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Everything posted by sandybay

  1. Its been 6+ weeks for me on the Champix. I took a puff about 10 days in just to see and it tasted like I licked an ashtray. Bedtime is like going to the movies.
  2. ' Nice to hear.
  3. When I got my 06 Yukon I got the extended warranty when the girl said it covered brakes. 65000 kms back brakes go. Pads and rotors, check my warranty I have $100.00 deductable and rotors not covered. Must use GM parts, GM rotors $235.00 each total so for $570.00 without taxes and labour. Needlessly to say fixed it myself with aftermarket parts for $155.00 and 90 minutes of my time. Oh yeh the dealer is a buddy of mine.
  4. Took the words right out of my mouth. Gone are the good old days of birch bark canoes and spears.
  5. The problem is when you got the balls to say it like is is online not just the coffee shop your labelled a bigot, more people need to speak up.
  6. I used to work with a guy from North Carolina and they made balls from flour and kechup for carp.
  7. some people think outside the box. http://www.lakenipissing.org/index.php?act...p;id_dbase=2478
  8. Yes you are much better to sell your motor and just buy a long shaft model as the parts and the work to convert to a long shaft is just not worth it.
  9. The walleye have gone dormant this winter due to colder then normal water temps and low oxygen levels and the one that are feeding we are finding small perch in there bellies from the abundance of perch this year. If you want to target this year you need to fish mid 30's or deeper of water to get any numbers and size.
  10. In the South Bay we had our huts on 18 inches of ice, we moved them out to deeper water about a half mile and are on 26 inches of ice. sandybay
  11. Up here on Nipissing daily hut rentals go for $45.00 to 60.00 person, holes drilled and some include a dozen minnows per person.
  12. mudpuppies fried crisp
  13. I hit the tip of a pennisula one night at midnight and I was using gps it was out by a couple hundred yards. Cost me a new lower unit.
  14. Southbay area of Nipissing has 7 inches black ice or 8 inches white for about 1 km from shore to pack ice then 6 inches past that. Sandybay
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