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Posts posted by Hack_Fisherman

  1. 2 hours ago, DanD said:

    Yes, that'll likely happen; but as long as there is cooking oil (olive, canola, vegetable ect.) available; your 2 strokes will still be out there running. With some things, we don't always need to use dinosaur juice to keep things running. The high flashpoints of these cooking oils can withstand the temperatures of the lower end lubrication requirements. They are also combustible as to not inhibit the upper end of the engine to produce power. I haven't seen any long-term results on running cooking oil: but I do know it works fine on all the short-term tests that I studied.


    PS: Wouldn't it smell great if the fumes from the engine gave off the smell of fish & Chips LOL

    Would really make you work hard for the shore lunch, wouldn’t it? 

    I think the “eco oils” are plant based. They are the same colour. I don’t like how you can’t tell that there is oil in the fuel…they should add a dye to it. 

    And there was talk that the two separated but I did a test. You can see the slight differentiation between the fuel and oil before mixing. But once mixed, they don’t separate, or at least after 6 months in a glass jar anyway. 

    but I hope I’ve scraped up enough empties money to buy a new 4 stroke zuki with troll feature by the time I need to worry about 2 cycle oil. 

  2. 4 hours ago, John Bacon said:

    In terms of outboards, they're not making any more of them.  I wouldn't expect to see a ban.  But in another 20 or 30 years.  But in the next few decades, two stroke motor oil may become difficult to find. 

    That makes logical sense. (Phasing out the 2 stroke oil) and I suppose that will come with the eventual market dominance of 4 strokes as the 2 stroke motors lifespans come to an end and perhaps environmental pressures to retire them. (Clunker trade in programs etc)

  3. 2 hours ago, Terry said:

    But I would say that thousands of people carry a small motor to lakes every year and if gas motors get banned those great fishing trips will be done or will be done by oars and strong arms not electric motors 

    I don’t know if we will see an outright ban in our lifetime. 2 strokes yes, but I can’t see 4 strokes going anywhere soon. I can see more small lakes going electric or non motorized, especially provincial parks and conservation areas etc. though. 

    Here’s an article that may show where we are headed with small motors.

    I went with an electric mower and love it, but I had to buy a spare battery to get it done in one shot and at 3x the cost of a cheap gas mower. That’s a lot of gas and oil. 

    But recreational engines and outdoor power equipment must be the dirtiest of engines there are per litre burned, so I thought I’d try investing in cordless.

    but back to 2 stroke, anyone hear of any legislation coming or in the works? I have 4 of them and don’t want to get stuck with motors I can’t take anywhere. 

  4. As much as we need to get off of fossil fuels, GM (and all automakers) need to be upping their game to make electric and hybrid vehicles in the auto world first and to make it the absolute choice with buyers, and to ALL buyers, not just the elite.

    Electric cars have a mere fraction of parts compared to fuel, therefore should be the cheapest thing to build. 

    hybrids, by rights, should cost the most due to level of components required. 

    They will affect far more change by revolutionizing the automotive industry first, marine second. I’d say an extreme few people operate boats daily even in the warm climes. 

    I also wonder what the environmental damage would be with sunken, non salvaged crafts? Batteries could leach out for hundreds of years(?)


  5. How long will smoked meats and fish last in the fridge? Can I assume that freezing some things after smoking won’t work well?  Like fish etc. A few of my of coworkers is recommending I go with a pit boss bbq-smoker when my regular bbq is sent off to the scrap pile. 

    is smoking a good way to salvage freezer burned foods? 

  6. 14 hours ago, limeyangler said:

    Hi all,

    My buddy and I headed out to break trail to our nearby favourite walleye lake, after an hour of breaking trail and checking ice conditions we got to one of our spots and spent another hour staring down the holes. Once the sun hit the treeline we had a short 20 minute flurry of action, iced 6 walleye but 4 were tiny and went back, I came home with my catch, one just under 18" and one just under 22". Fun afternoon.



