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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. ...on the plus side, we have an absolute buttload of ice now.  -29 tonight on bare ice.  Gonna need the auger extension on Nipissing before February this year if this keeps up.  Snow took a beating north of 17, but still enough to ride.  Never had much to begin with this year though, too cold to snow 90% of the time.

  2. On 12/29/2017 at 2:35 PM, Rudderless said:

    After looking at my options, I'm thinking of heading into the Lake Kawawaymog area, which is Algonquin's access point #1.  Chemical Road is now a maintained road, so getting in won't be too much of an issue and it's only a 5ish hour drive for me.  The downside is that most of the lakes in that area seem to have some cottages or road access, so they may not be as isolated as I like.  Some are stocked with Rainbow and some with Splake; would those be lakes to target or will they have a lot of fishing pressure?  I will be setting up a base camp and may do day trips to other lakes in the area if I'm not getting results on the lake I camp at.  Now that I've narrowed down the area, does anyone have any suggestions for lakes in that area to target or avoid? 

    Thanks again guys for all the help.

    Yes, most of the stocked lakes back there are very easy access and heavily pressured.  Some good fishing to be had if you check your stocking lists and try to find more difficult places to get to.  Having said that, it's pretty easy to get anywhere back there with a skidoo, which you will see plenty of.

  3. There are a multitude of 5 and 7-inch units in that price range on the market, and I think you would be perfectly happy with just about any of them.  I would suggest either the Lowrance Hook 7, or Humminbird Helix 7.  Everyone has their brand preferences, but I'd be shocked if you were disappointed with either of those.

  4. You picked a cold week to go.  The park boundary area is definitely a good suggestion.  Look into the frost centre canoe routes as well south of Dorset.  As for bait, buy your minnows on the way up and just before you head into the bush, dump out the water and coat with salt, tie up the bag.  Fresh salties are excellent ice fishing bait trout and walleye

  5. 51 minutes ago, BillM said:

    I've got two this year while vertical jigging lakers.    Really cool looking fish but you gotta fizz them or they'll never make it back down from deep water.



    Cool!  Guess they'll occupy the same waters as lake trout in the summer, they just can't regulate their bladders.   Ive never fished for them in more than 25 feet.

  6. 53 minutes ago, EC1 said:

    Nice! Thanks for sharing. Do between 5-10 trips for them a year once the ice is ready. Looks like you’re fishing fairly shallow for them! 

    I myself have found areas but haven’t really come across a night where it’s non stop. 

    I was in about 20 feet, but very close to a deep trough.

  7. Legal does not necessarily equate to ethical, I think everyone can agree on that.  But sustainable hunting is sustainable hunting, and it won't be a small amount of cougar hunters sounding the death knell for the large mammals of the world.  Plenty of them to go around yet.  Attacking other outdoorsman for participating in a legal, sustainable, and not to mention economically beneficial hunt will get you exactly nowhere, folks.  Ignorant reactionaries are given far too high of a platform, why on earth would you possibly care what the wife of a scumbag ex-PM thinks about anything, much less big game hunting?

  8. 5 hours ago, irishfield said:

    Just heard that my neighbour from across the channel on Temagami fell through the ice today trying to walk to my side so I guessing not safe anytime soon. And to think I drove my truck to his island 9 years back to pick him up on Dec 17th!

    There were a whole bunch of skidoo tracks on the northeast arm today.  I was on 7+" on a small lake North of Temagami.

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