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About Costlesscatchmore

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Hey ino its not cheap but we have been putting these battery's in a few aircraft and every one loves one you can buy them for 515 at aircraft spruce Brantford heres a link https://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/pnpages/11-13907.php?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsfXO_cvC8AIVjPbjBx0PGgi7EAQYASABEgJVM_D_BwE
  2. Appreciate it only running dipseys and lead core right now only 1 over 20 lbs. Mostly just hitting shakers
  3. I definitely pick my days are you guys having more luck with riggers or dipseys
  4. Ok apriaciate it next time I head down can I borrow your boat
  5. hey new to this forum and new to salmon fishing hooked into a couple salmon last year but not consistent at all any tips for for a beginner only running 14 ft aluminum so can't go out more then 10 miles
  6. I have an old 82 sylvan super snapper 14' still solid you lucked out
  7. 12 ft tinner will get you in no need for a boat launch if you have a friend
  8. hey I have a cottage on chebogan no of a couple good spots for walleye bass and spring pike
  9. Old post but if anyone is still following we have an island on Chebogan we do alright for walleye is tomiko better ?
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