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Posts posted by muskymike

  1. Hey guys,


    I want to pick up a Trolling Rod this weekend hopefully and am not sure what is even out there. I have looked at the St. Croix glass rod and really like it. I am just not sure if there is anything better out there for the money.


    I am going to pair it up with a Tekota 600LC.


    What do you guys recommend/like?



  2. Dont know much about the nip at all. if i did i would help. i remember seein' Pete Maina do an episode on it though so maybe he can help.


    Its no different then any other body of water. you just have to find where they are on that particular day and what they are hittin'.


    Either way, good luck out there and keep us posted with any reports

  3. Or you can do what a guy did by my house...CUT OUT a square of his garage door, and has the tounge sticking out of it!!


    I am waiting to drive by one day and see a HUGE hole in the garage, from when someone hooked up to his boat, and drove it away!


    Pure Class right there hahaha seems like something i should have seen in the "Ingenious Peoples" email ahhaha

  4. If we cant abolish the YOA then at least lets publish some names and the names of their parents. As someone said earlier, shame is a motivator. Let the public know who is doing it. We have a group of kid in our neighborhood that seem to think slashing tires is fun and damaging parked cars. its not a one-off situation either, its happened a few times. Well turns out some people found out who they were and gave them a little "talkin" to with some help of fists and boots, they have not caused anything in our neighborhood since then. Cops were called many times and nothing was done. The whole neighborhood is in for protecting what is ours and keeping it safe for everyone. If the law cant do anything about it, citizens will unfortunately.

  5. I see your perspective hawk, but i have to lean the other way. i havnt been a member on here for too long, but i respect what they have and believe it TJ wants to change it he will. Ultimately its his decision as "WE" dont pay for anything (umm unless you buy something haha)


    I like the logo....simple yet shows what it needs to and promotes.


    Good on ya TJ!


    Hawk draft something up and post it, i know you said you are not that good on ps but give it a shot. its very simple actually.....even if it never makes way, you still put forth the effort and learned something along the way.

  6. Whats the floor made of Rick? Air it out it should be fine. Not much wood in any boats anymore, but still keep an eye out for any intruding white mold. If you see it, get rid of it right away, dont use bleach or ammonia though, as it only works temporarily.



    Just airing it out should be fine, your battery should be fine though. I had my submerged for the season unknown to me, 2 years have gone by and its fine.


    Hope it works out for ya!

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