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Barry Willis

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Posts posted by Barry Willis

  1. I'll bet it did take some time to find it, the right one. Patience pays off. I'd be anxious to get in the water to. There'd be a lot of sleepless nights. They make a very nice boat and in my decades of experience and personal opinion it's hard to beat a Volvo especially for dependability.   I've tried several but I swear by Star Brite for cleaning every where and anywhere. It's easy to use and it works.  I hope they haven't changed their formula or you will be cursing me Haha. 

  2. A woman walks into a sporting good store to buy her grand son a fishing rod for his birthday. Not knowing anything about them she grabbed a nice looking one and took it up to the counter. She couldn't help but notice the cashier was wearing dark shades. She asked him if it is a good fishing rod? He replied, I'm blind ma'am, but if you gently drop it on the counter I can tell you what it is. She hesitated and he went on to explain when one is blind your other senses become more tuned into things. So she dropped it on the counter and he say's, this is a six foot medium action Shimano sienna rod and reel and comes with eight lb. test line, it's a good combination and they're on sale this week for sixty dollars. She say's I'll take it. As she was taking her credit card out of her purse she dropped it on the floor. That sounds like a visa card he say's. As she bent over to pick it up she let a fart and thought oh well he wont know it was me. He rang up the sale and told her it came to 85:50. But you said it's on sale for sixty. It is he says, and the duck call is eighteen and the bear repellent is another seven fifty. 

  3. Sorry misfish, no disrespect intended, I though I'd seen on some of your posts "aka Shag" Any way nice catch. You sure seem very adept at catching  white fish. Thanks to your grubs you build I expect if I may call them that. I hope I at least got that part right. If not my apologies again. I may have a couple of you guys mixed up. It happens when you're approaching 70years. If you are anything like me you may have been called worse at one time or another Haha. Best regards.

  4. Seeing the youngster lying on the ice reminded me of a time when I was Splake fishing in forty ft. of water on Georgian Bay. After catching a few I headed in. As I got near shore I thought I'd drill a hole out of curiosity. The ice was about 8" thick and less than two feet of water beneath it. I lied on the ice to see down and dropped in a little Cleo. It was only a matter of seconds and about a six lb. rainbow came in like a torpedo. It startled me so that I swear my whole body came off the ice and went skyward. As I jumped, I inadvertently hooked the rainbow. Happy Days.

    • Haha 3
  5.  Good for your daughter picking up on that. I'm anxious to see it in silver. With all your successful fishing adventures I am sure you have seen fish with silver scales that turn color such as purple, pink and blue depending on the angle of the sunlight. I have seen wraps that resemble that.

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  6. I think it looks cool as well. If it was chrome or silver it may even resemble fish scales. But the sun reflecting off it may be a hindrance. Just a thought. I'm sure there are alot of anglers that would appreciate the change. Very nice Spiel, great imagination, that's where things start. 

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  7. That would have been an amazing fishing trip DanD, trip of a lifetime in my books. They put together a very nice package and spared no expense. Every where I've been in BC the fishing has been incredible. Very scenic country. That's beautiful hand carved wooden reel you friend was awarded.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I had a brother that lived in Penticton, he was an electrician and worked in the mines in northern BC. They would fly him in and out by helicopter. Quite often they would jump in the chopper after supper and fly into secluded lakes for some fishing. There was one time he hooked a large what I believe was a Dolly Varden. He must have had a bad spot in his line as it broke. He tied on another spoon and took a cast and hooked the same fish. This time he got the fish in and retrieved his spoon. My Dad had the same thing happen with about a 30lb northern on Manitoulin Island where he was born and raised.                                                         

  8. Want to share with you guys something I found at a yard sale. I had no idea they made them this big. I'm used to using the little guys (not sure of the number) about 2 - 2 1/2 in. long for trout, perch, white fish etc. and have had nothing but good success with them. I told the guy having the sale, this for deep sea fishing, he say's yeah, real deep. Any way after our chuckle I got it and an arm full of other goodies for three bucks. I wish he'd had the rod and reel that was used to jig it. Not that I'll ever use it except in my dreams but a cool wall piece.



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  9. Holy Frik I think I finally got it. Thanks very much for the help guys. It was too easy for me to figure out. I'm always afraid of clicking on something I know nothing about and buggering up the computer. There have been many phone calls to my wife at work, I screwed up the computer, what do I do now Haha.

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  10. Hey CrowMan, I truly appreciate you sharing this. I'm always open to new recipes and ways of doing things. Most all my cooking is done outdoors regardless what time of year or the weather. It may be a fire, the smoker, grill, barbeque or the outdoor propane cooker and I can't wait to try this. If I'm not mistaken I believe my wife has one of them big old cast iron vessels you mentioned that looks like it belongs to a witch Haha. I'll have to delete this soon as I never know when she's going to be home from work. It really sounds very good. I'll go with lake trout as I most always have some on hand and I'll be after more around the 20th of April. And again "personally" I feel potatoes should be cooked with the skin on, that's where most your flavor comes from. The ratio of salt versus water makes perfect sense. As you mentioned sea or kosher. I can't remember the last time we had table salt in the house. Anyway thank you very much for this. I know we'll enjoy it. 

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