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About iceslayer

  • Birthday 05/27/1980

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  • Interests
    Ice Fishing..

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  1. There's the TRAA Thames river anglers association out of London..
  2. I absolutely will.. Thanks buddy!!
  3. Thats my plan.. And every fishable lake around it.. Not tooo familiar with the area though so it's gonna take some time.. Jim
  4. Arms hurt way more!!!! So worth it...lol..
  5. Haha!! Thats my PB!!! Landing a 32"r, I grabbed him behind the head. The main hook was in his mouth and the second (stinger) hook was free..... He decided to thrash and threw the second hook staight into my hand.... Lol.. Should have seen the look on my guest's faces!! Priceless!! Got the fish off and grabed the hook and tried shoving it all the way through and it wouldnt budge at all.. Unfortunetely this wasnt in Sask, with barbless hooks it was at the end of my season in Northern Ont at Sabourin Lake Lodge... HUGE Barb!!! Back to the lodge, little help getting it through and chopped and out, then right back on the water.. Couldnt shake hands for a couple days though..
  6. Spent the season on Wollaston lake in Northern Sask and it was everything I've dreamed it to be.... Topped out at 46.5"s which matches my PB from Northern Ont but I believe my 50"r is reserved for next season.. Fished a fly-out lake with 2 boats (4 fisherman) and boated 39 pike all between 38"-44".... Many more in the mid thirties!!! Blew my freakin mind!!! Hope you guys enjoy the pics.. Just rented a place on Cooch for the fall and winter.. Anyone wanna get out gator hunt'n just say the word.. Cheers!! Jim
  7. I'd Give both nuts to be sittin on that much ice right now.. Damn!!
  8. How much ice you got up there limeyangler?? Might be worth the drive...lol
  9. What are you looking for to see the thermocline on your screen? Jim
  10. Youve found whats workin.. Stick with it and you'll nail the big beasts soon enough. Cheers!! Jim
  11. My hopes and prayers are with his family. be safe out there guy's. Jim
  12. www.canadanorthlodge.com. Has a great outpost for ya. Unbelievable fishing.
  13. Great report. Wont be long now..
  14. Oh I've got the ice itch... Com'on...

  15. Fuji Wet Pix.. All the way man..
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