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Barry Willis

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Posts posted by Barry Willis

  1. Thanks guys, I really appreciate your input. I'm not saying you are wrong but it does bring a couple questions to mind. I thought of that too and I know the sun can make things look unusual depending on angle and the shape of what it is shining on but if that's the case why is there darkness (the back ground) between it and the moon? In other words I believe it has to be suspended above the surface as it doesn't appear to be a shadow as it isn't uniform compared to the rest of the shaded surface, and why so shinny from the sun? And why just this one if it's a crater? I don't know, all I know is that it sure has me befuddled. I've been observing the moon and stars for 60+ years mostly through a high powered telescope and have never seen anything like it. If I find anything more out  I will post it. 

  2. I understand this is way off topic but I must ask if there are any Astronomers or UFO enthusiasts on OFC that can shed some light on this? Around the 21st of February I took my cameras out to fool around with them about 3:00 pm and took a few shots of the moon and this is what I got. As you can see it appears to be a shiny  metallic  craft with the sun reflecting off it on the surface of the moon. It looks to have legs and feet - landing gear. I know it isn't something on the lens or a  fault of the camera as each image is positioned in a different place on the lens. These were taken with a high end top of the line Canon digital camera and zoom lens. I had eight color shots of it as well but unfortunately deleted them before I noticed it. If it is in fact on the moon, giving the size of the moon it would have to be incredibly huge. It may be of some importance, I don't know. Maybe I'm just losing what few marbles I have left. I did send an email to Mufon and haven't heard back from them. I did read an article to put them on Youtube and go from there. In my old age and lack of computer literacy I haven't a clue how to. So I don't know where to send the pics. I thought of the TV show the proof is out there on the history channel which I would prefer  but they want just shy of $50:00 to do so and having been through Identity theft twice I don't, and never will do any on line banking. Sorry for such a long letter guys, any suggestions?




  3. A very disappointing trip to tend to my trail cams. I was only able to get to one as the snow was up above my knees. Frikin near killed me to get to this one to swap cards. Not much on it. Most folks have seen a dust devil, but I had never seen a snow devil until now. Here are  some pics of a couple I think are kinda cool. I have videos of them as well, spinning the snow around like a mini tornado. .Unfortunately my computer wont let me post them.  If it wasnt for this trail cam, out of all the decades I have spent in the wilderness, I would have never known such a thing ever happened, never seen it happen.












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  4. Good one HH. Speaking of cast's, and I get what you mean. Several decades ago my fishing buddy lived in Kitchener (I lived 3 miles outside Wiarton at Oxenden) In the spring when the rainbow started running I would call him and within a couple hours he would be on his way. This one time he had just started a new job and couldn't get time off so he faked an injury at work and had his Dr. buddy put his whole arm and hand in a cast so he could get time off to come up and fish. Of course arriving at my house I asked him how he was going to fish, after a short explanation the cast came off and away we went. LOL.

  5. Came across this in a old album from my wife's grand parents. Taken in the 50's, Trout River Newfoundland. Thought maybe some of you might get a kick out of it, or not. The other pic shouldn't be here, couldn't help it.



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  6. March came in like a lion out here in Alberta. Friday, the 1st, between 9:00 am and 10:00 am with a Chinook wind the temperature went from -3c to +11. Then the wind changed direction, in one hour beginning at noon until 1:00 it went from +11 to -5. A few hours later came the snow which ended 24 hours later, yesterday afternoon, and here's what we got in them 24 hours. This is my work bench and grill which up until that time were free of snow and completely dry. The temperature bottomed out at -19 this morning with a wind chill of -30.



  7. Terry, if you are referring to me I did not post it, It was posted by someone calling themselves icefisherman,  you put this on a post of mine in reference to Amphicat and Argos......

  8. I understand Lew, having give it some thought, I 100 % believe this a hoax. He would have been clawing at the ice much more frantically than he is. And also when he reaches shore he would have been getting out of his wet clothes and into some heat, if that's what they are, it could possibly be a wet suit. I would expect he would have been hypothermic the time spent in the water. It may also have been a shallow lake where he is actually walking on bottom. I know good sized lakes that I can walk across and from one end to the other in hip waders. I only watched the video once but I would also expect in a situation like this to see water on his camera lens. Just my thoughts.

  9. Has anyone heard of, seen or owned an amphicat? My dad and I almost bought on when they first came out but thought we would wait until the bugs were ironed out if there were any. We didn't buy one after all but at least they sent me this badge, crest or what ever it's called. Still like new. Here's an interesting article . Computer is acting up so so I had to take a picture of the monitor and a not so good pic of a 35mm pic which is crystal clear on photo paper of my boys having fun with my first Argo, late 1980s.  





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