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Everything posted by 4thgen

  1. "Most tackle stores have a recycling box that you can drop it off in. (at least they used to)" Still do as far as I know and it's definately the best method. If you can't get your used line to a tackle shop, I would imagine that cutting it up, taping etc. or basically anything making it less of a hazard for animals is the best way to go.
  2. I really doubt you would even be checked and IF you got checked, I'm even more doubtful that you would be fined. If anyone is worried however, you could just throw a tiny hook (like a 12 or smaller)on there and be legal without really changing the bait.
  3. Quoted from the article: "Mr. Bickford said the species is the first frog known to science without lungs and joins a short list of amphibians with this unusual trait, including a few species of salamanders and a wormlike creature known as a caecilian." Unless by "a few species" of salamanders, he means about half (more than 250sp.) he is wrong. Sorry, just getting ready to write a herpetology final...
  4. Anyone check out "chew on this" on youtube? He fishes for some pretty giant stuff -- 600lb goliath grouper etc. I had to vote for Bob though - he may go to places that I'll never see but he is hands down the most consistently entertaining host. Going fishing TV? seriously? That show is such crap. He fishes in remote locations where anyone could catch anything and then he eats everything! You have to love the heavy breathing and lip smacking/grunting as he stuggles to bring in a 2lb walleye.
  5. That was almost ten years ago when I didn't know better -- much more careful with esox nowadays.
  6. I don't think that pike is 18lbs, but it is still a nice fish. Your picture does it no justice -- The first pike is 41.5" (biggest islands pike) and fat but it's a crappy picture, the second is a 32" that is very fat.
  7. I can't believe nobody has touched on the fact that 90% of the "cohos" are dirty old chinooks. The Fishing Canada contest at least required a measurement picture that some people still took advantage of by holding the tape measure well behind the fish to add on like 6" (ie. Gary Hodge). The only way to do it properly, in my opinion, is to have a measurement shot with a name brand measuring tape on a level surface. I understand that there aren't really any prizes so they don't care if people lie, but if half of the entries are fake, what's the point in running the awards at all?
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