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Barry Willis

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Everything posted by Barry Willis

  1. I don't know where you are posting your add but I put my stuff on Kijiji, it doesn't cost anything unless you want it on the top of the page all the time even then it is reasonable. I sold my Minnkota within two hours on there. You can post the same item in different catagories for more exposure but you have to change at least one word in the add title and the add itself, or they will delete it. I am not all that fond of Kijiji (owned by Google) but it has been good to me. There are some tire kicker jerks on there but I have also met some very nice people as well.
  2. Thank you very much Smitty. I will give it a shot, sounds pretty straight forward. Won't be for a couple days as I have a lot of gardening to do and am going perch, rainbow and brown fishing, weather permitting that is.
  3. Oh no, not at all Lew. I would have thought the same thing had the pictures came from another source, especially without the time and date not stamped on it. You aren't really far off at all. Getting off topic just a wee bit. It isn't uncommon in areas east and south of the border where the winters aren't as harsh as they are out here. That's why our ungulates and other critters are much bigger here so they can survive our winters. Typically the deer rut begins in November and dies off in early December. After a gestation period of about 200 days the does give birth in May and June. In parts of North America that have milder winters the younger does don't come into season until January. Thus a later birthing season. In all there are 16 known whitetail deer species in North America, only three of these are found in Canada. Ungulates are actually an amazing mammal and have to be to avoid predators at an early age. Whitetail deer for example are on their feet within 20 minutes after birth and are able to walk within the hour and a few minutes later able to run. Amazing. Yeah I know, I got carried away here again. What else is new. It's because I very much enjoy sharing with others what I have learned over the years about the fascinating animals we share this planet with.
  4. Man, what a shame. I expect you would have had quite the battle ahead of you. Did you at least get a look at it? Nothing I love more than surface fishing. Whether it be for bass and pike with big baits or trout with flies. Gets my adrenaline going a little more.
  5. Howdy Lew, it's been a spell. I expect it was actually born right around the end of May when I last tended to the cameras as it was one of the first pictures on the new replacement SD card. I go up once a month and check the batteries and swap the card so I can bring it home and see what's on it. This is a very good trail cam but unfortunately doesn't show the time and dates which I do miss.
  6. I've had a few close calls of getting spooled while hooking big Chinook, Brown and Rainbow fishing Southampton and Port Elgin using ultra light 110 Dam Quick with 6lb test Golden Stren and 5ft Garcia rod. It was a blast.
  7. Hey Smitty, easy for you to say, but thank you very much for that. I would like very much to be posting my trail cam pics and videos among other things being a photographer for 60 years, on youtube but haven't a clue how to from our desk top, which is the only way I'd be able to do it with the SD camera cards. Hell, it took me ages to learn how to post pics here on the Ontario Fishing Community Board even with help from a lot of you guys. Even though I want to and would love to learn this stuff I have a hard time comprehending it and getting it through my thick skull. I am as OLD SCHOOL as they come. If you were to look up the words OLD SCHOOL in Websters dictionary there will be a center fold of me, fully clothed of course HAHA. What I need is to get some one much younger than myself with lots of time and patience to come to the house and show me how. Thank you. Have a super day.
  8. A couple shots of a priceless whitetail fawn about an hour old. I have a video of them as well where the poor little guy's back legs are still wobbly and barely holding him up, a cow moose with a beautiful calf, whitetail buck and 10,059 pics of cattle which I didn't post of course Lol. The ones of the moose suck as they are on video and I can't post videos so I had to pause the videos and take a picture of them on the computer with a hand held camera.
