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About rockfish

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  1. Really sorry to read about this Bruce. Peanut was one of a kind fishing hound. She will be in our hearts in our fishin' spots. A few pics of some of our adventures. I'm sure she'll still be doing this. Dave
  2. Still... a day catchin' 50 fish each and just using plastics with no livebait is a good day. =) Here's the fishing dog Peanut in action after a bullhead one Spring. That catfish was lucky to get away that time.
  3. It was a fun day Bruce and Peanut even posed for once for a pic before she got her snack. Also good to see CPH (Steve) and meet his daughter and see them spend some quality fishin' time together. The action might have been slower with the blue skies and the water like glass off and on but we had some steady catches.
  4. Sounds like a decent outing guys and Mom. I miss that place from last year, lots of double header perch on a 2 hook line, the occasional snow flurries and cold feet in my work boots.
  5. Nice bass, I just started using the wacky rig this summer past and I was just slowly jigging it. I'd also speed up the retrieve, not letting it drop so much and that caught some bass too in the dark.
  6. Nice lunker there and I've found the bass haven't been in the usual spots lately. They probably went deeper and it may take a bit till they get used to the cooler temps. Pretty soon they'll be putting the feed bag on for the Winter.
  7. Nice bass and love the Haliburton and Bancroft area!
  8. Yep, the lateral line is what they use to sense movement, like how baitfish swim in tight schools. I was surprised at how good their senses worked in the dark when I got them on plastics with no rattle. I just added a push in rattle in plastics that had room for it when things got slow. It didn't seem to make a difference though when they weren't biting during the cold fronts. They also seemed too lazy to hit topwater lures maybe cuz they are fat on gobies in Lake O.
  9. Thanks guys, missed a few also when I didn't get a good enough hook set. Even got one on one of bigugli's flippin' jigs, but it was a quick release.
  10. Had some luck fishing after dark for bass. I usually avoid fishing in the night time in the summer cuz of the bugs and skeeters but with a bit of a wind the bugs are minimal. First time I tried it just this summer, I was just throwing a senko texas rigged around and it was a surprise when I got one. Tried other plastics and got them on texas rigged Slug-gos, wacky rigged senkos, Yum Sooie baits that I pushed a rattle inside, Matzuo craws and had some luck with a Hula Popper. Also caught a couple decent rockbass after dark.
  11. Looked like crappy weather out today, otherwise I mighta joined ya Bruce. Good to see it was time on the water well spent. I've been catching bass with your homemade flippin' jigs and only lost one on a snag so far.
  12. That bottle must have been well hidden from my view when I was over picking up jigs last night.
  13. The smallie with the looks of a hog! Great fish and colours!
  14. Lots of sheepshead (drum) cruise the piers during the summer and will hit spoons or crankbaits.
  15. Good to see u and the family getting out Bruce to your fav Summer get away place.
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