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Posts posted by Joeytier


    The authorities need to meet people halfway on this one. Let's face it, the only reason why you are required to carry any sort of license with you is because it makes the officer's job easier. So here's what they should do: issue the ticket; but if you can produce the license (fishing, driving, whatever) within a set period of time, maybe two business days, it will be rescinded. Otherwise it's little more than a cash grab. If I go out in my car but leave my wallet at home, does it mean I become an unsafe driver because that little piece of plastic isn't with me? Heck, if I realise it isn't with me when I'm a hundred kilometers from home, I'll probably be a safer driver until I get back! :lol:

    That is exactly what happened...


    I was camping on Crotch lake (Land o'lakes) on a long weekend and had to be back home on the tuesday...3 hours away....so 6 hours driving on a business day to present my license to the municipal office to save $120...yeah I'll just bite the bullet

  2. Once again, the anglers it appears will take the brunt to accommodate others.



    That's the important issue.


    I don't imagine any changes will occur until there has more time to monitor the effects of the 2 fish limit, which will surely be negligible.


    And there are lots of in, and over the slot fish in Nip.

  3. Just ridiculous how local media has hopped on this ongoing story. Nipissing is such a strong fishery yet the 'dying fishery' myths persist. Incredible that the stakeholders are even considering limiting sport fishing options even further with zero scientific evidence to suggest it would help.

  4. My opinion is the MNR is using the notoriety of said catch to make a point with the public.


    Being so grossly undermanned and underfunded, YES I do believe they could be doing better things with their time and our tax dollars.


    But as I said everyone's entitled to an opinion.

    So you believe that a CO, under normal circumstances, would have overlooked a situation such as this? I personally doubt it.


    I see him being fined accordingly, as he should, but to jump on the guy and treat him as a ruthless poacher is a little ridiculous. Who here wouldn't blow their top seeing a fish like that come out from under the ice. Many people also see skin mounts as the only true way to mount a trophy...

  5. Yup that would have been us driving by in the red dodge with 4 sleds on the trailer.

    We did real good on the lakers, but no luck with splake or rainbows. Only fished those lakes a handful of times but the bows and splake seem super hit and miss.

    Hah! That's too funny! Good to hear you guys did well. The splake fishing can be dynamite and the rainbows I typically won't even bother with until open water.

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