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About moondog

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  1. i would use 20 foot long cedar poles as a rod and tow truck cable for my set up. c'mon really--- 100 lb braid -- we catch anything and everything including muskies with 30 lb braid and a spinning reel ( yes a spinning reel) -can you believe it -set your drag properly and play the fish !! --Enjoy the moment !! Trust me you will.
  2. Joey ----- that IS a female cowbird !!! and yes they raise them that long !!
  3. this was caught 2 weeks ago on lake restoule-don't know how to do the pic thing --hope it works http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/uploads...8_515_84037.jpg
  4. morraine lake--kicking horse pass and yoho national park ---you won't be dissappointed !!
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