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Everything posted by codered

  1. My condolences to you and your family . sorry for your loss
  2. If it was something in the water that turned them silver wouldn't all the pike in that lake be silver? i dont know and the information is hard to find...To me it looks like a different species of pike all together kinda like a walleye vs sauger butt who knows ....I will still enjoy catching them in years to come .. Just adds a little something special to the little lake I love so much.... thx for all the posts guys keep those lines tight and hooks sharp ... Merry Christmas
  3. HOLY FIN thats by far my dream catch thats a northern? hats off for sure you winn the cup....O M G
  4. I have been here for about 5 years myself the info gathered here is priceless i read the posts daily ... thx to all that post ...keep it going ....
  5. I caught 4 that weekend and the biggist was about 4 lbs.. the year before my uncle caught one just over 10 lbs.. after research I was convinced it was a silver pike.... Butt still not to sure ... any info would be greatly appreciated......
  6. "LOL you thought that was bad check this out .....
  7. Well its been a long time butt i finaly got my pictures from a friend last night. I caught 4 pike like this the weekend of september 14th.. the same lake holds normal northern pike ... thought I would post this rare find
  8. Hey guys now that the ice fishing season is getting closer .I was thinking about buying/building a sled to tow my gear behind my snowmachine does anybody here have a recomendation or ideas wich way i should go? pics or blue prints would be AWSOME" thx guys good luck out there...
  9. Im looking for a sled if you want to get rid of her let me know your price...looks like a good sled
  10. I have been reading about the blue pike / walleye in posts and on the internet. I hope someone can help me out on this isue .I was on a small northern lake the past weekend and always in this area have heard the old folks talk about blue Northern pike .. now it takes a lot to convince me since i have fished this neck of the woods for over 15 years myself and my fathers father also fished this remote lake.. I had never caught or seen one in my life time " untill last weekend" i caught 4 of them i have seen small northern pike and big ones all with spotts and greenish markings i have also seen a few that had a blue colour butt all had the normal pike markings ... These fish i caught had no markings and were silver/blue coloured with no markings at all just shiny silver/blue solid coloured has any one else ever caught these fish? i have a pic i will post as soon as i get it of my buddies camera...
  11. WoW impressive Great looking pike . I sent you a pm.....
  12. hey there. i was invited to go to maxim lake tamagami for the long weekend in sept . has any one ever heard or better yett fished this lake . i have a spot i was thinking of going that weekend butt the sound of a new lake intersets me .. any one ever fished this lake ? anyt info would be appreaciated.. thx tight lines
  13. thx for the info i appreaciate every word
  14. Hey guys I was trying to plan a trip to lonlac northern ontario. my grandfather use to go there on fishing trips a long time ago and I have always wanted to organize a fishing trip there any one know were I could get some information on were to fish there? I have been looking on the net for info butt dont realy know were to start ... Thx for any info.. Wes . tight lines
  15. Hey guys I was trying to plan a trip to lonlac northern ontario. my grandfather use to go there on fishing trips a long time ago and I have always wanted to organize a fishing trip there any one know were I could get some information on were to fish there? I have been looking on the net for info butt dont realy know were to start ... Thx for any info.. Wes . tight lines
  16. i was wondering .. what happens to the fish that make it north of the miln dam do they make there way back to the lake or do they stay in the ponds above the dam? I remember seeing some fish at toogood pond in mid june a few years ago couldnt make out what they were butt they were same average size as steelhead.... i dont think they were carp.... thx
  17. Hey guys I was in East Gwillinbury today house hunting ..the old young street area and I saw a bunch of people fishing the Holand river any idea on what they might be fishing for ? Thats a bonus if I do move there ... Any one here from there?
  18. Hey guys was wondering what is being cought at the osawa peir this time of year. I was down there today and saw some one fishing .. Is there any fish in the river that runs under simcoe st at this time of year? or for that matter ever? I am an avid ice fisherman butt No ice yett i have a serious itch to get a tight line... thx and good luck to everyone fishing.. CHEERS
  19. I have been told that to charge a deep cycle batterie it should be done on 2 amp cycle to charge it properly .. I have been given a new batterie charger from a friend and it doesnt have the option to charge it at 2 amp only 10 .. Does anybody know if charging on 2 amp vs 10 will make a difference? I dont know much about batteries any help would be great... Thx happy fishing...
  20. Hello every one this isnt so much fishing realated butt in a sence it is ..I have to go to penatanguishene from april 10th untill the end of may to work on building a cottage .. im looking for something to rent for our stay and was hoping to get a cottage or fishing lodge .. Does any one have any ideas on were to start my search lake front would be nice as i will be fishing any chance i gett... thx for any help.......
  21. WoW that is disturbing ..how many deer are in that pic looks like more than one..I hope that they are cought and delt with in the appropriate manner..its such a shame to see the pure ignorance of some s.o.b arn't most deer this time of the year pregnant?....
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