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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. I just had a life changing experience, and had to share it....


    As some of you know I decided to adopt a dog from a rescue shelter right before Christmas.

    His name is Spuddy, and he just re-paid every penny I paid for him, and I'm pretty sure I'll owe him for the rest of my life.


    Last night being new years Eve we planned a Party as many do.

    Our usual crowd has a lot of smokers, so I set up my patio Furniture in the Garage, along with some Carpet, and Heaters.....we call it the smokers Lounge.


    My wife lit the Kerosene Furnace around 1pm to have it warmed up for dinner.

    She checked it at 2-2:30pm, and all was nice and toasty....


    At 4pm Spuddy was very persistant that he needed to be let out side at the front door.

    So my Wife took him out side....at that point she noticed the Smoke.


    The Kerosene Furnace has malfunctioned some how and was engulfed in Flames!

    She completely emptied the Fire extinguisher, and the Flames continued to grow.

    Luckily she had the presence of mind to push the furnace out onto the Driveway with a broom, and called 911.


    Some how I made it home from work before the fireman, and I pushed the furnace onto the side walk as the flames were now bellowing 12 feet or higher and were dangerously close to the house(thank god its Brick)

    The heat was so intense it was melting my driveway!!!!


    The fire department came with in a minute of me arriving home from work, and all was contained quickly.

    We sustained heavy smoke damage in the garage, and I have one hell of a clean up in store, but it sould have been ALOT worse.


    The moral of the story....

    Karma is a wonderfull thing sometimes.


    Had we not adopted Spuddy, he would not have been there to alert us of the fire, and we would have been homeless today as he was a week ago.


    Funny how things happen sometimes :)

  2. First a 2000 watt generator will NEVER run a A/C unit...second if you want a small 2000 watt generator get a HONDA as they are the quietest available and that is a HUGE thing when camping in the wild.


    I was a bit leary on the AC thing as well....Starting amps on a 13,000BTU system is about 2200Watts, sure it would run the unit "IF" if could actually get it started with out tripping.


    Not sold on the HONDA though....

    They are very tempting as they run great and are super quite BUT.....they are REEELY expensive comparativly speaking.

    A 2000watt invert from Honda(or Yamaha)is $1600

    Honeywell, kipor, briggs and straton....all half the price or less, with simliar specs


    Honda is the leader for sure as it has a half load decible rating of 59 which is amazing, but the others are like 62....

    Not sure the 3 decibles is worth the extra $800?


    Honeywell has some poor feedback I've found though....

    Kipor on the other hand seems to be a stand up model, and we have a Brigs at the hunt camp that never dies so,

    I can't see my self dishing the extra coin out on a honda.

    but that being said they are great gennys....just overpriced IMO?

  3. My condolences,


    Fishing brings out the best in us....

    I have had countless candid moments, coversations, and memorys with my best freinds, brothers, father, uncle, and children.

    Fishing bridges Gaps, and magnifies cherrished personal time, and relationships.


    loosing a fishing pal is definatly tough.

    Take care

  4. So I'm looking at getting a Generator for My Trailer.

    My question is Does anybody here use a Genny to power their trailer, and if so, what size are you using.


    I have sent an e-mail into the manufactured looking for a reccomendation as well, but I'd be interested in hearing others oppinions as well.


    I am fairly certain a 2000wat unit will run the basics like a microwave, Coffee pot, TV, or Toaster.

    I've even been told it will run the 13,000BTU A/C unit but I'd need to shut it down to use anything else.


    Here's my big question....

    My trailer has Full Battery Back up for the lights, and Furnace.

    This means the minute I plug the trailer into the Generator the Battery Charger will come on.

    That will add to the draw obviously, so at that point is 2000Watts enough to run a Toaster?



    Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but being the Lights, and furnace fan are all on a D/C system even when using the lights, I should not need to factor in their draw when calculating my generator requirements as they will draw from the battery, but the battery will obviously draw from the charger, which will obviously draw MORE then the lights, and furnace fan them selves anyway???