  9. Back up to Spiel, there are two irrigation reservoirs out here in southern Alberta, well several actually these ones I am referring are about 23 miles long each, Lake Macgregor, that I have fished since 1981. The RCMP decided to train their divers there but it was short lived as the divers came up grasping for the ladder on the boat scared half to death because of the size of the pike. My wife's cousin was one of them, pastor of a church, and stated that they were well over 6 to 7 feet long and aggressive towards the divers. Yeah, seems hard to believe but I do. There was a time we were camping at the south end and my wife decided to take a walk out on the berm with our dog for a few casts. (My wife is a very accomplished angler, she'll put most men to shame, she had a good teacher, LOL) I had the video camera on them and first cast she hooked into something huge, she leaned back and set the hook at the same time it came out of the water and she yelled, it's huge and she wasn't joking. The splash it created totally blocked her and my dog out of the video, width and height. You can make out the fish and the size of it was nothing short of huge. Unfortunately it threw her lure.
  10. I'll be tending to my trail cams tomorrow morning up in the foot hills of the Rockies so hopefully I have some pics worth sharing with you all, I am expecting some good ones, but one never knows.
  11. Very nice Lew, it is always nice to witness first hand birds raising their broods. And yes it is a very sad thing to us the way Mother Nature works.
  12. I would consider it greater than great fishing. Your arms must have needed a rest.
  13. Hi Rick, it is actually taken through the wind shield with my little pocket camera, Nikon Cool Pix which takes very nice pics and the windshield was clean but still distorted it. I wasn't about to step out of the car and become his next meal as they are very protective of their food and he could have been on me in a second I also didn't want to take the time to get my Canon from the back seat and out of the case which should have been out of the case as I would have missed the shot. it still would not have been very clear and sharp. It all happened very fast.
  14. Howdy, long time no yak at. Not a very clear pic as time was of the essence. This was on the way to check some of my trail cams. The grizzly actually caught and killed the elk as it came down off the mountain and entered the deep snow in the ditch and barely made it up onto the road. In the picture it is dragging it off the road and back up the mountain, they have incredible power. A grizzly can break the back of a four year old steer with one swipe. The bass is from last summer. One of my buddy's sent it to me. I was caught somewhere on the Bruce Peninsula.
  15. Three things I miss the most having moved to Alberta from Wiarton Ontario in February of 1981. The Great Lakes and their abundance of big trout, salmon and large mouth and small mouth bass among many other species. Morels, better than steak in my books and of course puff balls. I used to shake and bake them and fry them in a little oil, awesome. And of course the maple trees for their fall colors and sap for syrup come spring. On the other hand Alberta has a lot to offer that cannot be found in eastern Canada. The scenery and abundance of wildlife is so awe inspiring it can sometimes become difficult to concentrate on the fishing. Seems you have to give up one for the other. No regrets.
  16. I wish I had a few of these in my yard. White cherry - Japan.
  17. Can't get much closer than this. I'm just glad I wasn't holding it LOL.
  18. I wouldn't want this one chasing me down while sitting in my Sportspal.
  19. Managed to get some more pics posted of my little Matty to show off his beautiful markings, In the last pic he appears to be in deep thought about something LOL 15 weeks old now.
  20. The guy obviously knows his way around fly tying, same as yourself. Woolly buggers are very popular out west here especially on the Bow River for rainbow and brown.
  21. Good choice in my books HTHM. Very nice. Congrats.
  22. Hundreds or whitetail pics and a very unusual one losing its winter coat to the likes that I have never seen before. I've been around whitetail deer my whole life but this is really different. It must have looked like a sheep prior to shedding. Pic of a Pine Marten, my favorite little critter, A pair of Ravens, Ravens, with luck on their side can live to 70 years and like a lot of other birds they mate for life and a gorgeous wolf. And my 80 year buddy just of this morning managed to get that ugly piece of black trim off some type of machine out of the ground from decades ago that's been spoiling my pics. It is very disappointing to say the least one camera, brand new out of the box on a well used moose trail never took a single pic. I also got some awesome videos of moose with another cam but unfortunately I can't post them. When I try to the computer pulls up a screen I know nothing about. I hope yous enjoy what little I got. Not all in order obviously.
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