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About haze190

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  1. Thank you. I just called him and reserved a boat so I guess im going to White Lake:)
  2. Hey all- My buddies and I are torn between fishing for pickerel on White Lake tomorrow or going to Big Gull Lake (frontenac). We have fished Big Gull many times with good and bad days. We want to try somewhere new that is within 2 hours from Central Frontenac and White Lake is a place that has been on the hit list for awhile. Anybody fished it this year or ever and have some advice or feedback on fall fishing there??? Thank you
  3. posted in wrong forum. please see same thread in general discussion. sorry
  4. No problem. I strongly suggest Horwood Lake then since you are only 3 hours from there. We just got back and my belly is stuffed with walleyes.
  5. Now that I know there is a problem I will have to resort back to Lake Erie pickerel during the times I'm not fishing for them. Both my sons fish and they are 7 and 9 and I would like to see healthy lakes for them and their children.
  6. You are not cool. It's that simple.
  7. This doesnt need to become a race discussion. I catch several pickerel myself every year so catching is not the problem. I am certainly supporting it by buying it- I didnt know before this thread there was a problem with the volume in Nippissing. I watched certain people (who are permitted) stand at a fish sanctuary in Algonquin park (east side whitney) and pound the pickerel one after another when it was so easy my 7 year would have had his limit. I will never support this kind of activity because it simply isn't right. For the record I agree that we all have an obligation which is why I follow the rules.
  8. I rent out my cottage and it has availability in October. We have largemouth, smallmouth, splake, pike, and lakers. The fishing is fantastic. In October you can get nice size splake drifting in 30-40 with spoons and catch your limit in bass as well. We have walleye lakes all around us as well which I would be happy to tell you about. https://www.cottagesincanada.com/oldgoldruss
  9. Thank you:)
  10. well I guess you cant use bad language here. It changes what you wrote. So whatever Mister G. Have fun
  11. Do you think that I was referring to the company selling the fish at the market that shouldn't suffer? I was referring to the outfitters.
  12. What is the issue with what I said? I'm saying the ice fishing outfitters shouldn't lose their businesses because of the walleye being more scarce when the reason they are scarce is because they get netted. What is the problem???
  13. it's to add on to what I already said. Not sure why your post was even necessary.
  14. They can still net the walleyes though. So how does this ensure positive results?
  15. This is absolutely ridiculous. I buy pickerel at the farmer's market which I know for a fact is caught in nets. They sell 50 pounds of it every Saturday. Why should these businesses suffer because certain individuals are abusing our lakes? !!! Very disappointing.
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