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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. muskie Woodies and TEP cupcake specials bass baby 1 minus by mans pickeral on LSC worm harness hammered copper red beads pike anything at is in your box
  2. You can see in the back ground how far from shore they were they launched 30 seconds from the spot they were fishing noone knew what vehical was theres as many boats were out. I see this pic is getting around so they know that they were seen keep this pic alive and maybe take some of your own to post here maybe if we have a thread for pics of poachers they will get the hint
  3. Well if I get out there tomorrow and they are there I will try and get a better pic we tried that day wit hRon to get one but they kept turning away they shure know what they are doing as they are 100 feet from the shore at times.
  4. I guess ya should have brought the first one to the fishing show maybe we can all sign it this Xmas. Nice job again
  5. NO lew it looks like his wifes fish
  6. So why did you stay inside last week when we were all out on the water Steve we waited for ya both days Heck you will have fun did ya not look at them creeks and the thames is up again by 2-3 feet
  7. Pete ya almost caught up to Wayne in his off season
  8. Nope they just wont let me be me I need 3 letters so as they say when yer this big they call ya Mr.
  9. judging from the resluts from last week some of the long time members need a refesher class for catching fish
  10. GUY GUY GUY is that French for GAY GAY GAY? not that theres anything wrong with that if ya go that way.
  11. thanks Wayne here I thought I would have to reply to every post for the next week with NICE FISH
  12. I thought we were all suposed to change our names to MuskieTerry,muskyRon,muskieLew,muskieTJQ,muskieRoy ya get the point.
  13. I wanted the pic with the VIN number on it Ron to bad they turned away again stupid f@#ks
  14. and here I thought she was showing off her box what the hell do I know? its to late for me time for bed
  15. its good to be back again now where did all my posts go?
  16. Well now all things are going down hill from here I gots it figured out
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