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Posts posted by muskymike

  1. This past summer my girlfriend and I headed up to the Kawartha's for the first time.


    Blue Bird Skys everyday but managed to have some luck.


    The first was caught on a Buchertail with a 6" Grub trailer, the second 2 were on a Depth Raider in about 20-30 ft of water.


    Great trip, I have more pics just gotta upload them.









  2. Hey Bare,


    Pointe Au Baril is my home away from home. The parents used to own a resort there, now taken over by Sturgeon Bay and run down :(


    There are a few resorts up there. Pretty pricey though.


    Have a look here: Pointe Au Baril Chamber


    The main resorts are listed there. There are smaller places too, up in Bayfield, plus the Ojibway (dont know if its all private) and there are a few places for rent on Shawanaga Bay that are privately owned cottages. Or you could just camp at Stugeon Bay. Its a great park, nice and small. Jigger has also been there so PM him if you want his opinion.


    As for fishing in August, depending on the time, early August (hot day and night) late August (hot only during the day) fishing is usually great. Bass really seem to turn on the last week of July/first week of August. You have Pike, bass, pickeral, and a lot of pan fish.


    Its a great place to go, and if you can get out on the water, its beautiful up there.


    Let me know if you want any more info and I will gladly help you out.

  3. A 60" OOS .. :lol: ...Looks to be early Spring from your picture or the trees and grass has all died.....


    Nice fish.


    Nope, no OOS for me. It was caught Nov. 3rd. 12 days before close.


    Give me more credit then that hahaha, I would never target OOS fish.....EVER, but thats just me. I know of too many people that do.

  4. Definitely use Marine Grade Ply. Do not use Construction Grade. Its going to run you $110-140 a sheet depending on where you get it. As for a surface, if you dont want to use carpet, Rhino Lining would work as well. Its like the stuff they had at the show, but you can get a more rubbery surface making it more comfortable to walk on. If you go with the standard bed liner, its very hard and coarse.

  5. Well I may be close to 11'. I havnt really measured lately. :lol:


    I just posted this to see if I could post from another board gallery. The OFC gallery wont let me upload cus my files are too big. And I havnt signed up for photobucket yet.


    Soon I will get more pics on here. This was just a test for fun

  6. *** PICS ADDED***


    Alright, I dont know if this is going to work so hopefully this pic shows up.


    Its my 60" Musky I caught this FALL. I forgot to mention, I am almost 10' tall, thats why it seems so small. You just have to look at it from that perspective




    Here are some more pics from this day, Photobucket is now up and running.


    As you can see, the day couldnt have been more perfect for being on the water for November 3rd, just not so great for fishing. It was like this all day.















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