non motorized boat. after 4 pages of responses and links to the actual govt sites that list the laws that govern the watereways, you are still arguing the case? why ask the question in the first place. it seems like you don't like the answer so you keep going hoping someone is going to say - "drink up cookslav, all those other guys were wrong". no one is telling you your boat will explode if you crack a beer, just that it is illegal - which was your question about 80 posts ago...... wallbash.gif wallbash.gif



    It "was" a light hearted discussion but thanks for the Sermon Father smally...

    Who's arguing?

    Not me?


    I'm not saying its legal bud...I get it :rolleyes:

    Just saying its not gonna land anyone in jail.

    You wanna have a beer in a canoe, then be prepared to pay $110


    My appologies for replying in a freindly manner to a post I started

    Take a valume dude,

  2. you can't drink beer in yer boat


    Unless your willing to pay $110 fine and dump your beer out "if" caught of course.


    You won't loose your license or be charged with DUI for having a casual brew in a canoe, any more then you would sitting in a floating chair

    or even sitting on the beach, or on the banks in a folding lawn chair for that matter.

    Its not legal, but then again neither is J walking....


    You'll get a fine, but your not going to loose you licence, have your insurance sky rocket, or spend time in jail.

    A beer in a canoe may end up costing you $110 though...thats an expensive brew I tell ya :lol:

  3. Just for the record...

    There are a lotta points being missed LOL....

    (Lots folks are passionate about this one I see)


    The thread I started refered to "a" Beer in a non motorized boat...not being smashed drunk in a canoe, and trying to pee :D

    Thats something different all together, but point taken.

  4. Truth be told...

    A beer in the canoe/paddle boat won't harm a soul(unless of course you get fined $110 for a drink in a non residence)

    A dozen in the wrong situation might though.


    Caution, moderation, and common sence is the key.


    My query was pretty specific, and I recieved an answer I'm comfy with.

    A beer in at anchor in a non motorized watercraft is not legal, allthough its not going to cost me my licence either ;)


  5. It is a criminal offence to operate a pleasure craft under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances. In Ontario, boats can carry alcohol only if they have permanent washroom facilities, kitchen facilities and sleeping accommodations. The alcohol can only be consumed when anchored, moored or berthed (not underway).


    That makes sence, but I'm talking a Canoe, Paddle boat, plastic non motorized punt.

    Not sure if that clasifies as "pleasure craft"....I don't beleive you need your Pleasure craft Licence to drive any of the above right?


    You cannot drink alchol anywhere but in a place that is considered a residence.. or space you are renting like a camp site in a PPark... or campsite on the lake etc. If you are transporting the alcohol anywhere other than directly from one residence to another (and can prove it like cottage to home) you better have a full case count while underway. Houseboats and full head crusiers get away with it because the have FULL living facilities.


    Makes total sence wayne,

    But could you be nailed for DUI is what I'm wondering?

    heck I've had a beer in a canoe in the park a few time...

    I know its a faux pas for some, and camp tradition for others right?

    I could easily see a fine, for drinking in Public for sure or some other similar fine, but a $150 fine beats the heck outta a lost license right?

  6. Curiosity has the best of me and perhaps this topic has been done before but for myself this is a bit hazy...

    Maybe there are others who would like to know as well?


    I could be wrong but,

    Can I not drink a beer, while not under power, and at anchor?

    If I'm not driving, not over the limit, not under power or mobile.

    Especially in say a canoe or non motorized water craft?

    Or a water craft with only an electric motor....is this grounds for DUI?


    I'm not talking about getting crap faced and operating a boat

    I'm saying one beer, while at anchor in a non motorized boat.


    If this is indeed illegal how do the rental house boats get away with being allowed to drink while at anchor?

    Or any boat parked in a Marina, or anchored in a back bay some were


    Just curious how that works?

  7. True...

    Especially in a recessed economy.

    If Business see's an opportunity to seize back a few lost points for the bottom line...they will

    The whole plan is flawed.


    Like I said way back on page 2

    If we want to see the economy flourish....LOWER Taxes

    loosen the grip on our Wallet, and we'll spend.

    Us Canadians like to buy stuff when we have money to do so.

  8. That is WILD!!!


    I've only once ever seen anything like that and it was not half as cool as that!

    Once on a lake in algonquin we saw what we thought was fog in a strait line comming across the lake, as it drew near we realized it

    Was an insane localized down pour LOL...Luckily because of its slow moving speed we had time to head to shore, and prepare.


    But your pictures are WAY cooler then the rain storm I saw.


  9. What good is less tax if there is less business?


    What good is more business if consumers no longer can afford to buy anything?


    Tomatoes vs Tomatos and I could't agree with both statements more.


    Heres 3 statements to consider:

    1- A revenue Neutral Tax makes no sence for the Government.

    2- An extra tax for the working man is just kicking us when we're down.

    3- A population with 5-8% less to spend in the economy is not good for Business.


    So why put the taxes up again?

    My guess is as good as yours but I'm betting that the Tax is not neutral as they claim.

  10. Wow, someone who has a handle on this issue and doesn't resort to "Sun Media" hyperbole at the drop of a hat. Thank you for posting your informed information.