    Beauty day and pics and a nice bounty

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  7. 2 hours ago, Sinker said:

    Best way is to re-set or replace rivets. Sealing them doens't work. They move around too much if they are loose and will eventually just leak again. It is very easy to re-set or replace if you have the floor out. I did my whole boat in the spring. Replaced a ton of them, and re-set any that didn't need replaced. Very easy to do, just need a second person, and the tools to do it. 




    I have to admit that if I named my boat, I’d probably have to call it “Trial and Error”. I replaced a few hundred rivets, but it took me some time to learn how to remove them properly. I got a little Rammy in a few places and ended up with some seam leaks as discovered with my 1st leak test. And some of my sloppy rivets leaked also. 

    So we rebucked everything below the waterline and I coated the rivets inside with Gluvit and I ran a bead of 3M5200 along the seam on the inside. I wanted to leak test before I put the floors in. 

    Since I worry about crap, I think I will flip it and Gflex the rivet heads and seam for extra insurance. While it’s turtled, there’s no better time to paint it. 

    if the thing leaks when I splash it next spring, I’ve done all I can do I guess. I’m out of time and it has to start going back together. I’m limited for time this winter and I have to make hay when the opportunity arises. 




  8. 4 hours ago, smitty55 said:

    When a pan gets going they can smoke pretty good for a while. I've just started using pellets the last few years after my daughter gave me some Jack Daniels brand ones for Christmas one year. Now I buy Pitmaster pellets by the 40 lb bag. I've definitely noticed pellets provide a much thicker and stickier smoke than shavings for sure, it shows on the inside of the smoker, the racks and the front door edge big time.

    Here's another idea for you that I mentioned in the cooking thread somewhere. I've been doing spiced and smoked pork chops for a long time now, they are usually a staple in my freezer. When those family size variety pack of chops go on sale I grab two of them which is just right for the 5 racks. I've played with many Clubhouse spice mixes over the years, often with a different flavour on each side. Funny enough I decided to try Curry on one side of a half batch just because it was in my spice cabinet and I love to play with flavours. Well go figure I became an instant fan and now it's always on a half batch. At 160° for 3 hours, with maybe a rack switch at 2 hours they end up just starting to stiffen up and take a nice colour on. To me they're like half cooked at this point, 3 to 4 minutes on a hot grill or cast iron leaves a touch of pink, just right. We always have the best ones fresh for dinner, and the ones my girls don't hear about get vac sealed in pairs usually and frozen. When I want a special treat for dinner months later I can just take a pack or two out knowing that I can bring it to room temp and in 5 minutes at high temp I get to enjoy a treat no restaurant could even offer.  ;)



    Sounds amazing. I really like the idea of loading the freezer up with quick and super tasty options. I’m a big fan of curries. 

  9. 3 hours ago, smitty55 said:

    Thing is there's no need to go fancy either. I've been using a Big Chief electric smoker since the 80's, I'm on my third one now, but have one older one that still works and the original one needs an element, pot and tray. Sure it's fixed temp at 160° but it's all I need for most of the things I smoke and for larger chunks of meat I just finish the cooking process in the oven where I have perfect control. Brian is using the same thing and technique in his condo. They're real handy to use too, mine is on the back porch so I just pick it up and carry it into the kitchen where I load the racks, close the door and carry it back out to the porch plug it in and load the pan. No propane, no moving parts, no controls needed, all in a compact size that holds a fair amount with 5 racks.
    Quick story. A while back I ran out of smoked paprika, I started doing my own a few years back and it's all I use now for the most part. So a week back I remembered to stop at a small natural products store in CP where I get my bulk spices and picked up a half pound of Hungarian for just over $5.  I always want to try and fill the smoker as much as I can when it's going. With that in mind I had a half price frozen sourdough loaf that I thawed out, chunked and dried. Just so happens I had recently picked up a generic full pepperoni chub at a price I couldn't refuse. I've had real good results enhancing cured sausages in the smoker already too so that worked as my last rack. So then it's planned for the weekend and best hydro rates too. Smoker was plugged in for four hours yesterday with five smoke sessions. The result for $10 was three racks of golden sourdough pieces for bread crumbs, two glass pie pans of the best real smoked paprika you can get, it was actually quite sticky on the outer edges of the glass after I let it cool, and a darker skinned great smelling sausage that I vacuum sealed and froze half.



