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Posts posted by Woodsman

  1. Lots of people drive with expired stickers. I have never heard of a single person having a claim denied due to an expired sticker. I don't think this will impact insurance.

    Don't think too hard.

    Insurance companies are looking for any legal way out of paying off claims.

    If you give them one they'll sure take it.

    As stated earlier just call your insurance company & ask.

  2. The whole thing is a total scam.


    I have a CEL on in my car, that has nothing to do with emissions, and they won't even hook my car up.


    I refuse to have it repaired. Could be a million little things wrong. I'm driving with an expired sticker right now, and when I get pulled over, I plan on going to court to fight it. Whether I win or lose, the judge is going to hear a long story,because the exaust coming out my tailpipe is perfectly fine, and would pass any other test easily.


    They have to catch me first ;)


    If I can make it through the year, I'll but a sticker next year when I'm not required to do emissions!!



    You do realize you are also driving without valid insurance?

    No valid sticker invalidates your insurance no matter if you've already paid or not.

    Your insurance company doesn't give a rat's arse if your trying to make a point. If they can slide on any claim they will.

    Also the fines for this are far more than no valid sticker.

  3. Yes, I believe you are allowed to use leopard frogs as long as you catch them yourself. I believe you may have 12 in posession.


    Northern leopard frogs are the only allowed frogs. Limit if 12.

    Pg. 10 of the current Regulations Summary.

  4. jeep has been around since WWII [ie. the oldest SUV in the world, they invented the word]

    Actually "jeep" was not registered as a brand name until 1950 although filed in 1943 by Willys-Overland.

    It's commonly believed the name came from the Ford built version during WW2 the GPW. The GP became slanged into "jeep".

  5. Battery you posted has some poor reviews.

    A starting/deep cycle battery is not the best for your purposes. Better off with a deep cycle.

    If it's not charging better than 90% than that's a problem.

    Is it an unheated garage it is stored in during the winter? Big you keep a charge on it over the winter?

    Sounds like it may have lost charge and froze during the winter.

  6. It might be cheaper for you to replace the furnace than to do a chimney rebuild. Check it out. I'm guessing that your hot water tank uses the chimney too? That will have to be factored in as well.

    Doubtful the water heater uses the chimney. Not many oil burning ones. Most that have oil furnaces have electric water heaters.

    If it's an old furnace than yes it may be cheaper in the long run to replace the furnace with a direct vented one. The cost of not rebuilding the chimney will go quite a ways in paying for a far more efficient furnace will save money over the years.

  7. I'm generally the first one to jump on post I believe are spamming commercial services.

    I did not see this here.

    Just a post commenting on good services rendered. These are as equally informative as those who post bad experiences.

    One thing most spammers have in common is repeated posts and continually posting links to the business. Not done here.

    Nothing like a certain charter operator & fishing store owner who appears on numerous forums promoting his services. Usually on a weekend in hopes of getting a few days before the mods catch up on it.

    tree4 I enjoyed your post.

  8. And I don't think just writing Wrong is the best way to get your point across in a civil discussion.

    If you look at the post you will see I didn't just write Wrong.

    I followed it up with an explanation.

    I also quoted the incorrect statement.

    It's a pet peeve of mine when incorrect information regarding the regulations is given out.

  9. Taken from the MNR's web site.





    Question Re: Private Property
    I own a large parcel of land with a good sized spring-fed pond on it, the pond drains off of my land into a near-by river. I know there are fishing the pond, do I need a licence to fish in the pond and do the seasons apply on my property?


    Because your pond has an outflow the laws requiring a licence and the various fishing seasons would apply to your pond. The Ontario Fishery Regulations, which contain the rules for sport fishing in Ontario, apply to all water in the province with the exception of National Parks, waters that are licenced under an aquaculture licence and waters that occur on private lands that meet all of the following conditions:

    • The waters are not on a regional flood plain,
    • The waters lie wholly on privately owned land,
    • The waters are not connected to natural waters,
    • The waters contain water from run-off, springs, ground water or water pumped from a stream or lake; AND
    • The waters have been artificially created.


    If the pond meets all of the list above the fish must then come from a licenced aquaculture facility or a licenced commercial fish operation; they cannot be caught by sport-fishing and transferred to the pond.

  10. Yes Woodsman, there are exemptions as in a special group or Family fishing week were no one needs a license, but rare I agree, yes.

    No I was referring to private ponds where no license is required.

    Some trout farms are a good example of these.

  11. Private land or not one must possess a license to angle for sports fish in Ontario unless exempt due to age or disability.


    Private ponds that have no connection to the water system, have been built and stocked do not require licenses or have seasons. This is off the top of my head and there may be a couple other conditions also.

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