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About RS680

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    Midland Ont

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Hello All I am looking for a nice small lake or river campground, I want to park my Boat and Motorhome and maybe even my atv for the season Somewhere in the Sudbury region or central Ontario. I mostly fish pickerel pike and bass. Any help would be great.
  2. I have had Almost all the brands before. Merc use to be the best but that has not been true in a very long time and imo i think they are the worst of them all today, Evenrude etec scares me long term and now with them not making motors i would not touch them. Also i have blown up 6 e tec snowmoblie engines in 12 years so i would pass on evenrude now So when i order my new boat last month i went with Yamaha this will be my first one but to be honest i here nothing but good things about them. They are in all the remote places i go. So Yamaha for Quiality Evenrude for power and speed Merc for Price.
  3. Good morning all Happy Canada Day I was sitting here this morning thinking about all the places i have fished and i thought it is time to explore.I like small lakes and rivers and Remote places, But the wife is more of a Resort person more then a remote person. I spend most of my time local to my area, But love the french river area. Spent many good walleye openers at the French river lodge. Great times. So I am Always looking for new and great walleye places. And i Thought it would be great to try other peoples favorites and explore more of this great province . So the question is Where do you Fish and Why
  4. Looking for AGM Series 31 battery's. What are the best ones and where to get them.. Canadian Tire? Costco ? Wallmart? Where did you get yours
  5. I have a new boat coming in 2 weeks thinking about putting 2 led volt gauge s in but i do like the idea of a Toggle switch Great idea. That is what i like about this group very helpful. So here is a Question Best place to get Deep cycle battery's and is it worth the extra to go 31 series and or agm battery's
  6. Well I have Made my final picks. The Boat is starting to get rigged at the dealer all the parts are order {almost} Lots of little odds and ends. Hope To pick up next week. Bring home and do a couple of little tweaks and then i hope to head out to the lakes. Now i just have to pick my first lake or river.. Right now i am thinking about French river area or Rice lake area.
  7. Thanks for the info I am going by the dealer next week to finalize somethings and see if they have a delivery date yet. I am excited to get out and try the boat. I have decided to cut back on some of the big dollar items and go with more reasonable things like a 7 inch graph over a 9 inch. Also i think i will try and do more of the rigging myself as all dealers can be expensive for that kind of work. So i think i will save a least a couple grand by being more sensible about somethings. Also i will definitely post a few pics of the boat when it arrives.
  8. Sometimes i should listen to my wife This morning i was cleaning out the garage and my wife comes out and says why do you not use the portable Solar panels suitcase that we use to charge the Motor home Battery's when we Boondock camp. They clip right to the battery and are small enough i could even have them set up when i am out fishing. Sometimes it is good to keep my Wife around she gives me a reality check and reminds me i am not some fishing show host that needs every top of the line gadget out there. So just going through all my Motor home Crap i have multi ways to charge battery's . It is not worth trying to have the best in everything. I think i have saved 2 grand or more by reaching to others and listing to my Wife. Now i just need you all to promise you can never tell her she was right LOL LOL
  9. Was out Shopping and Made a few decisions today I am going with 2 AGM 31 series battery's 1 up front 1 in the back. Also going with a terrova 55 lbs 12 volt with i pilot not sure if i want to have I link to link it with my sonar or not. Is it worth a extra $500 Not sure.. Also I wanted a 9 inch helix but to pricey for me so i think i will go a helix 7 mega Di for sure Maybe side imaging not sure. Having a hard time finding trolling motors and Helix 7 in stock in my area. Also need a good 2 bank battery charger is it worth $400 for a minnkota battery charger or are you just paying for the name Thanks everyone so far for all you help.
  10. So off to Bass Pro today To take alook around Should be a fun day
  11. What i do!!! i do not think you can really call it Fishing . I just troll around small lakes and rivers to get a nice sun tan. And sometimes a walleye or pike gets tangled in my line, But that does not happen to often. LOL That is why with this new boat This old Fart needs to up his Game.
  12. So after 30 years of owning a tin boat , I finally bought a new fishing boat. It may be small but it is just me and my dog. It is a 2020 Alumicraft escape with a 50 hp Yamaha. Now t he fun begins, I have not bought any new boat gear in many years so What are my needs. I was looking at a terrova 55lb 12 volt running of a AGM 31 series battery . Not sure about fish finder to be honest i never really used the old one except for depth but i would like GPS maps but nothing to fancy Then of course all the little odds and ends that you all have added to make fishing life better. So here is you chance build my boat to a fishing machine. Boat is coming soon so i have to get shopping Where do you guys by your stuff. Thanks Everyone
  13. I just Bought a new 2020 Yamaha 50 HP I have had Merc but i am not a big fan But Yamaha and Suzuki are great.
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