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Everything posted by gil

  1. Hi all' When a post comes up with a video in it ,all I see is a blank spot with a little box in the left top corner! So whats wrong with my PC ? I can acess videos from youtube! Did I miss ana media player update somewhere? Any Help is apriciated!!! Thanx Gil
  2. Yeah T.J. I have no problem with youtube! I just niticed a couple of other posts on here with the same thing,.....only a small box in the upper left with a circle,sqare and triangle in it??????????????
  3. Sorry, It's not an X . It is a circle ,sqare and triangle!!! Stil........ Wheres the video!!
  4. So how come I can't see this video? Only a little box in the corner with an Xin it! Same with the last one????????? Gil
  5. With ice out happening as we speak, it won't be long before the crappies start hitting! I use a lot of tube jigs under a slip float ,in a lot of different colors. One of my faves is a #10 RATSO in chartruse it's a killer. I rarely use live bait. What's your go to bait or lure for these tasty critters! Heres hoping for some real CRAPPIE weather soon.
  6. Just curious, How has your fishing success been during periods of East winds? Gil
  7. Garry, Wonderful and USEFULL information that I, will certainly appreciate! I find most forums nowadays are very clique oriented and if your not part of it you get left out and ignored! I am a member of a lot of fishing forums and I have quit a few out of frustration! Some are good ,some a waste of time ! Some people post just to accumulate posts !To each his own I guess! Sorry to see you go ,but having been there I understand! Tight lines Gil
  8. I wonder if the government will now require us to register our fishing rods? How about a national data bank of fishermens DNA? And ban fishing rods from airlines? Maybe they will fine us for talking on a cell phone while fishing? Just think of the posibilities!!! Naw, couldn't happen! Gil
  9. I have a 14' pointed sportspal and I have added my own seats to it. They are however not swivel seats. There really isn't room to swivel around in a canoe and there is nowhere solid to mount the base! How I built my seats is simple and typical of canoe seats. The seat board( 3/8 plywood with a alum angle on bottom as a stiffener) is suspended from aluminum straps which are riveted to the aluminum gunwales! Be sure and not mount your seat too high(makes it more tippy!) After you mount the seat you could mount a swivel seat on this seat board. Once again you proly won't have room to truly swivel around like in a bigger craft! Hope this helps! Gil 14' Sportspal canoe One hell of a fishin machine
  10. 1/32 oz. with black blade and feathers has always been a killer for me ! Love them Specks Gil
  11. Aaron, You tipping the lil foxxe or fishin it clean? Can you give us a tip on technique? I've got a bunch of those for perch (glow ,silver gold)but havn't had much luck! Probably wrong technique! Thanx Gil
  12. Hi All, Just wondering if any of you have any experience with Wind River boots from Marks Work Warehouse. Looked at a pair of "ALGONQUINS" yesterday! Great sole . rated for -70deg. and on sale for $89.00 These boots do not have a steel toe (made sure of that!) Any comments would be apreciated . Thanx Gil
  13. Do your homework! That is a Small mouth! Gil
  14. One lucky dude! Gil
  15. Hi all and Happy New Year! Ineed to buy a pair or two of ice creepers! What's good and what's junk? Don't wanna buy something that's gonna break first time I use it! Thanx for all reply's! Gil
  16. Anybody buy one of those new Showdown vertical graphs for ice fishing yet? If so how do you like it? Can you give us a review! Looks cool ! gil
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