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  1. I've had the same predicament. Do what I did. Stick with 2-piece rods for anything over 6'. One piece long rods are not worth the hassle & very very few can feel any difference in a blind test anyway. Cheers.
  2. My 2cents from another old guy... in addition to financial...think long & hard about where &how you plan to use the boat. Seen many guys buy more boat then they need or before they knew what they really wanted & regret it. There's no such thing as a perfect all-around boat. Fibreglass & Wide beams mean more weight and more weight means bigger more pricey outboard needed but is really nice to have on big water. Beware of under=powered package deals (popular with Legend & others). You will have as good a time fishing in any well running craft with features you like customized to your liking as you will in a $90,000 fancy rig that put you in the poor house. The main thing is to get out there!
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