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Posts posted by Woodsman

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong...but I believe the Ice Ducers are the same as the one you would mount on your boat but comes with a feature that allows it to float in a level position.

    As Moosebunk mentioned they are a different shape & generally lack the temperature sensor built into the open water transducer.

    This can cause some problems on some units which look for the temperature sensor to determine if a transducer is hooked up. On start up the unit will read "No transducer found". This can be manually overrode.

  2. Thanks woodsman! Does it pick up your jig?

    Yes without any problem in over 100'.

    If you go on ebay there are a bunch of iceducers for sale. Check the KHZ of your current model and if you have a spare transducer plug the you can rewire it to an iceducer.

    No need to go through all that crap for an iceducer.

    The Humminbird XI-9-20 iceducer is a direct fit for the Piranha Max 160 or 170.

    But if saving money is the objective my mode is far cheaper than the $100 an iceducer would cost & performs the same.

    I have a XI-9-20 iceducer & have noticed no difference in performance.

    You can buy a 170 with summer transducer for the cost of just the iceducer.

  3. If it's cold enough this winter I definatelly want to give ice fishing a try, which I don't know too much about yet. I'm obsessed with pike fishing so I was wondering how that would effect my gear selection.



    I'll be getting a manual auger, what diameter would be best? last thing I want is to catch a big one and have a hole thats too small.

    8" is a good size for larger fish but be prepared more work cutting holes that size.


    What line weight would be best?

    For larger fish 8-12 lb test.


    Also do ice fishing rods have rating like regular rods do? is there an ulra light and heavy ice fishing rods?

    Yes they do. Medium/heavy would be good for pike.

  4. Wildwood (sp) conservation area by St Mary`s.

    People fish for pike right by the dam

    I know the area well. Use to live 10 mins away.

    Ice can be quite dangerous there if you don't know it. Changes quickly as it is a flood control reservoir.

    Don't go by theirs others out there it must be safe.

    I've seen many out there when my spud only found 2" of ice 50' from shore. If water levels raise shoreline ice may disappear quickly.

    Be careful there.




    BTW: Not sure on how dam construction & lower water levels this fall will effect icefishing.

  5. It's amazing how a fresh, light blanket of snow can put an extra bounce in ones step.

    Come to Seaforth & you'll not say "light blanket of snow". About 8" here.

    Maybe we can set-up a local day trip somewhere this winter.

    I have all the equipment & than some.

    If there's a good freeze on Simcoe this is what you can get.


  6. You say no brakes on that 16' tandem trailer? I'd kinda be wondering about that. Anything over 3000lb needs brakes and that wouldn't leave a lot of cargo weight to put that trailer over.

    It's not the actual weight as towed that counts but the registered weight it is registered for.

    Generally based on the axle/axles rated capacity.

    A trailer with dual axles without brakes seems unlikely if legal.

  7. I forgot to mention....


    My ATV trailer is from these guys. It is 16' with tandem axles, no brakes. It looks like a long, narrow landscaper's trailer. It tows fine and works OK but I would prefer an enclosed trailer, like the Triton


    With a dual axle trailer you also have to look at if you require yearly safeties on both the tow trailer & tow vehicle.

    In most cases with a dual axle trailer it will put you over the weight limit that require the safeties.

  8. To those who gave selflessly of themselves and carried out the most ultimate of sacrifices in the hope and belief we would never have to. Also to those that continue to serve. Thank you.

    This statement I find offensive.

    Not for those who made the ultimate sacrifice or those who continue to serve but for all those left out being those who have served.

    Every time I hear the Timmies add stating the same I see red.

    To show respect for a new serving private but disregarding a great many long serving veterans who no longer are currently serving is completely wrong IMO.

    Anyone who has served or is serving have done their part. Sadly some have been called on to pay a far higher price.


    Pro Patria.

