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Dr. Hook

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  1. There is no weight advantage with the 50 or 60 etec. Main advantage is simplicity since there is no valve train. I was wondering if the two cylinders is a deal killer..
  2. Just sold my 2 stroke 60 hp off my 16 foot Starcraft and looking to buy a motor. I know that for trolling 4 stroke is king, but how does the etec compare? Just wondering where it would sit between my old 2 smoke and a carburated 4 stroke. If anybody has experience with the 2 cylinder etecs your input would be helpful The etec has certain advantages that seem attractive to me
  3. The deep creep and the motor treatment are the same product, just deep creep is in an aerosol can. I get the deep creep and spray it in the carb when she's idling, till she stalls. Let it sit in there for a while then fire it up, smoke everywhere as the carbon burns off. This is called decarboning your combustion chambers and should be done regularly (especially if you troll with a 2 stroke) You can also decarbon as others mentioned by dumping the seafoam into your gas, this would possibly be an easy way to clean out your carb jets as well (but not as good as a carb rebuild) Some run a strong concentration in a small gas tank for extra cleaning (may smoke) For ethanol, the best is to buy shell V power only and never have to worry. Doesn't attract water and has twice the storage life. Another benifit is it has more detergents and will keep your motor clean. If you are burning the gas up quick yes you can get away with regular but don't have it in that tank for multiple trips or long periods of time. I like using synthetic oil too, it will protect you in an overheat condition. I actually overheated a motor once to the point of warping the head, and since I was running amsoil she survived (except the head) Compression test revealed the compression of a brand new motor. (after fixing head) If you start with a properly tuned motor and are religious with the fuel diet of your motor it makes all the difference in the world. These things are the difference between being stranded, having constant aggravation, and having a reliable motor that lasts 20 or 30 years. I can't believe it when I see people cheap out on gas and maintenance.
  4. Is that the dog lake near thunder bay?
  5. Wow, very nice. Nothing better than being by yourself on a trout stream. I havn't done this in years, its been way too long. Not having to deal with the hassle of the boat would be a nice change.
  6. Very nice. How does that cheater setup work? Two lures off one line?
  7. Ok, thanks that explains it. Guess I better do some posting. Anybody out there got one for sale? Would be greatly apprieciated. I'd be willing to send money order express courier, you don't ship the card till the money is in your hand.
  8. Well for some reason this site won't let me post this in the classifieds section so I will have to put it here. I am looking for one of the older navionics hotmaps cards of Canada inland lakes. Only criteria is that it must be regular SD format (not micro SD), and must contain lake kipawa in Quebec. If you have upgraded and want some $$ for your old one please let me know thanks Andrew
  9. thanks guys, I'll get on it
  10. Anybody know where I can get the bits and pieces for my lowrance? I need the little black plastic wheels with the teeth that adjust the angle of the transducer. Also the rubber washer.
  11. Does anybody know where to pick up these (spinning) rods and what the price is? Barrie or GTA area would be good. Tried BPS and they didn't have them. Seems like a good rod for the money. thanks.
  12. Huh, good to know. I've always only used shell V power because it was the only one I knew of with no ethanol. Now I will add petro canada and ultramar to the list. Any others?
  13. Looks like you are getting to the bottom of things here, that is good. I've been doing some research and trying to decide who has the best warranty. It seems that there is a discrepency between the Canadian Shimano and Shimano down in the US. Your experience is a far cry from some of the stories I have read on American forums, things like, "my idiot buddy slammed my 8 year old rod in the door, but they gave me a brand new one no questions asked, right over the counter at my tackle store" This is no suprise as customer service is typically more of a priority down there. What I get from all of this is that it would be best to deal directly with the Americans for warranty claims. Unfortunately that probably means shipping a rod south, unlesss its possible to get to one of those US repair centers. Do you know if there are any located in the Buffalo area? I just picked up a shimano voltaeus rod (to get me by until more $$). $60 CAD, limited lifetime warranty, I figured why not. Any problems and I will go south. Good luck with this, hopefully the Irvine office will talk some sense into their Canadian arm. Keep us posted on how things go.
  14. Has anybody ever fished there? Its west of New Liskard. We are going up next week, gonna try for walleye, bass, and pike. How is the fishing there? Any tips/ locations to try on this lake? thanks
  15. Thanks for the info people, although I am still confused as to whether I actually NEED a passport.. Some say yes and some say no. Does anybody know what the actual law is on this? I know you need it to land on american soil, but we won't be landing. The problem is I don't have a passport and cannot get one in time for this trip. I called American customs but the girl sounded like she didn't really know what she was talking about. She just said that US customs does not have boats out there, but the coast guard does. Does the US coast guard do border patroling work, or are there customs guys on their boats? I tried their website but there was no phone contact #
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