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Barry Willis

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Posts posted by Barry Willis

  1. I know this is off topic but upon the request of some of my fellow anglers here are a few pics from the past month. The ones of the pair of Sand Hill Cranes and the Whistling Swan are not not very clear as I was using my hand held camera forgot my tripod06220674.JPG.1e5f8caa8f62d6ebb6c99e105251a77d.JPG














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  2. To quote my friend Crowman, rivets are the way to go. I hope I am not steering you in the wrong direction or contradicting any one else's comments and I know there is an abundance of sealers available but I discovered a sealant in the sixties called seal all, comes in a red and yellow tube at automotive stores. The stuff is amazing. Water proof, gas and oil proof. Our old rusted out 62 Mercury Comet developed a bad gas leak at the bottom of the tank, without even trying to dry it off I just put some on and the leak it stopped immediately and out lasted the rest of the car. Another time about ten years ago I got some bad gas at the pump in my 98 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited so much water I had to have it towed home. Crawled underneath drilled a hole in the gas tank and let it drain, cleaned it up and put three thin layers of seal all over the drilled hole and beyond and it is still holding today.  So if it sealed them and you are concerned about the seams etc it should water proof your boat. It's reasonably priced and easy to use. 

  3. Yeah he's very happy now thank God. When I got him home here if I picked up my gloves, a stick, anything be would run to the farthest corner of the yard and cry expecting a beating. It was especially bad when I grabbed a broom or the snow scraper. Once he realized I wasn't going to beat he was happy as can be. Once he knew I wasn't going to beat him with snow scraper he joined me by my side all excited every step of the way. Still does it. 

  4. Hey Doug, I appreciate your input. You put my thoughts into perspective. I have never given any though to guilt and regrets being bad for one. You have given me something to ponder and digest for sure. It's just been a thing with me. I do love eating fish and know they are good for us. A couple weeks ago I was sitting in a Drs. office and they had a video playing and it is now recommended to eat fish especially the fatty ones such as salmon, etc. for omega three as you know three times a week rather than the recommended once a week from years ago. Thank you.

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  5. I expect you guys have had about enough of my best buddy Trooper. just an update, a story and some pics of him all healed up now. I went with my neighbor when he bought Trooper (eight weeks old) and then he realized he didn't have the time for him so he let him go to a farm. Four and a half years later word got back that Trooper was being beat and abused and had been for the time they had him. So we jumped in the truck, drove out to find him tied up just outside the patio door  with a six foot extension cord, no food, no water, no shelter. I was fit to be tied. I didn't knock on the door as there would have been He%$ to be payed. He recognized me right away (dogs don't forget) and almost went nuts. I released him from the extension cord. He knew exactly what was going on  and  made a bee line for the truck and couldn't get in the back seat fast enough. By this time the farm owner realized what was going on and tried to chase us down even driving through fields, that's where he wrecked his truck Haha. He's very lucky to have gotten off that easy. Some of you may have seen the pic with his face all buggered up, any way he's all healed up now and has a very happy home and we love each other to death. Thanks for reading.





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  6. I know what you mean Lew. That's a nice musky. I would have put it one the wall back then as well. My walls are covered with fish from back then. Fifty years and more ago no one at least where I fished  released any thing. Not to brag or throw flowers at my self but I caught so many big rainbow up to 18lbs that I filled my mom and dads 23 qubic foot freezer and they had to buy another one and I practically filled it. I feel really bad, sad and sick now for keeping them all. For about the past forty years or so I've been fishing barbless and releasing everything. I've kept a couple and felt bad and guilty. 

  7. That's priceless. Reminds me of my first dog ,sheperd and black lab cross.  He grabbed a rainbow that was about to flop itself off the dock and back into the water, brought it back to the middle of the dock and lied there with it between his front legs.

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  8. Seeing your dragon flies reminds me of a time I was fishing for large mouth up at Stokes Bay and noticed  two large dragonflies on some reeds about eight feet in front of me (I was wading) We had a heavy dew that night and their wings hadn't dried out so they could fly. A couple minutes later a big large mouth came out of the water and picked one off the reed, a few seconds later it came back and grabbed the other one. It was something to see especially that close. That was the same day I caught my 8.5lb large mouth on a big hula popper. Out of all the ones I caught that day the smallest was 4lb. all on the surface in thick lily pads.  

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  9. I can't help but wonder if maybe someone flicked a cigarette out their window and it wound up in the boat. Regardless, How can he not see that. Likely too busy fooling around with his phone. One of my wife's best friends was hit head on and killed by another driver while they were texting.

  10. I totally agree BillM, It isn't natural. I would call it genetic engineering, if in fact that's what this fish is. All they do is eat and grow. As I mentioned earlier I wouldn't be complaining if I was to hook one and land it.  Maybe Colorado Fish and Game conservation did stock lakes but only certain ones with these fish for experimental purposes and or for the angler. Angling is a big deal in Colorado so I would expect they know what they are doing. But it still comes down to the fact that if it isn't natural it should not be entered into the record book, and I don't expect (or hope) it will be. That's my opinion. 

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