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About Orca

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    West Nipissing, ON
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  1. Thanks for the report. Hopefully they go out of business!
  2. Seems like a short season.
  3. Im guessing many have given up on ice fishing on Lake Nipissing, maybe due to the 2 fish limit on Walleye, and the near unatainable slot (40-45 cm) lenght. I've recently retired back to my home town, and really noticed the lack of activity on this lake. There used to be a long string of truck headlights and snowmobiles returning off the lake at dark coming home to Sturgeon from across the lake. I made a significant investment in new gear including shelter, auger, etc. I managed to hook a couple of fish, but they were either too small, or a little too big. I may sell everything before the start of next Winter, to recoup my losses.
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