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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. Yup....its ridiculous.

    My Wife had a home business but took a job recently(paid better)

    So she has been selling the supplies no longer needed, and we've expereinced the same thing....frustrating.

    Espeically when some one says...I'll come by today, so you wait around and they don't come by or ever contact you again.


    Be careful though....

    I was cautioned that Criminals use these sites.

    They see something they like, get your address and ask if they can come by during the day on wednesday, and of course you say

    "sorry we're at work" then they case out your house knowing your not home and Bingo...quick B&E and they got your stuff free.


    Probobly not the case for a Sofa, but if you were selling a Boat or ATV...look out

  2. I can see the OFAH standing back and waiting until there is a concensus. Something that is currently lacking. After all the OFAH is predomintly a political lobby



    Its their job to represent BOTH side of this debate LOL.

    Not an easy situation to be in.


    At the end of the day their job is to keep our opportunities plentiful...and its hard to turn their back on the spoon pullers in favor the river boys when there simply is no published established proof. If there was then I could see a change of stance, but until that happens I understand their stance.


    Hey Nice guy,

    I assume your a biologist or affilated with some government body that deals with this stuff.

    Are you able to share any studies with us that were given to the OFAH so we can have a look?

    (if that does not put you in an awkward position)



  3. First off let me say I'm for any means of conservation that makes sense, and I personally have no issue with the regs being changed to offer a 2 catch possession limit...but that’s just me.


    But I'd like to point out the hypocrisy in this little thread,

    We had the very same argument were many people were "looking for scientific proof" to be tabled here twice in recent history.

    The OFAH supported a cull on Coyotes and Cormorants despite a lack of scientific proof, yet this issue they stand on the opposite side....interesting.

    But it makes sense as they are looking out for our interests as Hunters, and anglers...

    Coyotes are not good for our Deer, bird, or small game hunts, and cormorants are not good for our fisheries.

    Are they as detrimental to the situation as some suggest....maybe, maybe not.

    But their job is to represent us as HUNTERS, and ANGLERS so this makes their position very clear.


    Now that being said...

    There are a few people involved in this thread whom also dismissed a call to culling these animals based on a lack of science.

    But now they support a change to Rainbow regs with out a scientific base to stand on....mmmmm interesting is it not?

    What a bunch of tough reads we are here on occasion....


    The OFAH does a lot of good for our sports, and in this case I believe they are protecting the rights of certain fisherman(i.e. downriggin, spoon pullers)

    Until the OFAH see the proof in writing they will back the current regulations, and support the opportunities we currently have...

    That Angle makes sense to me "politically speaking" so I hesitate to criticise them for that decision.



    I'd love to see the Rainbow limit decreased, and an open season on Cormorants, and Coyotes as I "personally" think that’s a step in the right direction

    But I can fully acknowledge that my opinion is not shared by all so until there is positive proof on paper the OHAH will continue to promote "opportunity"

    That makes sense to me.


    I Would just suggest the OFAH bashing be kept to a minimum thus we are making ourselves look like hypocrites...

    We're all in this together brothers and sisters

    Peace out,

  4. Call customs....


    I know a guy who did this back in November.

    He had to call Customs and arrange for a temporary permit of sorts.

    He then had to declare it, the customs agents pulled him over and inspected it....he was on his way in 15minutes

    Does not sound like a hassel to me for a deal he got?


    I'd call them as THEY are the ones whom will be responsible for allowing you to cross that little white line.


  5. My Mom has indoor cats, but one in particular makes an escape every now and then....she waits by the door and bolts as you come in.

    There is little you can do to stop her LOL...

    But she's usually back in about an hour or two so its not a huge deal, but to be safe Mom got her an ID Tag with our phone number etc.


    One day the cat got out, and didn't come back for a week....

    When she came back she was missing her ID Tag from the collar So Mom bought her another.

    Then it happened again a few times where the cat would simply disappear for a week or two, and each time came home WITHOUT the ID Tag.

    Mom was getting plenty sick of buying I'd Tags but she kept buying new ones, and each time she made sure there was no way the Tag could be falling off.

    She was Convinced someone was taking her in and removing the ID Tags but the Little bugger would eventually escape and come home.

    One day....the cat vanshied for about a week.

    My Mom was more convinced then ever that someone was trying to keep the cat so she just sat waiting and hopping the cat would make a jail break and come home in time.

    Around that same time My Mom And Dad took up walking for health reasons....unrelated to Cat Naping but it turned out to be a link.

    Wouldn't you know it but on their FIRST walk they happed to come across a sight.

    On the other side of the street sitting perched indoors on the bay window of a neighbors house sat my moms cat.

    They went up the door, with a picture of their missing cat, to ask if they had "found and taken in" my parents cat.

    The funny is as my Parents approached the house, they noticed the cat nappers actually had learned the cats appetite for jail breaks.

    My parents witnessed the cat nappers as they grabbed the cat and locked her up BEFORE opening the door to talk to my Parents LOL.

    Of course they barely spoke english, but they were able to get out "No sorry, We Bought the cat..."