  9. Motor must be off(this includes electrics and gas) and the boat must have stopped forward motion. I was stopped once and the CO said we needed to be anchored. I said that wasn't true, pulled out the links and he said ok.


    Lots of links on the internet about this.








    Good links but it would be far better if EC actually made reference to the actual laws and regulations instead of their summary of those.

  10. Not a good idea.






    15. (1) Subject to subsections (4) and (5) and section 23.1, no person shall hunt a migratory bird (in Ontario this only applies to the use of recorded bird calls for snow geese in WMU 65, Mar. 01 - May 31)


    (a) except with a long bow and arrow or with a shotgun not larger than number 10 gauge;


    ( b ) by the use or aid of live birds, including non-migratory birds;


    ( c ) - by the use or aid of recorded bird calls, except as permitted in any part of Schedule I;


    (d) with a shotgun of any description capable of holding more than three shells unless the capacity of the gun has been reduced to three shells in the magazine and chamber combined, by means of the cutting off or the altering or plugging of the magazine with a one-piece metal, plastic or wood filler that cannot be removed unless the gun is disassembled; or


    (e) from any aircraft, sailboat, power boat, or motorized vehicle, or any vehicle to which a draught animal is attached.




    2. (1) In these Regulations,


    “power boat” means any boat, canoe or yacht equipped with an electric, gasoline, oil or steam motor as a means of propulsion; (bateau à moteur)

  11. But see, it was a trick question....as he may still be able to fish but not keep any walleye as long as there are other species in those waters that have a open season on..... :thumbsup_anim:

    Actually only partially correct.

    Yes "he may(enter: will) still be able to fish but not keep any walleye".

    No requirement for "as long as there are other species in those waters that have a open season on.....". This does not make any difference. Fishing for a species on a catch & release basis after you have filled your daily catch limit is legal.

    Even targeting fish with a zero Catch & Possession Limit is legal as long as there is an open season for them at the time & place you are fishing.

    An example would be Lake Sturgeon in Zone 3.

  12. I prefer the standard chrome metal clevis's.

    Use premium grade hooks. I use Owners.

    I also use fluorocarbon leader material for line.

    Here's some of my first harnesses.




    Craft stores can be a good spot to get your beads.

    I use mostly plastic beads but if you look closely at the 2 harnesses on the right the second bead from the top on each is a premium glass one. Although they don't show great on the picture they do throw off a great multi coloured flash.

  13. If you do decide on Nosbonsing, give Henry a call at Birch Hill Camp. You'll have a blast even if the fishing is slow...

    I have only open water fished Nosbonsing but I've also stayed there and had no complaints at all.

    Another camp on Nosbonsing I've stayed at and really liked is Cozy Camp Cottages. There is a good dropoff right near the camp and it appears he puts his huts there. Very short walk to the huts.

    Here are some Customer Comments.

  14. Bottom line: 7 years ago Bettman and the owners IMPOSED a settlement, and now because it isn't working it's the fault of the players.


    Makes perfect sense to me. :whistling:


    And a correction to those who think that we pay the player's salaries: not one cent that we put into the turnstiles goes to the players, every penny goes to the owners. They then decide how much the players will get. Seems that they decide to pay them a lot, and then whine that they're paying them too much.


    Snivelling money-grubbing crybabies.

    What's not working? Overall the league owners are making a very good profit. Some franchises may not be making money but the blame should be on them for being in the wrong place with the wrong management strategy. Bettmans US strategy. I never could figure out how the southern US was a prime location in places without large numbers of Canadian or northern Americans living there at least seasonally.

    As for the concept that we the fans are paying for the players salaries yes we are along with the owners profits.

    Without the fans there would be no NHL.

    We don't watch = no gate ,no television rights, no merchandise revenue, no sponsor revenue ect.

    Don't believe for a second we the fans & even non fans don't pay for the players salaries & the owners profits.

    Every time even a non fan buys a sponsors product they have contributed to the fund.

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