    Thanks for that Smitty, I’ll look into this. Might be ideal for using at my trailer if I’m allowed. This is really when I’d like to use one as it’s when I have the most time. Not sure how much smoke they give off but surely if campfires are allowed... Nice portable size too for bringing back and forth.

  10. Love it but I won’t be able to afford one by the time I’m packing it in. The best I’ll be able to do to clean up my act is go 4 stroke main and kicker and electric trollers as much as possible. 

    I’ll do far greater reductions by owning EV or hybrids for my daily driving. But it has to start in marine applications too and hopefully the next gens will all be able to afford it. 

  11. 1 hour ago, smitty55 said:

    Here's an idea and I'm assuming this is an aluminum boat. Why not turn the boat upside down on some stands and take a pressure washer to the outside of it? 2000-3000 psi should be plenty of force to find any leaks from the inside.

    Thanks. Open to all suggestions here. The difficulty I would have with this is that it is a deep V run about, so to turn it and get it on stands would be something I would need a few people for. (no overhead hoisting capabilities) It’s not out of the question however, and I am considering it. 

  12. 17 hours ago, DanD said:

    An empty shell of a boat hull, will not tell you everything water leak wise; you may want to know? The boat shell should be weighed down to what the approx weight that it'll carry while in use. Just think of Pascal's Law. Fluid will always travel from a high pressure to a low pressure. If the boat empty (for # sake) is 100lbs it will only apply 100lbs of pressure to the underside of the hull. Add 500-800+lbs the pressure will go up equally to the hull. May not leak @ 100psi; but may weep, seep, dribble and or pour at 800lbs??

    I understand why you want to test it before closing up the floor; just test it with the proper weight.


    I wondered about that.

    It’s gutted 100%. Motors, batteries, troller, glass...all off and won’t be going back on until spring. 

    maybe I’ll leave the trailer attached to it to help weigh it down. I guess I could put my 3 loose batteries and fuel cans in. Plus my weight inside to mark leaks if any.

    The trailer weight should equal a few 100lbs? (Thinking the air in the tires would add a bit of buoyancy, so trailer weighs maybe half of what it’s dry weight is?)


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  13. Tire stacks are good for cribbing if you have summer tires on rims. Push boat back if on rollers, crank jack up so rear of boat leaves trailer and slowly pull forward. Before boat leaves trailer, build wood/concrete block cribbing under vee or use axle stand to pull trailer free. Do reverse to load boat. A 14’ boat isn’t really heavy. Just make sure it’s stable and watch your skeg

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 11/14/2021 at 7:24 AM, dave524 said:

    If you are still looking , I took the Liberty in for a brake job and my mechanic, good guy, told me that everything was badly corroded and there were other issues it didn't make any sense to throw any more money at it, it would be better put the cash to something newer. He let me keep the loaner for the day, again great guy, and after searching local dealer's web sites, I ended up the same day with a 2014 GMC Terrain with the 3.6L  V6, it feels a lot bigger than the Liberty inside, will tow 3500 pounds, the interior is far more luxurious then the spartan Jeep, the rear seats have the most legroom of virtually any vehicle I have ever been in and personally I like the boxy styling , screams GM rather than an Asian import.  Was under your $15K by quite a bit

    I really like the terrain. Almost bought one back around that time. Black leather interior. Might be time to look again. I still haven’t bought anything waiting for the bankroll to grow. 

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