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Posts posted by muskymike

  1. Lookin Good G, but yes, Clean it before you show it hahaha. I too got some stuff going. Put some new Submersible LED's on the small Trailer today along with New Wiring. Lets see if these buggers last like they should. $80 for the set, they better be worth it.

  2. If you are looking for Brands, I work for a homebuilder and we have done extensive research for what is durable and what is not.


    ICI, Then either Bejamin Moore or Sherwin. ICI is the least powdery of the finishes. Stick with something more then an Egg Shell if you want to wipe it down. The more gloss the easier to clean but the more imperfections you see.


    As for the doors. if they are painted already you can take them down and give them a light sanding just to take off any heavy material. If you cant see the imperfections in the door, just paint right over it. you will never know.

  3. anyone else think the Leafs should be embarrased after last nights display ? No class in Toronto when you cheer a dirty hit on a good player.Just proved to me the mentality in Toronto.Who cares about winning all that matters is hurting stars.Nice move on Tuckers part as well saying he was going to take out Heatley's knee.Enjoy the golf course SCRUBS !!!


    Sorry I can not resist. This opinion is based on experience not a fan based opinion. I played Tier II Junior A and have a few friends in the NHL and the AHL.


    Bell's hit was by no means dirty at all. He did absolutely nothing wrong. He did not leave his feet, his elbows were tucked in and he did not lunge. He actually dug his feet in and braced if you watch it again.


    Alfredson should not have been admiring his pass and should have been aware that he was in the high slot with only 3 blue jerseys in front of him. It is his responsibility to be aware.


    I have hit a lot of guys the same way, and have been hit the exact same way. Never once a dirty hit on me or from me. Its part of the game.


    I know people are going to cry head shots, but it wasnt a head shot at all. Because he hit his head, does not make it a head shot. By the book: A head shot is a deliberate motion/intent to go out of one's way to hit his head, not complete the check.


    I am not a fan of Bell at all, but this was a very clean solid hit.


    Sorry guys, talk to the players across the NHL, other then Ottawa, most guys would agree.


    Remember, its an opinion, to each his own, just my two cents.

  4. Forget what lasts and durability. Ask yourself the question, what is a Trophy worth. If I hook a 50+ on a $25 lure, I will be okay with that lure becoming a part of the past. Just my opinion.


    I dont think any lure can tough it out through and through. Sooner rather then later you will have to replace most. Most major Musky manufactures tackle is pretty up to par tho.

  5. Great Job guys. Keep them coming.


    I have not one clue about the Steelhead world. I wouldnt even know where to start. Dont know where to go, or what to use. Never had the chance to experience it. I am thinking about trying it though. These pictures make me want to get out.


    Again great job, keep them coming. I need some more motivation to try for a new species.


    This board has a few members I have seen all they do is bash. Not cool. Keep the pics coming and laugh at the rest. Pictures speak for themselves.


    Looking forward to more in the future. As soon as the seasons start opening, I will get mine on here.

  6. Stoty, good timing.


    I am reading all of this, and then the politics get involved and suddenly see the topic sway to something completely different.


    I am sitting here reading this, about P3TA and such and cant stop thinking of Bacon and Steaks for some reason. Then the political side shines through. And I cant help but think, why doesnt everyone just come into this thread and rant about their field/specialty? I see certain posts that sound very educated and I kinda got bored. I came on here to read about fishing and maybe some other stuff, and I am fed with more political views. Suddenly I thought I was watching CNN or reading the Times.


    Political views have probably come up on here more often then I know since I am still a newbie, but come on guys, what is the point of getting pissy on here over "Opinions".


    Okay Lets all go to church now and discuss. Next item on the agenda....RELIGION.


    Who would like to comment first.


    .....I can see this thread being LOCKED very soon.

  7. Jeez, here I am thinking I was going to post pics from all of my trips this summer, now I am thinking better of it. Especially the Musky ones.


    Hmmmm, on second thought, nah, I am still going to post (if i catch anything). Now if I can dig up my Musky Photos, the ones where Gaffs were used in the gills, on the bottom of the boat with my foot on the fish with my hands in the air proclaiming I am the worlds best Musky fisherman, Vertical Holds, OOS fish...damn, where are these pics.



  8. HEY Mike I got a HUGH Beckman Magnum XD Fin saver this week from Tight lines LOVE IT good god if I catch a Muskie that fills this bag damm


    Nice, I am kinda Jealous. My Frabill Big Game is great and all, but I would have opted for the Beckman Now. I know what you mean by huge, the 42"er i caught in the fall was the first to have the pleasure to meet this net and it looked like a fry in it haha.


    If I see ya trollin in the Baril area I will stop by and say hello, maybe team up and get something to fill either of the nets.


    What size hoop did ya get?

  9. Wow, that looks like a big one sherriff, I 'm in Pointe au Baril too, I think it's the rattle capital, I see at least 4 or 5 a year. The good thing is, they will let you know if there around, anywhere in the 15-20 foot rage you will hear them warn you and it's very loud, the only time people get bit is if they literally step on one or provoke it.


    Here's the biggest one I've come across but I almost step on one every year, one struck at my mom last year in our drive way at night just missed her leg. this one was out in the middle of Georgian Bay in late October, it was so lethargic it was moving very slow and I handled it for a good 20 min, then when I let it go I lost sight of it in the water, looked at the back of the boat and she was wrapped around the transducer cable trying to climb back in. :)



    That's my thick musky net handle on the snake to give you an idea of how thick she was.




    Fantastic Pics. I have seen over 100 for sure in the Pointe Au Baril area but have only had the opportunity to see 6 in the water.


    On the topic of snakes and Pointe Au Baril, I remember swimming at the Hole-in-the-Wall (Pointe Au Baril, not Parry Sounds) and there was a 5 1/2' Fox Snake swimming about 10 feet from me. I am not afraid of snakes at all, nor were the people with me, but sure enough we all swam to shore like little girls in a panic. That actually startled me more then I would have imagined. You dont expect to see snakes that big up there, but I have seen about 8 LARGE Fox snakes in that area. Amazing to look at, not fun to be swimming beside. hahaha

  10. I think I am going to volunteer with the Musky netting program. Just net and toss in a Lure :lol: Film it and Compete with Musky Hunter.




    I didnt mean this as Musky Hunter Stages at all (I think KK was referring to me). I was just simply saying, "I cant guarantee fish" so this would be my sure fire way to do it. I know Jim and he can fish. He knows Musky better then i know myself. And I love his show and subscribe to his mag. I am a sponge when it comes to Musky Hunter. Really, I am. I absorb it all and try and apply it but it just evaporates and I am stuck as a sponge :wallbash:

    Its not fair actually. hahaha.

  11. My Grand Mother was bit in the Big Toe about 15 years ago by one in Sturgeon Bay Provincial Park. Her leg was Black up to her mid thigh.


    Go up to Pointe Au Baril and trek through the bush a bit. Or take a drive in the evening just after 5 in August when the sun is no longer on the road, you will see at least 3 a night keeping warm on the asphalt.


    From Parry Sound to the Key, there are more then you want to see. When we had our cottage, I saw about 30-35 a summer. If ya get close just stay at least 2 of their body lengths away, they can only strike 1/3 or is it 2/3's of their length.

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