    I could just go get a 4000Watt Genny, but thats big, bulky, Loud, and expensive....

    I'd love to be able to get an Inverter series 2000Watt unit.

    Quiet, portable, fuel effiecent....


    Sorry for the gazzilion questions...I'm just looking for opinions, and experiences :D

  5. The kids are going to LOVE santa this year LOL!


    My oldest has been asking for a Dog for 3 years, and the time was right.

    "Spud" was an 11 month to 18 month old stray picked up by the humane society, who is fixed, and up to date on all his shots, with a clean bill of health and well socialized with Children, other dogs, and Cats, and is well trained.

    Answers to sit, lay down, stay, heal, and wait. He shakes a paw, and is incredibly obedient!

    Great family pet in the making!


    And the Hunter in me "might" be just a tad excited that he's a well trained BEAGLE :whistling:


    It really feels like Christmas this year, knowing the Kids are going to be over the moon excited, plus...

    I have a new buddy to enjoy the outdoors with this year.

    Its even more sweet knowing there is one less stray that will be spending Christmas in a pen.

    No better way to get into the Spirit of Christmas, then giving a new home to needy Stray :)


    Introducing Spuddy




  6. Ribeye 1.5" thick, quick shake of Montreals best, shaky shaky or Worchestershire...allow to come to room temp.

    Hit the heat on full blast with a Smoking hot grill, and sit tight for 1 minute, and flip.

    Sit tight for one minute, and flip...sit tight for 30 seconds then flip, sit tight for 30 seconds.

    Remove from the heat, and let rest one minute.


    Ya baby....dig in!

  7. Or is it because the chains destroy our ashphalt roads??

    Apparently...but its ok north of the French river???

    I Guess their roads are stronger :dunno:


    I don't believe either of us are old enough to have seen the day where Chains and Studs were allowed, so I guess we've never seen the damage they cause either, but it makes sense.


    I just find it funny that its ok for the government to mandate a safety Product that "I" have to pay for when

    I'm not sold on it as being necessary while sitting here contemplateing a Cost efficient alternative.

    Sure it is deemed destructive by the same governmental Institution, but there are no public studies made available to suggest chains are destructive nor that Winter tires are necessary other then marketing collateral designed by companies that stand to Gain from the sale/storage of Tires.


    And that Tough little pill becomes even harder to swallow when the same government that wants to make it Mandatory, While not providing statistical analysis, wants to maintain the current ban on Chains, and Studs while ALSO refusing to issue a Tax credit to consumers, NOR do they have any intention to tackle the apparent price gauging....I wonder if anyone is thinking about Billy’s comment about Cross border Business?


    That’s not only a tough jagged pill...its down right sharp

    And for a guy like me who has no issues with the All season tires its just a bit much.


    If the government wants to make it manditory so be it,

    But they need to Provide assistance for Low income families, Tax credits to the average Joe.

    And some official studies(not branded) made avaialble for public education would be ideal.

    No one wants a cost rammed down their throats.


    Not to be an ass, but For every pro, there is an Anti...

    I know 2 mechanics who say the tires are ok, but between a set of BRAND NEW All seasons and Winter the difference is minimal. The real difference is when Joe Blow replaces his 4 year old radials with a brand new set of Winter tires....that will be an obvious improvment.

  8. I Like the Continental ContiExtremeContact,

    Decent reviews...have a look


    Yup Billy,

    No chains or studs allowed....

    But they want winter tires to be manditory on the basis they lives save lives.

    Apparently there are studies to confirm this....By CAA, and AAA

    Who sell tires, and offer storage for your All season radial :w00t:

    safety is compromised for profits(yes Bill, that is capitalism).


    I'll echo that,


    I Guess chains don't work well enough for our governments

    Only expensive solluions Here :whistling:


    Hey I won't knock them till I try them, even though I have had NO issues with my all seasons.

    But that being said I don't like the idea of

    Being Mandated to buy these tires while the Government refuses to issue a tax credit to help.

    Taxes go up by the day, energy is up, Gas is up, heck even water, and food is up in price, and now tires to eh?