    Mom was livid, but she couldn't prove it so she had no choice but to wait and hope her cat would come home.

    I swear to God 8 MONTHS later the Cat came home scratching on the sliding door to be let in like she always did.

    My Mom promptly had the cat re-collared with a new BRIGHT orange collar, ID Tag and.....had her Micro-chipped that week.

    Guess what happened next....

    Yup the Cat took off and didn't come home...after the first day My parents went Strait to the Cat Nappers house and confronted them.

    The cat of course had the new collar on, but they had removed the Tags again...

    This time My Dad more or less gave them the ultimatum.

    He told them about the Microchip, and politley told them that if the police needed to be called to sort this out

    He would gladly make the call himself and pulled his cell phone out.


    They appolgised and gave the cat back.

    That same kitty still to this day makes Jail breaks weekly, but has never been out longer then 3 hours.


    Crazy story but true.

  6. What Cliff said....but what color is the Oil/Grease......if black it's from the exhaust and forget about it and go fishing....if it's clear like....Houston, we have a problem... :wallbash:


    I agree,

    If its black its just exhaust, an nothing to worry about.

    Same thing happened to me last season....

    I ran a lot of Seafoam at the end of the season because I had heard such rae reveiws...not sure if it had anything to due with the increased exhaust oil runoff, but it had me worried as well.

    In the end it turned out to be nothing.


    But if its creamy lookings....you have a seal issue.

  7. Its just getting warmed up...

    The death toll will take weeks to finalize, some islands, and costal towns have not even been checked on yet.

    And worse yet...if that nuclear reactor goes they are pooched.

    They already had an explosion this morning in trying to cool the reactors with sea water (hydrogen based explosion)

    And it failed so now its a ticking time bomb right now.

    Evacuation area is 20km around the area....I think I'd be going as far away as possible if it were me.


    One of my Best freinds linves in Nagoya and was spared the veroctiy of this event being he's on the other side of the Island....luck of the draw i guess.

    Fourtunate for him and his family...but not so much for many.

  8. Ya...I'm done LOL!


    I'd like to get out again, as my first, last and only time on the ice this year came in February and it was S-L-O-W.....to say the least.

    But I think I'm euker'd....

    Bring on the big thaw :thumbsup_anim:

  9. I've done well in the past with silver and Blue rattle'n raps for late spring lakers and Specs In Algonquin park.

    They fit the bill for a bait that can be allowed to run deep with a little "drop time" and long line.


    Usually on or around the May long weekend the trout begin to go a bit deeper...in a slow bite the rattle of the rattle'n rap is

    Just what the doctor ordered when the spoons are not pulling their weight ;)

  10. View PostBilly Bob, on 05 March 2011 - 07:02 AM, said:

    I thought the exact same thing....YEARS ago if you fished you probably hunted too....it's not like that any longer and thus many now who fish have no connection to hunting and don't like it and or don't understand it. It's sad because it part of our heritage that many liberals want to

    stump on because they don't approve....

    Posted Image








    Amen to that Bob...Liberals are slowly trying to make hunters feel ashamed of being hunters.



  11. Had an attack here in Kitchener 2 weeks ago.....didn't make the national news because it was a dog that was attacked.

    What was concerning is this attack was litterally 3 streets over, and its 100% urban landscape.

    No feild, no path, or green belt.

    This particular Coyote just wandered up the side walk through a residental neighborhood, and attempted to snatch

    someones dog....from their FRONT porch at the bright and sunny hour of 9:30am.

    Not more then 45 minutes earlier my Kids were standing there with a few others waiting for the school bus.

    Just a wee bit concerning.


    Truth is I can't speak for the Province, but here...in my neck of the woods I see and Hear coyotes every 2nd or 3rd night, and if I was looking...I'd bet I'd see them nightly. I'm not overly concerned with coyotes being some sort of MAJOR danger to people, but I can tell you I used to see Deer, and rabbits all the time out here As I am actualy right on the city limit...farm feilds across the street.


    Over the past 3 years those numbers of Deer and rabit have litteraly disapeared and all we see now are Coyotes....

    Hence why they are now comming into the city.

    Food is short, and resident cats, dogs, and refuse make easy targets.

    With the idea of increasing odds of serious attack, and the severe overpopulation its self....that is enough for me to

    Comfortably condone the cull.

    I just see to few reasons outside of the age old "right to life" argument as a con to the debate....but to me that is a dangerous path to travel for us fisherman/hunters.


    I guess you could say I wouldn't be upset to see their numbers dwindle, nor would I be hopping mad if the cull is over turned.

    But I also know the bounty they placed in Huron county has done some good work....it'll be interesting.

  12. The whole point of a stag and doe is to make money for the wedding. So why wouldn't the bride and groom promote it? lol


    Except they are not just promoting it, they planned it and are running it.....With out the wedding party LOL!

    I'm in that party :w00t:...

    Or atleast I was before the wedding reception was cancelled in leu of the destination wedding.

    Now there is no wedding party LOL...Just him and his best man. :dunno:

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