    If by being pissed off at the addition of yet another tax that is going to pay for things our "other" taxes are supposed to have covered in the first place

    Then I guess I'm quite happy to say....heck yea I'm resorting to "sun Media Hyperboleing"


    Correct me if I'm wrong but Daltons biggest promise that got him re-elected was his promise of no tax increases right?...feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

    And then along came a "health care premium" and now the "HST"


    We're getting hooped twice...

    Sorry all the hoopla and loop holes and rebates are crap.

    Its just garnish on the plate Dalton is useing to cover the crap he is serving.

    There is no way ANY new taxes are good for a struggling economy, or the average working man.

    Forgive me for the outburst but geeze this is ridiculous....how is any increase to our cost of living a good thing?

  11. If they don't get enough out of the consumer this time, they'll just start taxing groceries next. Either way the consumer bleeds.


    Give that man a cigar....

    It really does not matter how you slice it...we the consumer pay, and pay the taxes, and then pay some more.

    And the more we do, the less we have for commerce.

    Simple mathmatics...

    You don't need to be a rocket scientist to get it.


    The Liberal plan has so many rules, loop holes, and jargin to decifer it has everyone confused, but at the end of the day the common denominator is the working man pays more tax which leaves us with less money in our pocket and nothing in return.

  12. There is no benefit what so ever unless your part of the government.

    Regardless of how you slice it we the consumer pay more money to the government....


    Its dumb.

    We're already taxed to death, and our cost of living is about to take another hit.


    Here's a dead simple reason why I think its dumb


    More money to the Government = less money in my pocket = less money to spend in the economy = deeper recession


    Big business or little business alike will see a hit when we stop spending an extra 5-8%/year

    If You want to see us spend our way out of recession...LOWER taxes


    But this whole HST crap has nothing to do with the economy anyway....its all about paying some of the debt the liberals have dug into before they call the next election(just trying to minimize the dammage IMO)

  13. Well...


    I really don't think I could choose just one for the same reason I live in Canada.

    I like the changing of the season.

    I like switching it up, and that includes the water I fish, not just the species....

    Be it an open lake troll for BOQ Pickerel, a Drift for steelies, top water Bass, or hucking giant baits for toothy critters I'm in...



    I suppose I'd have to go with Brookies for now if I had to choose one...

    I enjoy the chase as Solo eluded to, but I also enjoy the opportunity to choose a release or a feed that

    Can burn a memory of its own that just haunts you like a drug.....can't wait to get my next fix.



  14. There are cougars in Ontario, there is no doubt, the only thing up for debate is if they are naturally reproducing.

    I have not heard if the MNR has released an official stance on this yet?


    Personaly I'd say they are, based on the volume of confirmed sights.

    If they are not there were ALOT of pet cougars that escaped their pens.



    Insert the jokes cause we know they are comming :lol:

  15. Caught was had to be about 40 yards of line and I thought it was your average snag of garbage until the line started tugging back :w00t:

    ended up "almost" catching about a 4lb smally until she let go of the goby that was on the 4o yards of line I had snagged LOL!


    It was the most confusing fight ever LOL...

    First I was snagged....then there was just some weight on the hook when the snag came loose....then as I started to pull in the 40 yards of line I had a huge pull, and a quick fight that lasted long enough to see the bass spit the goby...then I realized the goby was alive and tugging LOL!


    Wish I caught the smally but hey its still a good story. :lol:

  16. one on one the pyrenees would kill the coyote, but the big dog wouldnt be able to catch the coyote. its common for coyotes to toy with dogs and lure them into the bush where the rest of the pack is waiting. no domestic dog that is alone is going to win against 2 or 3 coyotes so be sure to keep an eye on your pooches no matter how big they are.


    I'd agree that...

    I've heard the same thing about luring dogs away.

    Coyotes are sneaky, but also a bit cowardly by nature...where there is one there are more(usualy not far in toe)

  17. I worked for union gas all it did was protect the lazy, and make you lazy, "how dare you work harder than bob who's being here 25 years"..."your making him look bad" ,"ease up!, slow down alittle., take the long way back to the shop,easy man thats a 2 man job its over 50lbs, i've heard all these at work,how about coffee at 230 quit time is at 4 but leave the coffee shop at 325 and take the long way back to the shop,park the van circle check pick nose, go inside burn the clock till 4 with small talk...etc

    how about the inco boys sleeping have their shift? and many more stories too, explain that fishingwire,dont forget i have immediate family in your shoes, they'll be more than happy to come on here and back up the inco boys stories including my father a 30 year vet in the mine, not to mention your retartded 6 figure salary and ubber fat nickle bonus, but thats for another thread, unions protect the weak period. how about the many autoworkers who had only grade 10 making boat loads of money, now out of work,cant ever find a job that paid that well and frankly niether will you. isin't that why some people are crossing the line going back to work? they'll never find a job that pay's better than whats offered anyway... greedy,and selfish union workers....lets not go into bus drivers going on strike...ahhhhhhhhhhh



    That pretty much sum's it up IMO :whistling:

  18. Man thats brutal,


    What on earth would constitute cummuting this mans crimes?

    I could "possibly" see if had they put him into a mental institution for treatment as he was 17 years of age, and obviosly metally disturbed.

    So had there been "A PlAN" for this person maybe the people in his community stood a chance.

    But to release a criminal with delusional behaviour into the community with out a solid phyciatric rehabilitation plan...thats just plain iresponsible.

    Might as well give a loaded gun to 4 year old.


    I think Huckabee should be strung up, next to Clemmons assuming he is the guilty party..

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