    Just a bit frustrating....

  9. I do just fine with all season tires, but in truth....never tried Winter tires.

    Never felt the need to :dunno:


    I keep my distance, expect some sliding, and respect the weather.

    Never been stuck, never slid off the road, never had an issue.


    But then Again...I live in Kitchener, 40 minutes south west of the center of the Universe :whistling:

    Snow here is easy, and rarely an issue.

  10. Micro climates resulting in heavy snow & building driven winds???

    LOL...Sounds Like The center of the universe can be a ruff place sometimes :whistling:


    Go visit London, or talk to the good folks in Huron and Bruce counties about "heavy" snow and winds, and they'll tell ya to blow your micro climate/building theory out the tail pipe :D


    If you asked me...

    I think if Torontonian weather forecasters didn't have something to Gripe about they'd

    Have nothing to say at all.

  11. Nice shot!


    I just got in from my trip yesterday and didn't even see any fresh sign...until and hour before leaving :wallbash:

    Driest year we've seen in our camp, even the Grouse were few and far between?

    Hard winter I guess?

    Coyotes, and wolves left a lot of sign though....guess that explains the lack of deer LOL!


    Of the 3 camps in the area, only 3 deer, and 2 Bear were taken in the last 2 weeks, and the biggest was only

    a 6 point buck. Considering the other 2 camps are large 12-18 guy camps, This was the slowest year we've seen in the area for a very long time.


    But thats how it goes sometimes...still nice to get out in the woods.

    Beats the heck outta work'n :whistling:

  12. Bottom line it's a BUYERS Market.... :thumbsup_anim:



    Exactly. Considering the time of year you should be able to do better than 8-10 less.



    I told the agent that when I offered....

    And when they declined firm at their asking price....

    I told them when they were willing to deal in that range(provided they do so "before" the snow flys)

    My offer will stand.

    They have my contact info, so the ball is in their court now.


    Truth be told I know more about their situation then a buyer normally would LOL....

    I canvassed the area including local land owners, and a camp near by for some info on the land/access etc.

    And it turns out a couple of them know the sellers, and were happy to divulge some information about why they are selling!!!


    it Turns out they bought "another" slightly larger property which they liked better that was a real steal of a price in May...

    So they are now trying to sell the parcel I'm interested in.

    But of course they jacked the price to bank roll the other new property.


    The issue is....

    Them paying a "steal" of a deal on the other property actually hurt them, as it dropped the selling price by comparison on the other parcel.

    (it's litterally in veiw of the other property I'm attempting to purchse)


    And to boot....

    They are also just now begining to realize this "steal" of a deal they got in May is actually MUCH closer to the genuine value then they paid for the first parcel 2 years ago.


    I feel Sad for them getting hosed but....I'm not going to pay for their mistakes.

    Meh...We'll see how it turns out I guesss?


    But they've been on the market since they bought the other property in May and to my knowledge I'm the only one persuing it right now.

    If I hear back soon...great....If not the search continues :canadian:

  13. My hours and shifts are very flexible so time is not an issue at all.

    I usualy work long stints, and catch up like wise....(Sometimes 14 days in a row, then off for 6)


    But unfortunatley a decision has been made for me....

    The closer property has some "iregular" zoneing/controling issues.

    The Quinte Conservation authority whom governs the abutting crown land have made it illegal to hunt Deer which is a huge drag....

    I can hunt small game, and birds within the given seasons but Deer are off limits

    It seems the Conservation authority, took a back route to canceling a Provincially regulated

    hunt by "leasing" the land during the hunt....TO THEMSELVES!!!

    So ya....that property just lost my interst.


    So I'm now looking a lot closer at the Northern property.

    But The price needs to move, as they are way over priced.

    A property 25% larger, with similar land(high and dry) sold for $10k less then the asking price in June.

    And I've had 3 seperate agencies give me an assesment of value that concurs with my assumption....

    They need to drop the price 8-10K to be in the ball park.

    But we'll see...

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